Yun Qishen

Chapter 555 The crisis bestowed by the light

Chapter 555: The Crisis Endowed by Light (4)
(God's perspective)
"It's a good thing to try and verify it yourself. The old man thinks that it's better for the devil to not try such unpredictable things easily."

Qiu Xiang was not very happy, and Yun Qishen's shadow recovered after eating the black petals Qianye gave him.

But the black of the hand drill did not fade at all.

Tatum sealed the hand drill with a spell, and he proposed to illuminate the hand drill with strong light to see the changes of the hand drill.

Yun Qishen handed the matter over to Tatum to solve.

He made up his mind and thanked Qianye beside him, and then he looked at Qiu Xiang.

"I am worried about the envoy of the enemy, I naturally have precautions, and I will not be so stupid to try unknown things. Let me talk about the feelings I just felt, as my shadow fades, my consciousness is also pulled away, and at the same time I feel that the blood in my body also has a feeling of being attracted. So this weapon is not simply absorbing people's shadows, it is also turning people into empty shells. Just like zombies, when bitten by zombies, they become similar . This phenomenon is very similar to the previous fish monsters, which are normal changes, but this incident is more harmful to the state.

I don't allow the demons in my borderland to be controlled by this thing so weakly!
Laia is in charge of investigating the controlled demons. The envoy and the hourglass should patrol around the territory first, and control them as soon as they find an abnormality.

Furthermore, I now need to send some people to investigate the situation outside Xinjiang.Tatum will leave it to you to select people to complete, and they must be careful.Nowadays, ordinary people's prejudice against demons may grow, so in addition to letting them be careful of those who are cultists of light, normal ordinary people should also be careful. "

"Your Excellency understands!"

All the Demon Generals responded in unison, and then only the Sand Dou Demon General murmured in a low voice.

"My name is Shadou... Demon Lord, when will you remember correctly..."

Yun Qishen naturally heard a murmur here, but he still ignored it.

"The old man has been concerned about what the devil just took. Since there is such a thing, it will definitely help those devils."

Qiu Xiang is also serious.

Yun Qishen glanced at Qianye again, Qianye was loving the golden sea Ake in front of him with his hands.

"I'll give you an answer later on this matter. I'm not sure what will happen to what I just took... You don't have to worry, I said I won't easily try things I'm not sure about. That's it, everyone still Please handle it quickly. For our beautiful home."

"Yes! Demon Lord!"

This meeting is over.

The frequency of meetings has indeed increased recently. Presumably, when Yun Qishen was a demon king before, some of the ideas were thought by the demon generals. Now that Yun Qishen can be like this, he sometimes finds it unbelievable.

After the unrelated people had all left, Qianye said, "Thank you, Demon Lord, for keeping me secret."

"I didn't want to keep it secret for you, and you also know my purpose. The Chief Envoy is right. If this kind of thing is used on those who are under control, it is also a good way."

Yun Qishen felt that Qianye must have some secrets.

Qianye turned around the golden sea Ake in his hand, and then raised his head to look at Yun Qishen.

"Do you know why Hai Ake is the national flower of Xinjiang? It is not because it grows in Xinjiang, nor is it because it is a precious flower. Because the blood flowing in Hai Ake is not a flower branch, but the devil's. blood.

This is different from the world that the Demon Lord understands.In the primitive period, the devil and Hai Ake were inseparable. Every time a Hai Ake disappeared in the ancient proud continent, a devil would be born in the world.Naturally, every time a devil dies, a hayake will grow.

But as time's magic and spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, Hai Ake also had his own changes.Why was the original Taki Qianye special, because he was the first Hai Akka who did not need to be reincarnated to become a demon.

The other Hai Ake wanted to take a good look at the world, and I was the only one who replaced them with Taki Qianye.

The body I have now was also bestowed by Taki Qianye.

And the black petals for you are the corpses of my poor companions who were completely devoid of demonic energy and reincarnated into demons.

Back then, a lot of people stole Hai Ake for the so-called immortality. Naturally, this is my idea. Now Hai Ake and the devil are no longer related to reincarnation... Now we are just tools, aren't we? ?Wouldn't your desire to be powerful to obtain the art of peeping also hurt me? "

Qianye is not like Taki Qianye, he has no emotions, but he feels that Yun Qishen is a trustworthy person.

"I should thank you, I think it's a bit late to say it now. I know that no creature in the world wants to have no value in itself, but I am really thankful for your dedication, and Taki Qianye is the same."

"You should go and tell him in person that he definitely wants you to talk to him, although he makes it clear that you are not the one he is waiting for. But he has not been with anyone for a long time." Qianye left his seat and came to Yun Qishen , He conjured a box and gave it to Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen took the box and opened it, and it was full of black petals.

"This is you……"

"I believe in you, and I also believe in Taki Qianye's choice. I can rest assured that they will be handed over to you. I think they also want their deaths to have value." After Qianye finished speaking, he walked out of the hall. "You can make alchemy, please let them experience this world."

Yun Qishen watched Qianye leave, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, in case they also set out to investigate and came to the border area near Xinjiang.

After the East Yu Kingdom was broken, the border became blurred, but some people still restricted the demons from entering here.

But the demons didn't occupy these places either.When people thought they could live in peace, the abyss came.

Ordinary people have rumors that it was the demons from the borderlands who made the ghosts, and their demon lords are not good things either.

The border is often arguing with the demons of the borderlands. After all, it is ordinary people who dare not be particularly bad.The devil's side clearly forbids violent quarrels with ordinary people, unless they can't bear it.

If you think that Yun Qishen's rule is a fart.It's completely useless, but in fact the group of demons are quite patient.

Ye Qi's characteristics are obvious, and if they ask ordinary people a common question, have they ever seen a person with green hair?

Everyone who was asked shook their heads, just in case they encountered those so-called members of the Light Cultists along the way.

Chen Yueluo wanted to get closer to some investigation, and then he saw the group of people in white chasing a little boy.

The little boy fell and hit the ground. He shouted for help. Chen Yueluo wanted to rush over, but Yun Qiqing stopped him.

"Don't be in a hurry to be deceived, look carefully! That child has no shadow!"

(End of this chapter)

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