Yun Qishen

Chapter 586 Required Conditions

Chapter 586 Required Conditions (25)
(God's perspective)
After a fight, Chihua and Ximing had a difference in speed.

Chihua was also caught by Ximing at the moment of neglecting his defense, and unfortunately his hind leg was broken.

Ximing threw Chihua onto the distant wall again, and Chihua's blood splattered on the wall. Because of the violent collision, Chihua let out an instinctive whimper of pain.

"Looks like it's time to deal with you."

Ximing focused his mana on Chihua's wolf head, and the white beam stabbed at it.

Chihua thought her life was over, but when she came back from the haze, she saw golden petals appear in front of her.

This is……

Ximing also found it incredible. Since he has the ability to block his attacks, he must be a difficult character.

Ximing put away his mana and saw the golden petals together, and then he turned his head and saw the expressionless boy.

The number of petals on the golden Hai Ake in the boy's hands decreased, but as Ximing stopped attacking, those petals that protected Chihua also returned to the boy's hands.

"It turned out to be a child?" Ximing understood why Xiting cared so much about Jiangbang's affairs.

These should be weak existences, but they are very interesting to live in Xinjiang.

Qianye approached without hesitation, and Ximing had no intention of attacking.

"Child, have you ever seen a stronger guy?"

"I have seen."

Qianye replied calmly.

"Then do you know where that guy is now?"

"do not know."

After Qianye replied that he didn't know, Ximing understood that they couldn't continue the conversation.

"But I can be sure that the person you are looking for is not in the Devil's City." The sea Akehua in Qianye's hand released golden dust mustards to surround him, and some golden dust mustards came to Chihua to treat her. .

"Oh, that's it. Then I don't need to stay here." Ximing turned to leave, but at this time the group of golden dust mustards blocked him.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Ximing slightly damaged a part of the dust mustard, and he found that the damage was no faster than the dust mustard protection.

Qianye saluted Ximing in a friendly manner, "The visitor is a guest. Since it is a guest, it is not too late to drink tea in Jiangbang. We have also received the guest's door-to-door gift here, and the return gift cannot be missed. No. I also ask the guests to take the gift back with them."

"Hehe, don't be arrogant, you!" Ximing looked down on Qianye's small appearance, but when he deliberately approached Qianye, he found that he was already in a spell formation.

Ximing came to a barren place, where there is no other scenery outside the world.

In the distance stood the young man with the golden sea Ake in his hand, and in the next instant, around Ximing, red sea Akes grew everywhere.

"What do you mean? Let me come to see the flowers? I'm not interested in that."

Ximing looked at Hai Ake on the ground coldly. When he was about to step on it, the red Hai Ake turned into a pair of red hands.


The red hand grabbed Ximing's ankle, and Qianye looked at him coldly.

"You underestimate the enemy, this is not advisable." Qianye stretched Jin Hai Ake towards Ximing, he pointed at Ximing's arm, and then he waved Hai Ake in his hand again.

Ximing's arm was also directly cut off.

Qianye continued to pity the golden sea Akko in his hands with an expressionless face.

However, Ximing became unbelievable, how could a mere child have such a strong power
Ximing took out the medicinal pill they refined and took it, and a brand new arm grew out.

"Who are you, it's never as simple as a child."

"But, as you can see, I am indeed a child." Qianye next cut off one of Ximing's legs.

Ximing took another pill to restore his body, and then he got rid of the red ghost hand on the ground and attacked Qianye again.

The silver thread appeared before Qianye Golden Sea Ake's protection.

Qianye turned his head slightly and saw that Chihua was biting the silver wire with his teeth while enduring the pain in his leg.

Seeing that the attack didn't work, Ximing had wasted too much time, and he was a little anxious.

When Ximing attacked Qianye again, the ghost hands that had changed from red Hai Ake grabbed Ximing's hands and feet one by one and pulled him alive into a whirlpool.

After the vortex disappeared, the surrounding illusion also disappeared, and Qianye's face showed exhaustion.

Most of Chihua's broken leg has recovered, and Qianye's face has turned paler.


"I...I'm fine...I don't know where that vortex will lead to, it can be delayed for a while. He is very likely to come back. So quickly put the whole city on alert...As for these dead demons...take them away. Wait for him to come back and decide."

Qianye felt his eyes begin to blur, and then he fainted.


Chihua couldn't see the ordinary child suffering, and naturally he couldn't see the child who had the same face as that child fall down in front of him again.

Then the soldiers who were led away rushed back.

Ximing's assault this time happened to catch up with those demon generals no longer in the Demon King City, and Qianye did his best when he made a physical attack that was very different from his own mana.He knew that the mere mental control could not limit the white guy's movements.

How capable of an ordinary flower essence can he deal with a guy with the strength of two magic generals.Naturally, you can delay and defend, and stick to it like that.

Everything is for that person, for the return of the master of Jiangbang.So before he came back, Qianye swore that he would never let anything happen to Demon King City.

At the same time, Mo Langqin also arrived at Jingling Mountain. He handed Xi Ting to Jiang Lin according to the deal with Yun Qishen, and also explained the strange elixir.

"Xiaoye, because he was afraid that he would wake up, gave him something good to keep him asleep, otherwise Xiaoye's life would be lost.

As for the people here, Yun Qishen paid the money.That young man's personal protection, commodity safety guarantee money.You also have to settle the bill for Mr. "

As soon as Jiang Lin listened to Mo Langqin's words here, she looked at him with the beautiful look you think, and then Jiang Lin went over to look at Xi Ting a little.

"Money, grandpa doesn't have any money. If you want to find that ice lump!" Jiang Lin motioned to Xiao Wang who was not far away, and then she threw it to Xiao Wang as soon as she mentioned Xi Ting, "Go look at this guy."

"Linlin! there really no danger here?" Xiao Wang looked at Xi Ting's rude face with a little worry.

"It's a bit of a whimper, just watch it if you want to. It's still a mythical beast, is it just so daring? And...

call me grandpa!Don't call me my nickname! "

After Jiang Lin scolded, she closed the door and went back to refining medicine.

Mo Langqin expressed sympathy and patted Xiao Wang on the shoulder.

Xiao Wang looked at Mo Langqin gratefully, who would have thought that Mo Langqin would spread his hands towards Xiao Wang.

Here's your money.

(End of this chapter)

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