Yun Qishen

Chapter 515 White Shadow

Chapter 515 White Shadow (4)
(God's perspective)
Jin Qilin and Ye Qi met at a corner.

"Yi Qi, that scum is in danger."

"I know... but Jin Qilin, isn't it a little too conspicuous for you to appear here in such a grand manner..."

"It's okay, Jiang Lin taught this divine beast a trick before. As long as someone asks, they say it's from the lion dance team."

"Ah, this... it's far-fetched, but it makes sense..."

Ye Qi looked at the golden unicorn and looked very similar.

Following the faint breath, one person and one beast quickly found the white shadow.

"Good guy, so I ran here, let's see how this divine beast punishes you!"

The golden unicorn surrounded the white shadow with unicorn fire.

As expected, the white shadow once again used the egg of the snake to break the spell.

Lai A helped Jin Qilin to add another layer of protection with magical energy.

One person and one beast took over, and the white shadow could not be completely destroyed for a while.

You have to find a way to avoid the egg of the snake.

That's right, just like before!

Ye Qi's hand quickly formed a seal, and he was also chanting a spell in his mouth, and then several black swirls of different sizes appeared around the white shadow.

Then black-purple bubbles flew out of those swirls.

The golden unicorn looked at Ye Qi proudly.

That's right, the spells that the gods give you will be used.

Use the vortex to create a confusing phenomenon, and then use the enchantment bubbles condensed with magical energy to approach the enemy.

When the enemy used the eggs of the snake to break the spells, they did not know that those spells were self-destructing and attached to the enemy.

Then the magic energy condensed again to isolate the egg of the snake, and then it was captured in one fell swoop.

Ye Qi, this kid really understands the use of power more and more.

Ye Qi's approach was indeed exactly what Jin Qilin thought.

The white shadow was quickly trapped, but everything happened by accident.

But this accidental collision is not the time.

Ye Qi's black swirls suddenly turned blue, and a group of white shadows appeared from inside.

These white shadows surrounded the white shadows trapped by Ye Qi, and then disappeared.

"Damn let him run away!"

Jin Qilin thought again, "Those guys who appeared later, it seems that the comers are not good, and the one who doesn't want to be on the same side..."

"I think so too...but the breath has completely disappeared, and the next thing to deal with is the surrounding...spectators..."

Ye Qi turned around and patted Jin Qilin's back.

The golden unicorn also turned around, and at some point a group of people gathered around and shot it with their hands up...

Hmph, you must have been conquered by the heroic form of this divine beast.

"Great, are you making a movie?"

"Is it a special effect just now? How did you do it?"

"Is this made of genuine leather? How true!"

"What movie are you guys, it looks amazing!"

"Little brother is so handsome, can you take a picture together!"

People gathered around curiously, some of them touched the skin of the golden unicorn, and suddenly felt that their skin was much better...

Some girls gathered around Ye Qi and asked for a photo.

But Ye Qi rejected them all.

After a while, Mo Langqin appeared with a loudspeaker.

"Everyone! Everyone! Our actors also need to rest! Please spread out, okay?"

The people dispersed, and Mo Langqin signaled Ye Qi and Jin Qilin to come to him.

"You really helped a lot this time." Qi Qi said to Mo Langqin, who was smug.

"Of course, don't look at who the young master is!" Mo Langqin pointed to the van in front of him again, "I have prepared my car for you!"

"It's quite thoughtful." Ji Qi guessed that it was what the Spiritual Realm Dao asked Mo Langqin to do.

"It's easy to say if you have money. If you don't have money, you can only drink the northwest wind." Mo Langqin put on a gesture of spreading his hands.

Some onlookers who were not persuaded to leave followed them all the way.

Mo Langqin naturally has a strategy. In order to perform the trick, Mo Langqin also prepared a hat, mask and sunglasses for Ye Qi.


"In short, just bring it." Mo Langqin smiled.

Ye Qi also took those things with him.

The golden unicorn next to him slapped Mo Langqin on the back.

"What about this divine beast!"

"..." Ye Qi thought that the golden unicorn might not be difficult for Mo Langqin.

But Mo Langqin took out another pair of sunglasses, the size of which is just right for the huge body of the golden unicorn to wear...

"You can talk about anything with money."

It's amazing that Mo Langqin can prepare like this in a short period of time, Ye Qi even suspected that he had planned to sell the sunglasses to Jin Qilin.

Sure enough, money can make a ghost run the mill, and it can also make a black-hearted businessman become almighty.

"Okay, then let's go back to the research institute directly. You will sit in the back. As for the grievances of Jin Qilin, take a seat in the trunk."

"What did you say! Let this mythical beast sit in the trunk! How scheming you are!"

"Well... I tried my best, but the car door can't let you pass, Jin Qilin ancestor. You can't transform with so many people around. Why don't you get smaller after entering the trunk and go back to the back seat? I promise you. Eat and serve!"

After Mo Langqin's explanation, Jin Qilin also believed him.

The action went very smoothly, Jin Qilin entered the trunk, it was very crowded at first, but the moment the door was closed, Jin Qilin changed back to that little fat man.

Mo Langqin did not lie and served really delicious food.

He took out all the spiritual fruits in the bottom of the box in his ring.

He also won a position slightly higher than Yun Qishen in Jin Qilin's heart.


In the Asuka Research Institute, Taki Yunhua's cold worms attacked again, but Jiang Lin was still in a coma.

Therefore, the treatment was temporarily left to Duan Xiwu.

Originally, the three of them could be treated, but now only Duan Xi was left with no treatment.

Duan Xiwu was not particularly familiar with Jiang Lin's Cold Insect Gu, all he could do now was to stabilize the frenzy of the Cold Insect Gu.

It's really impossible to keep Taki Yunhua's people and her children will be lost.Before Jiang Lin woke up, Duan Xiwu also prepared for the worst.

The alcoholic old man looked at Duan Xi and sighed inwardly.

After Duan Xiwu temporarily stabilized Taki Yunhua, he would go to Jiang Lin to see the situation.

"Is this the way you want to live? Watch the tour Daoist."

Duan Xiwu's footsteps stopped, "You who are all thinking about perishing, is this question worth asking me, a man who has done everything to live? You still take good care of your devil queen while you are alive, this time Isn't their goal pure demon blood?"

Then Duan Xiwu left, and the drunk old man touched his heart subconsciously.

While still alive...

take care of her...

The alcoholic old man was standing beside Taki Yunhua's bed. I still remember that you once stood by my bed like this.

At that time, you kept saying that alcoholics don't leave... You were so naive to think I was going to die...

Taki Yunhua... My drunkard's eternal saint and eternal devil.

(End of this chapter)

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