Yun Qishen

Chapter 525 Inheritance

Chapter 525 Inheritance (4)
(God's perspective)
In Jingling Mountain Daozongmen Xianjianzong Xuyun Hall, Xuyun Daoist is waiting for someone to come.

After Xiaowan asked for instructions, he entered the Xuyun Palace.

"You are the disciple that the elder brother said."

Daoist Xuyun is still that friendly, the only disadvantage is that he looks old.

Xiao Wanyi really doubts whether Daoist Xuyun like this in front of him can really teach himself to use his strength.

"The disciple has seen the third uncle."

"There's no need for such a troublesome salute. I don't have much to do in my hall. You just need to help me a little here."


Xiao Wanyi observed the surroundings of the Xuyun Palace a little, and it looked more luxurious. He thought that the Xuyun Palace would be a messy place full of beasts running around.

But Daoist Xuyun in front of him really doesn't look like someone who can use strength.

"Xuyun! I heard that the big brother asked you to teach his disciples!"

Suddenly the door of Xuyun Temple was pushed open, and Daoist Xuqing came in from the outside.

Daoist Xuqing had a fierce face, and to be honest, he was a little afraid of him in case.

"Huh?! Is this the kid? He has no mana at all..."


Daoist Xuyun stopped himself before Daoist Xuqing said unpleasant words.

"That's what you are, don't always accept everything from good people!" Daoist Xuqing seemed to care about Daoist Xuyun.

"There are no good people... I also care about the children here. It's called Shi Wan." Master Xuyun still looked gentle, but said that he was not a good person.

Xiao Wan nodded slightly.

This was when he heard Daoist Master Chengxu's suggestion and came to Daoist Master Xuyun to learn how to control his strength.

"Shi Wanyi... The name is really not that good. Hey! Boy! Now go out with me to help!" Daoist Xuqing raised it to him as soon as he grabbed Wanyi's back collar.


Even if he is young, he will get angry if he feels unhappy.

His appearance also made Xu Yun and Xu Qing feel that they were very similar to Master's spiritual realm.

"Of course it is to help! You first separate the spirit grass and spirit fruit that the spirit beasts want to eat and then send them separately."

Daoist Xuqing took the case to the back of the Xuyun Palace, where a lot of spiritual fruits were piled up.

These spiritual fruits don't look small but they are very heavy.

Every divine beast kept in the Hall of Void Clouds eats about ten carts of spiritual fruit every day.

"What's the trouble here!"

If you already have some strength, you can do those things without effort.

After a long time, he felt tired, and he took another look at the carload of spirit fruit that was not full.

When it is full, in case it is completely unable to move the car.

"Although the weight of a fruit is not too heavy, a carload of fruit is uncertain. You did a good job today... Go back and rest. Come back tomorrow."

In the end, Daoist Xuyun came forward and sent the carload of spirit fruits to the divine beast.

In case after seven days like this, Daoist Xuyun let him try to push the car.

Daoist Xuyun doesn't often watch the practice, but Daoist Xuqing always comes to see if he has nothing to do.

"Use a little bit of strength! How can you become the eldest disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect with just this little bit of strength! Boy, use your strength!"

Daoist Xuqing sat aside and shouted to Wan.

"Come here and give it a try! I've used my best efforts!!!"

In case, while trying to push the car while returning to Xuqing, the Taoist priest.

"I can't hold on like this? You have to know that these tasks were all done by Xu Yun alone during the recent spell assessment.

Xuyun also worked hard to promote these things when you were so young.But he never said that he used the greatest strength!
boy!Try Harder! "

Daoist Xuqing did not care about Daoist Xuyun for no reason.

In case you have wondered how Daoist Xuyun and the others grew up under the guidance of their masters when they were young.

After that, the days of cultivating strength came to an inexplicable end.

On the other hand, if his strength really increased greatly, he thought it was inexplicable, but Daoist Xuyun said that he learned fast.

In case, I always thought that Daoist Xuyun was a kind-hearted uncle, doing things like a good old man.

It wasn't until later that in case he got to know Ji Qi, he discovered the other side of Daoist Xuyun.

When I was a child, Wanyi and Ye Qi could be regarded as troublesome partners.

In case, it can be said to be a bad fate, because other uncles don't like this uncle who is younger than himself.

And in the Immortal Sword Sect, it is a miracle that Ye Qi doesn't make trouble every day.

"Let's pluck the crane's feathers today. I remember that the third senior brother has a golden-blue feather on the tail of the mythical beast, the crane. I want to use it to make something. Senior nephew, you will help me~"

Facing the wicked smile on Ye Qi's face at that time, there was nothing he could do.

In the event of an emergency, Ye Qi would have no other friends by his side.

"Why did Uncle Seven come to me? You can go by yourself if you have the strength."

"The group of divine beasts you know are afraid of me, and the third brother doesn't like me either."

"Then you have to do such an unpleasant thing."

"Don't you find it interesting? Xiao Wanyi?"

"Don't call me Xiao Wanyi!"

Just in case you get angry and give him a blank look.

Ye Qi just smiled at the female watch in case.

"It's not too late, act!"

In the blink of an eye, Qi Qi took the eventuality to the pre-prepared place to observe.

In case, while hiding, he looked at the cranes in the distance.

"Senior nephew has practiced here with the third senior brother, so presumably these cranes also know you, so I'll ask you!"

Ye Qi pushed him out just in case.


In case it's hard to believe, he doesn't understand what "internship" means.

This Seventh Master Uncle said words he didn't know at every turn.

In case you can only bite the bullet and approach the crane.

Perhaps it was because he had taken care of these divine beasts before, and he did not disturb them.

Very quickly and smoothly, in case it came to the back of the crane.

At the same time, I saw the golden feather.

Just as he was about to pluck his feathers, a black whip wrapped himself around him.

Just when he was curious, he was thrown out with the movement of the whip.

In case it is pulled to the feet of Daoist Xuyun.

"Huh? It's not from the Senior Brother's Hall... I remember it was the Shi Wan pair."

Daoist Xuyun's voice was still so gentle.

In case he thought that he would be forgiven for admitting his mistakes, but in the end, when he looked up at Daoist Xuyun, he had a wicked look in his eyes.

In case I still can't forget that expression, maybe it is because of the contrast that I am deeply impressed by, and I will be a little afraid to see Daoist Xuyun in the future...

After that, it became clear that Daoist Xuyun had that look because he had just dealt with some hostile immortals on the mountainside.

The specific number of people is not clear, but I heard that the general outside intrusion is solved by Daoist Xuyun and Daoist Liuying.

In the event of a conversation with Daoist Xuyun, Yan Qi also took the opportunity to succeed.

The crane also screamed in pain.

In case it was only later that it became clear that Ye Qi was using himself as a bait, and gradually his contact with Ye Qi would cease to exist.

The main reason is because Master Chengxu Daoist has a lot of opinions on Ye Qi.

For the sake of the master, in case he can only give up the so-called friend.

(End of this chapter)

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