Yun Qishen

Chapter 564 Required Conditions

Chapter 564 Required Conditions (3)
(God's perspective)
Gu Choumian came out of the room to help Mi Zixin, but when he was walking to Lingyao Pavilion, he met Xiaoya and Xinong.

Gu Choumian knew Xiaoya, had met several times before, and greeted each other.

Before this girl Xiaoya had been pestering Yun Qishen all the time, and the seventh uncle was in a bad mood at that time.

Before this little tooth girl left for no reason, she came back now... The other girl beside her is...

"It's Gu Choumian Xiaodao!" Xiaoya stepped forward to greet him, and Gu Choumian also saluted to express his friendliness.

"Long time no see, little girl."

"It's really been a long time... Are you going to Lingyao Pavilion?"

Compared with the previous time when Gu Choumian saw her, Xiao Ya was a little less arrogant, and seemed more girly.

"That's right, because I haven't helped the master for a few days because of some things... This is not about to pass."

"You can't help me if you go now. Lingyao Pavilion is being used by others. Daoist Liu Yun has also gone elsewhere. It seems that he went to the refining room." Xiaoya quickly explained to Gu Choumian.

"Others?" Gu Choumian was a little puzzled. Generally speaking, Lingyao Pavilion would not allow outsiders to use it.Who will it be?
"It is said that it is someone who Yun Qi knows deeply, and your master also agrees."

"Is that so..."

Gu Choumian didn't find it strange, since it was agreed by the master, there was no problem.

Gu Choumian's gaze also shifted to Xinong who was on the side. Xinong was a little afraid of life when he pulled Xiaoya. If Yun Qishen was by her side, she would not be so afraid, but when Yun Qishen was no longer with Xiaoya, the anxiety in Xiaoya's heart was magnified. .

"She is……"

Gu Choumian is very kind, but Xi Nong is still uneasy. Naturally, it is not the problem of Gu Choumian, but Xi Nong's own problem.

Mingming people have a good impression of people who were gentle at the beginning, but Xinon was a little bit resistant.

Gu Choumian also retracted his gaze from Xi Nong and looked back at Xiao Ya.

"She was brought by Yun Qishen, her name is Xi Nong. She is a little afraid of life. Xi Nong don't be afraid, he is Yun Qishen's brother and my friend."

"Are you a friend..." Xi Nong lowered her guard a little after listening to Xiao Ya's words. She raised her head to look at Gu Choumian, and found that the seemingly gentle person in front of her had a kind of hatred in her heart.

This hatred, though small, was dangerous, especially to himself.

"It seems that she doesn't want to contact outsiders for the time being, little junior brother, he is now..."

"He's still in Liu Yinfeng, and I took Xi Nong to see Xiaoshao. It must be hard for that little guy to get along with you guys." Xiaoya thought that Xiaoshao must be very happy to see her.

"Spoon her..."

When Gu Choumian heard Xiaoya mention Xiaoshao's expression, she became a little complicated, "I want to explain some things to you first, Xiaoshao is a little unclear right now..."

Gu Choumian told Xiaoya about what happened after Xiaoya left, and he specifically explained in detail how Xiaochao was controlled to hurt Mo Qi and frame Yun Qishen.

"Why, she's still a child... I'm going to see him, you men just don't understand something. What Xiaoshao really needs is the company of people, not what you call your own recovery!"

Xiaoya pulled Xi Nong and ran to Xuyun Palace.

Gu Choumian also watched them leave, and it was at this time that Yun Qishen also returned from Liu Yinfeng.

"Three brothers."

Yun Qishen greeted Gu Choumian gently, and Gu Choumian also looked back to the direction from which the voice came.

"Little Junior Brother..."


Both of them had something to say in their hearts, but they couldn't open their mouths for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing.

Yun Qishen wanted to explain what happened to Qiu Shan and Jiang Qing, and Gu Choumian didn't speak well because of these things.

After a while, Yun Qishen still thought that he had to explain, so he bravely said, "I'm sorry about the second senior brother..."

"In case you have already told me... you don't have to think about making us forget, I also remembered about the fourth senior brother before... I think the second senior brother's death was worth it.

When I was a child, I was very envious of the cheerful personality of the second senior brother, and I was very worried about his safety.But after the Fourth Junior Brother came, the Second Senior Brother really changed a lot, and he really liked getting along with this Fourth Junior Brother.He is a very good person, even if he doesn't have to end his life like this, the second senior brother won't live long as a medicine man. "

Half of Gu Choumian's words were Yun Qishen's first time listening.

What does not live long mean?Does it have anything to do with him being a medicine man?
"Is that so..." Yun Qi thought deeply about changing this sad topic, "By the way, why didn't Third Senior Brother follow Chen Yueluo and the others to carry out the mission?"

"Mission? This is the first time I've heard of it. It's no wonder that I haven't seen the moon fall in the past few days. Speaking of which, why didn't Seventh Master follow you?" Gu Choumian turned around and asked Yun Qishen.

"Didn't he go to carry out the mission?"

"is that so……"

Gu Choumian was a little strange, what kind of task would be handled by Uncle Seven, how could Uncle Seven leave so readily, the spiritual energy in his body...

Yun Qi deeply saw that Gu Choumian's expression was wrong, and he thought that Gu Choumian was just worried about Chen Yueluo.Besides, if you follow Ye Qi on a mission, you will definitely be teased by him.

He also thought that this mission was very mysterious, and Chen Yueluo didn't even tell Gu Choumian.

"By the way, Second Senior Brother, have you seen Xiaoya and the others?"

"They went to Xuyun Palace."

"Xuyun Palace...I'm going to see the small spoon..."

"Well... I think the younger brother should wait here for them to come back. The third uncle doesn't seem to want to see you."

"I understand... let's find the master."


Yun Qishen and Gu Choumian went to the refining room to meet Mi Zixin.

At the same time, Xiao Ya took Xi Nong to the Xuyun Palace.

Where have the disciples of the Xuqing Palace guarding the gate ever seen such a beautiful woman as Xiaoya, and when they were still curious about how Lingshan still had a woman, Xiaoya shouted when she came over.

"Let me in, I want to see the little spoon!"

Xi Nong worriedly grabbed Little Teeth so that she wouldn't be too impulsive.

The disciples of Xuqing Hall didn't know how to react for a while, and they definitely couldn't let Xiaoya in.

The disciples of Xuqing Palace stopped Xiaoya, and Xiaoya kicked the disciples' interception with his legs angrily.

It was also the first time that Xi Nong saw Xiaoya like this. She sighed in her heart that Xiaoya's legs were very good.

The interception of the disciples of Xuqing Palace was useless and they fell to the ground together.

Xiaoya pulled Xi Nong and entered the Xuyun Palace.

Before entering the main hall, Xiaoya was stopped by someone.

"Who is it! Rushing in the Xuyun Palace!"

Daoist Xuqing heard a loud noise.

"Get out of the way! I want to see the little spoon!"

"Where's the wild girl from! Do you want to see whoever you want in Jingling Mountain? Give me a good report according to the rules! Otherwise, it will be bad if you die here!"

Daoist Xuqing took out his magic brush, and Daoist Xuyun appeared at this time.

"No problem, let the girl here come in, isn't she here to see Xiaoshao?"

Daoist Xuyun looked very tired, he opened the door and signaled Xiaoya and the others to enter the Xuyun Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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