Yun Qishen

Chapter 554 The crisis bestowed by the light

Chapter 554: The Crisis Endowed by Light (3)
(God's perspective)
People in white robes gathered, their shadows leaving themselves and flying into a strange crystal at the center of the gathering.

【I teach you to keep the light forever】

The people were pale and slow-eyed, their hands folded across their chests.

The group of people kept shouting slogans, and then they stared at the sky.

A group of white people appeared in the sky.

【We will give you light, let us drive out the darkness together.

But we still lack strength, we need to collect more darkness to become stronger!

So heroes who fear the dark and want to meet the light, we give you strength.

Go and capture all the darkness, for the goddess of light, for all the light. 】

The leading white man solemnly announced in the air that the bewitched people on the ground could no longer hold back.

People shouted the slogan "I teach the light to live forever" and marched in all directions.

White people in the air I talk to each other.

"Did that guy still say nothing?" the white man in the lead asked a petite white man beside him.

"His mouth is very hard. No matter how we question him, he will not say a word." Although he looks petite, this white man is a boy.

"What about the other side?" The leader asked the guy on the other side.

The person who answered this time was a burly man, three times bigger than the petite child just now.

"There's no movement here either. Those guys must have been tricked around."

After listening to the answer, the guy in the lead smiled, "They are really stupid. How much worse is the energy collection now?"

"Because of the lack of the main spar, we still have half of the energy to collect."

The only girl in the group of white people spoke up.

The guy in the lead also nodded, "Hurry up, time is running out. Our betrayal family will eventually get rid of the name of betrayal!"


Except for the white man at the head, everyone else left instantly.

"Can those who are bewitched by appearances see the truth..." The white man in the lead muttered to himself.


Xiaoya in Jiangbang also quickly got to know Xi Nong.

Xi Nong didn't reject Little Tooth very much.

Yun Qishen went to convene the magic generals for a meeting early in the morning.

Xi Nong had no choice but to accompany Xiaoya.

Xiaoya felt a familiar feeling in Xi Nong, just like the feeling after the person in her heart was controlled.

Xiaoya told Yun Qishen about his experience last night, and Yun Qishen seemed to take this matter very seriously.

Recalling that at that time, Yun Qishen and Qianye sat by Xiaoya's bed and listened to Xiaoya's explanation.

[Things are like this...

When I left Jingling Mountain, I wandered around the surrounding countries.

My encounter with that person was when a bandit was blocking the road to take people's money.

At that time, I rescued the weak guy, and I promised him to escort him to transport the goods to Fengnan.

At that time, I also learned the news that Immortal Dao captured you... What happened at that time, I don't want to know anymore.

After that, we successfully arrived in Fengnan, and the guy also finished the business safely.I meant to leave, and did leave him wandering around.But inexplicably, I couldn't let go of that weak guy at all.Maybe this is what you said you like...

Then I just wanted to go back to him and make it clear to the guy.Some strange fish monster popped up at that time, and it took me a long time to go back and find him.

But soon, the abyss came, and those vortexes also collapsed and appeared on the ancient pride continent.

Right in front of me, the vortex devoured a lot of people, killing them all... When the vortex was about to hit me, he came over and pushed me away.My life was also saved.But he also lost an arm as a result.

All fell into the abyss.

When the abyss receded, the weak guy was always strong to help those who were hurt by the abyss.

I thought he would stay strong all the time, but it wasn't.

I told him my thoughts, but he didn't answer me at that time.

Those so-called cultists took him away, and when he came back, he changed into something else.

His shadow disappeared, his face was bloodless, and his eyes were dull.No matter how I called him, he didn't respond.In his hand was what looked like a hand drill.

There are three or four people like him at the same time, and the objects in their hands pierce the shadows of ordinary people, and those ordinary people also become like him.

Their mouths kept saying 'I teach the light to last forever'.I know it's not him.

I tried to save him, but in the end, instead of helping me turn him back, I was captured by these guys to take away my shadow.I tried my best to get out.I thought that I might find a way to find you, the devil. 】

After listening to Xiaoya's description, both Yun Qishen and Qianye's expressions became serious.

It wasn't long before they went to the emergency council.

Yun Qishen believed that this matter was related to Xinong's side, but now the situation has gone too far.Not only those patients with sequelae of the abyss, but even ordinary people.

But the people Xiaoya said were ordinary people, and the devils couldn't interfere more.

Laia brought more bad news at this time.

Lai'a caught the devil in a white robe in an area of ​​Xinjiang.

Their performances are exactly the same as what Xiaoya described as ordinary people.

Laia also said that these devils look silly, and when they meet someone with a shadow, they will come forward and use their weapons to absorb people's shadows.

Yun Qishen also got the white hand drill weapon from Laia at the same time.

It was this thing that absorbed the shadow of Xiaoya... But if it is a shadow, why does the meeting affect the person itself...

Yun Qishen held the white hand drill and glanced at Qianye.

Qianye nodded knowingly understanding his intentions.

"I think it's better to keep this thing properly first, and then investigate further. This weapon must be able to absorb shadows, so it must not be placed in a shadowy place. Demon Lord, you..."

Just when Tatum proposed, Yun Qishen raised his drill and stabbed at his shadow.

"Monarch! Absolutely!" Qiu Xiang was also nervous to come over to stop it, and Tatum opened his small eyes in surprise.

Shadou didn't dare to say a word, what Lai A cared about was what Yun Qishen was doing.

Yun Qishen watched the white hand drill turn black a little bit, and his own shadow gradually faded.

At the same time, Yun Qishen felt that his consciousness seemed to be drawn by the strange weapon here.

When Qianye saw something bad, he stepped forward and kicked away the hand drill in Yun Qishen's hand, and then stuffed Yun Qishen with a mouthful of black petals.

(End of this chapter)

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