Yun Qishen

Chapter 526 Inheritance

Chapter 526 Inheritance (5)
(God's perspective)
"I can't fall here!!!"

In case of grabbing the alcoholic uncle's shoulder, his head slammed into it.

The alcoholic uncle was knocked back a few steps by the sudden force here.

In case of regaining consciousness, his head would bleed from the impact.

"Good boy, the old man didn't see you wrong!"

The alcoholic uncle looked at Wan Wan even more proudly.

In case the clothes on the upper body have been burned by the electric fire at this time, he breathed the air with difficulty.

In a flash, he attacked the alcoholic uncle.

"Return to the old man double the strength of the attack just now!"

In case the most violent fist hits the alcoholic uncle's chest but it doesn't work at all.

But in case he didn't give up, he grabbed the alcoholic uncle's arm and threw it behind him.

"Ah!!!!" In case he shouted in a hoarse voice.

The alcoholic uncle also did not expect it for a while.

Did this kid discover a flaw in the technique in such a short period of time, or was he just hitting right?

In case the alcoholic uncle fell down soon, the whole body of the alcoholic uncle began to fill with white smoke.

In the blink of an eye, the alcoholic uncle turned back into an alcoholic old man.

"Ouch, the old waist is not good..."

In case, he quickly helped the alcoholic old man up.

"It seems that you can temporarily grasp the use of power, and you should also know the bottom line of your own beating. Thinking back then..."

"You'd better sit down and take a break and stop talking!" In case, it directly interrupted the singing of "Thinking of the Year".Jiang Lin's drug effect has not yet passed, so his throat is still a little uncomfortable.

The restorative abilities of space spells are also helping in case of healing.

"The boy gives the old man his hand."

"Cut it down for you?"

What if the old man here suddenly wants to do it with his own hands?
"No, no, why are you so overthinking here? What does this old man want your hand to do? No, no, no, this old man wants you to stretch out your hand to this old man!"

"Oh~" Just in case, he reached out his hand in understanding.

As soon as the alcoholic old man grabbed Wan Wan's hand, the mana and skill on his body were also transferred towards Wan Wan.


In case, the body's conditioned reflex feared this power, but was suppressed by the alcoholic old man.

"Don't run away! This is your bargaining chip!"

In case of being yelled by the alcoholic old man, he will calm down and absorb those skills.

At the beginning, the mana was still a little hot, and then there was a feeling that it was about to be exploded.

"Hold on boy!"

"I'm holding on!!"

"What a strong boy, Shi Wanyi!"

The alcoholic old man finally exerted his strength to pass the mana to Wanyi.

In case he couldn't stand the pressure of the force, he knelt down on the ground, and white smoke began to fill his body.

"This is the stage of mana fusion. As long as this stage is passed, the old mana can be fully inherited. In case you are okay, kid..."

"I'm such a ghost!!"

The alcoholic old man looked down, in case he had turned into a child of eight or nine years old.

"This... the old man has never seen it before."

"No, shouldn't you find a way to change me back at this time!! Smelly old man!"

In case his voice recovered instantly, his fiery temper seemed to intensify.

"Because this is also the first time for this old man to teach other people's exercises, it's interesting, think back then..."

"Don't listen, don't listen!"

If he covers his ears, his original clothes will also become fatter.

This night's training is temporarily over.

In contrast, Jiang Lin only needs to teach some exercises and summoning formulas.

After several battles between Jiang Lin and Duan Xiwu, Jiang Lin was defeated.

"Damn..." Jiang Lin sat on the ground with the hammer exhausted.

Duan Xiwu had a relaxed expression in front of him.

"You're still a long way off. It's not enough to think of defeating me. Remember the tricks just now. You can practice diligently afterward. Poisoning can't beat me, and the exercises won't work either. It's really ugly, little girl." Duan Xi Wu put away the ghost and laughed at the common people.

"Hmph, I don't listen to any old man preaching!"

Jiang Lin was deliberately angry with Duan Xiwu.

Duan Xiwu also looked at Jiang Lin with an angry face, "Not only has he not grown, he has become more rebellious. Little bastard!"


Jiang Lin was born angry with herself.

It's really why it didn't completely solve her in the first place!

Duan Xi didn't hold back his anger, he turned around and waved his hand, "I can rest assured that things are with you, goodbye!"

Jiang Lin looked at Duan Xiwu's back, and had something to say in her heart.

Obviously a guy who always wanted his own life, but he has been protecting himself since then.

In the end, Jiang Lin still didn't say anything.

Duan Xiwu also left completely.

When she was fighting with Duan Xiwu, Duan Xiwu also said about the ancient arrogances who went back through the whirlpool.

Now if you pass Gu Ao, you won't be able to go back here.She had to explain these things to everyone when everyone was together.

After returning to Gu Ao, the most important thing is the pure-blooded people.

Jiang Lin can't predict what kind of turmoil will happen after going back.


Turning back to look at Yun Qishen's side, he had the perseverance to dodge those skeletons.

Zhanhunxi didn't expect this Yun Qishen to keep running like this...

"Looking at this method is not good for him..." Zhanhunxi also eliminated the skeleton.

Yun Qishen, who didn't have a skeleton pressed against him, was completely relaxed and lay on the ground.

Zhanhunxi squatted beside Yun Qishen and poked his head with his fingers, "How did you overcome your fear?"

"Do you think it's possible? It will only be more fearful, okay!!"

Yun Qishen's frightened little heart was still pounding.

Zhanhunxi also thought of other methods.

"Yun Qishen, let me ask you, who do you think is the most domineering person right now?"

"Huh? Are you asking this question?" Yun Qishen also sat up and looked at Zhanhunxi.

Zhanhunxi asked him seriously, and he didn't dare to perfunctory.

"If you have to say it, it should be the old brother. He is not only domineering, but also very unreasonable! I wish the world would listen to him! He is also very good at calling people, and he doesn't give money. What self-sufficiency! And he eats very special. Too many, and serious cleanliness!"

Yun Qishen gushed about the spiritual realm.

And Zhanhunxi sounds off topic...

"I understand the person of Spirit Realm Dao. He does have the aura of a king, but he is still far from the real domineering. What I want to give you is domineering and domineering that surpasses everything. This domineering sword is also This domineering gathering.

You want to become an overlord, you have to help the state to become stronger, and make the ancient proud continent peaceful... The pure blood disaster that will appear must be resolved with the spirit of the overlord here. "

Zhanhunxi pointed to Ba Dao again, "You must overcome the fear in your heart, thinking about the most domineering person in your heart, what you have to do is to be even crazier and stronger than that person!

Try it again now! "

Yun Qishen also looked at the giant sword that glowed with golden light.

He stood up with firm eyes and walked towards the giant knife.

(End of this chapter)

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