Yun Qishen

Chapter 565 Required Conditions

Chapter 565 Required Conditions (4)
(God's perspective)
In the Demon King City of Jiangbang, the outsider who suddenly broke in was facing a petite child.

"Oh, I used to send a woman out, but now I'm a child! Are you looking down on me!" Xi Ting, the burly man, bent down slightly, and pointed at Qianye's nose, "Little guy, go back to your mother. Nose! Let that woman come out! Or let your monarch come out and fight me!"

Xi Ting didn't take Qianye seriously at all. Originally, Xi Ting broke in, Tatum and the enemy, the demon generals, had to go forward to deal with the matter, but Qianye passed by first.

Tatum believes that Qianye will also settle it as he negotiated with the demon clan before. He suggested that these demon generals should hide first. If there is a problem with Qianye, it will not be too late for them to go, just to see the strength of this white guy.

"No matter how long you shout, he won't come out and fight you."

Qianye looked at Xi Ting and replied to him expressionlessly.

"Why! Then why did it work last time? That woman must let him out now. I want to see if I am stronger or the woman is stronger!"

Xi Ting pursues power very much, and is also very arrogant.

"You need to find the reason in yourself." Qianye still held his Golden Sea Ake expressionlessly.

"My reason? Little guy, the way you talk here really makes me angry! Hey! Come in and call someone!"

Xi Ting wanted to scare Qianye, but Qianye didn't give him the reaction he wanted at all.

But Xi Ting didn't know what was the reason for him, why the woman just didn't come out to compete with him. Could it be that the woman was afraid?

Naturally, Qianye also saw Xi Ting's troubles, and Qianye was also trying to delay the time, because the demon generals present could not necessarily agree to the white man in front of him.Although Qianye has enough mana, he is just a flower essence of Hai Ake and does not have a body that can use these mana.

"We have a rule in Xinjiang. Anyone who comes to challenge must write a battle letter. If you don't write a battle letter and challenge, you will be a despicable villain in Xinjiang." Qianye took two steps closer to Xiting. "You are not a despicable person, you can naturally wait if you have the strength. We are waiting for your gauntlet. It is no problem if you want to challenge the entire border, as long as you have to submit the gauntlet. Otherwise, you will blow up the border now, you Just a scumbag."

Xi Ting naturally doesn't like to listen to it. He relies on strength, not despicable!Under the gauntlet, under the gauntlet.

Xi Ting snorted and turned to leave, all the demons thought he was leaving.

Qianye's plan to delay the army was also successful, but Xi Ting walked back to the door with a gust of wind.

Xi Ting squatted down and looked at Qianye with a fierce look on his face, and then he said seriously, "War letter, how to write it?"

The demons around Lei were speechless for a while, and Tatum directly supported his forehead. This white man is probably not a fool.

Although Xi Ting was a little stunned, and this kind of question should not be asked of his enemies, Qianye still told Xi Ting how to write a battle letter.

Xi Ting also went back thoughtfully.

Xinjiang also got a brief period of peace.

After finishing the matter, Qianye left and went back to his place.

Tatum is also becoming more and more interested in Qianye.

If Qianye wasn't Hai Ake's flower essence, but a devil, he might be happier for him.

Because Tatum has the art of peeping into the heart, and he is also someone who has eaten the golden Hai Ake petals, he can feel that the desire of the art of spying the heart for everything in the outside world is Hai Ake's desire for the outside world.

Jingling Mountain Xianjianzong Xuyun Hall, Xiaoya and Xinong entered the Xuyun Hall.

Xi Nong saw a chaos in Daoist Xuyun's body. If the danger of Ye Qi was external, Gu Choumian was hidden, and Daoist Xuyun in front of him was not calm.

This priest is very dangerous, very dangerous.

Xinong shivered a little while holding the little teeth, and they quickly came to Xiaoshao's room.

"Little spoon!"

Xiaoya went over and hugged the spoon sitting on the bed.

Xi Nong was also carried over to the side of the bed by the momentum.

Xiaoshao's eyes were empty at this time, like an empty shell, but Xiaoya could sense that Xiaoshao was still alive.

At the same time, Xinon felt that there was a force in this child named Xiaoshao suppressing another force.As a result, this child can only exist as an empty shell.

"How could this be... I was fine before I left, Xiao Shao loved to laugh so much at that time..." Xiao Ya suddenly remembered that the person she liked was suddenly like a puppet, her nose was sour and tears rolled in her eyes .

"You have seen it too, she is now... Maybe this is the only way she will be in this life. She has no feelings, and she doesn't even know who is next to her... She is still a child and shouldn't bear so much... It's like this now. , I hope that the children here are happier and away from fighting."

Daoist Xuyun touched his tired face with his hand, and there were still beads of sweat on his forehead.

As a master, how much he cared about this first disciple. After so many years, he finally met a disciple who was as powerful as himself and could be like a god... But now it has become like this.

"Xuyun! Do you want to take a rest, your appearance... Be calm, remember to be calm!" Daoist Xuqing pulled Daoist Xuyun aside and sat down, and kept persuading him.

Xi Nong felt that the persuasion of this Daoist Xuqing greatly eased the outbreak of the chaotic vortex in Daoist Xuyun's heart.

Xiaoya let go of the spoon, she looked at the expressionless face and empty eyes of the spoon.She touched the small spoon's cheek with her hand, and her heart was even more sad.

Is this kid really not going back...

At this time, there was another noise outside the hall.

"I'm just here to find you Daoist Xuyun, it's not a monster, let me go in, or you can report it!"

Xiao Wang came to Daoist Xuyun on Jiang Lin's order, but when the disciples of Xuqing Palace saw his golden hair, they thought he was a monster and wanted to capture him.

Daoist Xuyun and Xiaoya also came out to see the situation.

Daoist Xuyun can know that this little king is not a monster but a beast, and he will naturally not hurt the beast.

"Stop!" Daoist Xuyun said, and the disciples outside the door also stopped.

Xiao Wang first looked at Xi Nong and then looked at Daoist Xuyun.

I heard Yun Qishen say before that the one who was particularly old was Daoist Xuyun, so Xiao Wang knew who it was at a glance.

"The little beast has seen Daoist Xuyun, my master has something to ask you for help, please go to Lingyao Pavilion with me."

Xiao Wang was courteous, and Daoist Xuyun returned the salute and followed Xiao Wang away.

Although Daoist Xuqing was reluctant, he still stayed in Xuyun Hall to take care of Xiaoshao.

Xiaoya and Xi Nong also stayed in Xuyun Palace for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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