Yun Qishen

Chapter 587 Required Conditions

Chapter 587 Required Conditions (26)
(God's perspective)
According to what Xin said before, Yun Qishen came to the old site of Yaogu after he was armed.

How to say it, Yun Qishen suddenly felt that he had a special quality. Wherever he really went, he would destroy the country or riot.

It must be that Daoist Qianqiu Rong only calculated the fate of Yun Qishen, who owned Takizawa.

Then what is my destiny?
destroy other people's country...

Yun Qishen also did a little bit of calculation. You can see that the East Yu Kingdom will be destroyed, then the Demon Kingdom, and then the Heyuan Kingdom...

I don't know if my fate is lucky or unlucky.

Jiang Liu and Xin went back to the Ghost Country, and now Yun Qishen, who also knew the place of the ancient book of the Demon Kingdom, had to come.

There are already many wandering demons in the demon country, and everyone wants to be king, so some people want to take shortcuts and find the national order that does not exist at all.

Yun Qishen cautiously walked towards the Demon King's Palace. On the way, he discovered that although the Demon Kingdom was destroyed due to civil strife, the troops left by some stubborn forces were also patrolling the surrounding area.

"What kind of wandering demon is the girl, it looks like you are here for the first time."

An old woman from the street vendor greeted Yun Qishen kindly.

At this time, Yun Qishen was wearing a cloak, and according to Chihua's previous suggestion, he carried a sachet made of Chihua's own fur.

People in the demon country generally don't recognize the same kind with their eyes. They can determine your identity only by the smell.

If a yokai recognizes you with its eyes, that yokai sees you as prey.Because in the demon kingdom, weak monsters can only be the meals of powerful monsters.

But the little monsters are indeed very friendly.

[The Demon Lord can hide his breath, so he can easily disguise it with my sachet. 】

Thank you so much Chihua.

The reason why the smell of Xin is not used is because Xin is a royal family, and all monsters will remember the smell of the royal family of all dynasties.In order to survive, it is instinct.

"I came from the wasteland in the north, and they all said that the demon country is strong..."

"Shh, girl. Since you're here, don't say those words. Today's demon kingdom is different from the past.

Now the most taboo of the demon clan is to mention the ancestors.

But if the girl wandered around here at will, nothing would change. "

"Thank you, mother-in-law." Yun Qishen deliberately lowered his voice.

"The girl must be tired. My mother-in-law has written fruits here, and she also took them to quench her thirst."

"Here... how much does it cost? I'll buy it."

"No, now, not many wandering monsters come here. Girl, you should also pay attention. Seeing those soldiers over there, who knows when we will fight again." The monster's mother-in-law had a kind expression on her face.

Just when Yun Qishen was about to take out some money, the monster mother-in-law sighed again.

"It's all those abominable demons from the borderlands. Our demon clan kindly went to ask for help, but they were so inhumane! If it wasn't for my poor legs and feet, my old body would have gone with them."

After listening to the old demon woman's words, Yun Qishen's hand stopped in mid-air.

It was true that he had gone too far back then... but Yun Qi knew that he would never regret killing those people.

"Hey? Why is the girl gone! You haven't got your fruit yet!"

"Thank you, mother-in-law, I won't eat the fruit!"

Yun Qishen left the booth and began to observe the patrolling demon soldiers.

It should be because there are no clear regulations, or because there are too many types of soldiers on patrol.The type mentioned here means that they belong to different forces.

There will be no conflicts between these different soldiers, which is a situation that Yun Qishen could not understand for a while.

It stands to reason that such different forces can't be pinched when they meet.

"Smells really good? Does the girl have a partner?"

Suddenly, a gray-furred wolf demon stuck towards Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen was a little surprised for a while, and was almost noticed by the soldiers in front.

He subconsciously pulled the gray wolf demon to the side to hide.

"Is the girl so active?"


Yun Qi was swearing in his heart, and he took a closer look at the real (perverted) wolf who came over wishful thinking. Where is a wolf demon here?Why does the whole body exude the breath of Hakis...

"By the way, if the girl looks at them like this, is she going to steal the royal family's treasure?"

The wolf demon was very loud, and it really caught the attention of the group of soldiers.

"Who's where!"

Soldiers came over and pointed with their strength, but no one came.

Yun Qishen just held the wolf monster in a [-]-meter sprint.

"I didn't expect the girl to be very strong~ I like it... ouch!"

Without waiting for the wolf demon to say anything rude, Yun Qishen immediately threw him to the ground as soon as he put his hand down.

Yun Qishen didn't want to pay attention to this silly monster, he turned around and left, at this time the gray-skinned wolf monster stood up and grabbed Yun Qishen's territory.

Yun Qi deeply suspected that his identity was exposed, so he planned to use the technique of peeping at the heart to stun the wolf demon.

Unexpectedly, just when Yun Qishen was about to start, the wolf demon proudly introduced himself.

"My name is Ashin, and they all call me Brother Xin. If the girl wants to go inside the demon city, I can help you. I know a secret way."

carrier pigeon?The name here is also strange... You are clearly a Husky, aren't you...

Yun Qishen looked at Ashin again, and the wolf demon here had bright eyes, and the more he looked, the more he looked like a husky.

The heart of being defensive is indispensable, and Yun Qishen agreed to let Ashin take him to the royal city with the attitude of giving it a try.

"It's easy for you to take your sister to the king's city. After you find what you want, you have to do me a favor~ If it doesn't work, you can agree to it..."

Before Ah Xin finished speaking, Yun Qishen's hand grabbed his mouth.

"Shut your mouth and lead the way!" Yun Qishen couldn't help but feel irritable and didn't speak in a low voice.

It is clear that these words of this wolf demon are said in Ye Qi's mouth, and he will only feel ashamed.But as soon as the wolf demon spoke, Yun Qishen wanted to hit him...

The wolf demon Ashin quickly took Yun Qishen to a secret passage behind the royal city.

Ashin went first, then Yun Qishen followed.

The two simply came to the inside of the Demon King's Palace.

Most of the place has been burned down. Although there are soldiers on the outside, there is no one inside.

Yun Qishen also quickly found the place according to what Xin said. After he touched the mechanism, the door of the same secret room opened.

"The girl knows a lot, it's very suspicious."

"Nonsense, you go first."

"Girls talk, I'll do things~ After that..."

Here, the wolf demon Ashin said this to himself.

Yun Qishen really can't stand this kind of noisy guy, so maybe he said something out of place.

Angrily, Yun Qishen kicked Ashin directly into the secret room, and he quickly walked in.

As Yunqi stepped in, the door to the secret room closed.Of course, the organ that left had said it before, so Yun Qishen wasn't panic at all.

(End of this chapter)

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