Yun Qishen

Chapter 516 White Shadow

Chapter 516 White Shadow (5)
(God's perspective)
As soon as Jiang Lin opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Wang, who had turned into an orange cat, standing beside the pillow.

Jiang Lin sat up clutching her heart, talking about how she lost consciousness at that time, and Jiang Lin has no image.

She just saw a white light coming when she opened the door, and then she lost consciousness.

Because of Jiang Lin's movement, Xiao Wang, who was sleeping on the side, also woke up.

The orange cat's head was slowly raised, its eyes became round the moment it saw Jiang Lin, and then a puff of white smoke passed, and Xiao Wang, who had recovered his human form, was very happy and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"Linlin, you finally woke up, worry about me!!"

Xiao Wang put his arms around Jiang Lin's neck and cried bitterly.

"Okay! Ah! I'm drooling all over my clothes! Let it go, don't be so tired! And call me grandpa! I want to be hit with a hammer!"

Jiang Lin had just recovered, but was not strong enough to push Xiao Wang away.

"I'd be happy if you hit me a thousand times, Linlin."

"I said, call me grandpa! Let me go, you big fat cat!"

Jiang Lin really couldn't stand this kind of boredom, so she tapped Xiao Wang's head with her hands, which made it easier.

Xiao Wang covered his head and stepped aside, "Linlin is so fierce. Besides, I'm a tiger, not a fat cat, and I'm not fat either..."

"No more nonsense, I'll knock you again!"

"I shut up..."

Jiang Lin also made a gesture to hit Xiao Wang, but Xiao Wang hurriedly covered his mouth.

At this time, Duan Xi Wuyi watched them from the door.

"It's very spirited."

Jiang Lin's gaze also shifted to Duan Xiwu.

"It's a good night's sleep. You seem to know something. Can you tell me?"

Jiang Lin thought that her coma was not easy. When she sat up just now, she also noticed that the egg of the snake in her heart was gone.

At this time, it will be Duan Xiwu who will visit her, which means that the current treatment is pushed on Duan Xiwu.

Then there is also a situation in Yun Qishen.

Duan Xiwu also told Jiang Lin what Ling Yaoqing said, and also said the situation of Bai Ying and Taki Yunhua just now.

"That being the case, Taki Yunhua is currently... No, I have to go see her."

Jiang Lin got off the bed and Duan Xiwu did not stop her.

Xiao Wang also left with Jiang Lin.

In case Mo Lin could not speak aloud, he would also help Wan Dai to translate.

Mo Lin can read the hearts of creatures through contact.

While Mo Yu could translate Mo Lin's gestures, he himself did not have the ability to read the hearts of living beings.

Evil Qi and Jin Qilin didn't come back until noon.

The staff of the research institute are also used to these people who appeared out of thin air and stayed for a few days.

Before the explosion of the laboratory, they also took three days off, and only came back to work today.

Mo Qilin has been sleeping since returning from upside-down sentient beings, and Mo Lin and Mo Yu have also been by his side.

Jiang Lin decided to take a risk after further examination for Taki Yunhua.

"The spell to dispel the cold worm Gu must be performed immediately. It can't be delayed any longer!"

Jiang Lin knew what key items were missing at the moment.

But Taki Yunhua really couldn't hold on any longer, because Jiang Lin knew how much she valued the child in her belly.

At present, the lack of Yun Qishen's devilish energy, Qi Qi must increase his life consumption, and the devil blood thing can only make do with Yan Mingcheng.

However, there is really no magic weapon to destroy the magic energy. If it is not possible, they need the golden unicorn and their mythical beasts to output spiritual energy...

"Xiao Wang, go find Ye Qi and his father. Remember to let them in case."

Jiang Lin instructed Xiao Wang to find someone quickly.

At this time, Mo Langqin pushed the door open and almost collided with the flustered Xiao Wang.

"Oh, it's so dangerous, my first kiss was almost given to a tiger..."

Mo Langqin covered his mouth jokingly, but Xiao Wang ignored him completely.

"Are you here to make trouble? I remember that you seemed to be by Duan Xiwu's side..."

"Hey, hey, don't mention the old past. The young master is here to help you. If you have money, you can talk about everything. Besides, the spiritual realm is entrusted to the young master to protect Taki Yunhua."

Mo Langqin took out a piece of jade from the deeper barrier in the ring.

"With this piece of pure fire refining, it can become purple jade, a top-level magic weapon for destroying demons. However, this piece of jade is a flawed product among treasures. Although the aura is powerful, the refining magic tool will not last long."

Jiang Lin took the jade from Mo Langqin, "It's enough to be able to refine it. Why do you have this thing? Why did you think about taking it out at this time?"

"It's said that if you have money, you can say anything. Young master is a businessman and only does fair trade."

Mo Langqin still said this, Jiang Lin thought she couldn't ask anything.

Jiang Lin also gave the jade to Duan Xiwu to refine, and she prepared the space to cast spells.

Evil Qi and Evil Name Cheng appeared outside Taki Yunhua's room at the same time.

Both of them were called by Xiao Wang, and they all showed up after a while.

"Dad, you didn't tell me about pure blood..."

Yan Qi looked at Yan Mingcheng's face with obvious worry.

"I don't want you to endure too much by yourself... Although our father and son spend less time together, you are my son. As a father, you naturally want to think about your safety, ah... What am I doing to say to you suddenly? These, it seems that I am quite naive...haha."

Yan Mingcheng was a little incoherent at first, and then smiled awkwardly at Yan Qi.

"I'm glad you can think so, Daddy." Yan Qi smiled at Yan Mingcheng.

Yan Mingcheng also saw the shadow of her mother from Yan Qi in a heartwarming moment.

The mother and son have nothing in common except for their hair color, but they both give people a warm feeling.

After Jiang Lin was ready, let them set up a fire phoenix technique first to maintain the temperature of the space.

"Please, the two of you. Because of the lack of personnel, there may be a situation where the strength is insufficient and fainting. At that time, please insist on it."

"Don't worry, you, Jiang Lin, are the most tired of this formation." Qi Qi saw Duan Xiwu coming over with a piece of purple jade.

"Well... let's start."

After Jiang Lin finished her instructions, she went to Taki Yunhua's side.

With multiple efforts, in case the electric fire phoenix also croaks.

The outside also instantly became densely clouded, as if it was about to rain heavily.


At the same time, Yun Qishen and Xinong escaped from the white space and came to a strange jungle.


Xi Nong suddenly shouted, and then hid behind Yun Qishen.

"what happened?"

Yun Qishen was also curious if he had encountered any enemies, and as a result...

"Uh...Is it just a butterfly...I said, are you even afraid of these..."

No, it's so embarrassing...

Yun Qishen looked at Xi Nong who was shaking with fear while clutching his clothes.

At the same time, he also used the technique of peeping into her heart at this time.

The reason why Xinon is afraid of butterflies is also because of those bad memories.

(End of this chapter)

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