Yun Qishen

Chapter 649 Peach blossom period? !

Chapter 649 Peach blossom period? ! (8)
(God's perspective)
Besides, on Jiang Lin's side, since Yun Qishen left, things began to happen around Jiang Lin that made her very uncomfortable.

Because after being told about this peach blossom period, Jiang Lin sees everything strange, especially Xi Ting's hard-working and gentle face.Jiang Lin can't wait to go back and help him with a hammer.

Besides Xiao Wang's attitude, Xiao Wang, who usually hates fighting the most, also started to get impatient. When Xi Ting approached Jiang Lin with a gentle face, Xiao Wang came to stop him directly.

Jiang Lin thought that she had to wait for Yun Qishen to come back, but before that, she needed to avoid these two people.

"Little Wang, go and help me collect medicine."

"But Linlin, didn't we just finish picking? Why..."

"Let's go, don't mess with grandpa here! You go with me too!"

Jiang Lin glared at Xi Ting at the same time, but in Xi Ting's eyes, Jiang Lin's glance simply disturbed his heart rate.

But there was a chill in Jiang Lin's heart. The more she supported them, the better she felt.

Because of this peach blossom period, Xiao Wang and Xi Ting also listened to Jiang Lin's words very much.

In the end, the two of them could only dislike each other's going up the mountain to collect herbs.

Jiang Lin took advantage of the two of them to leave and she was going down the mountain to find a quiet place to hide.

Jiang Lin went down the mountain with some medicine and money she needed.

As a result, just as Jiang Lin was about to reach the foot of the mountain, she saw a person sitting on a boulder, who seemed to be waiting for someone.

When Jiang Lin saw this person, she turned her head back without saying a word, but the person who heard Jiang Lin's movement here also quickly turned around and came towards Jiang Lin.

"Daoist friend offended, I want to invite Daoist friend to have a cup of tea no matter what."

This voice belongs to the closed-eyed Taoist priest - Li Yin.

The priest with his eyes closed caught up with Jiang Lin and grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist.

Jiang Lin threw off the hand of the closed-eyed Taoist priest in surprise.

Can't get close to her, no one can get close to her!
Jiang Lin panicked, but she knew that she couldn't show it. She ignored the blindfolded priest who still insisted on going up the mountain. She thought about leaving in another way.

Who knew that the closed-eyed Taoist priest would be entangled, he blocked in front of Jiang Lin again, Jiang Lin angrily conjured a hammer, but the closed-eyed Taoist priest suppressed her attack first.

"I don't know why fellow daoists are always violent towards me, but I really want to repay fellow daoists for their help."

"Grandpa said, I don't need your repayment, Grandpa! Let go!"

Jiang Lin said that after letting go, the Taoist priest who closed his eyes obediently let go.

Jiang Lin also knew at this time that the Taoist priest who closed her eyes here was also affected by her peach blossom period.

"I just want to invite fellow Daoists to be a guest there, and I also ask fellow Daoists to give me some face."

"Is your face very valuable? You can't say it, please don't bother. Go away!"

Jiang Lin still spoke casually. She thought that if she was harsh to people during this period, no one would care about her, and she would not be affected by her fate.

It's impossible for Xi Ting, she can't let others fall in.

But what Jiang Lin doesn't know is that there are such guys in this world who like strong women, Xi Ting is, and so is the closed-eyed Taoist priest in front of her.

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and didn't want to give up Jiang Lin, so he remembered that, he looked at Jiang Lin's back, "The antidote you gave won't work."

"What did you say? It doesn't work?!"

Jiang Lin turned back as expected, she looked at the closed-eyed Daoist with an expression that was impossible here.

Because a strong woman like Jiang Lin can't bear her ability to be denied the most.

"It really didn't work, I took it, but it didn't take long to heal."

Closing your eyes is also telling the truth.

Jiang Lin forgot that she should have a distance from Shunyan Daochang because of the denial of this ability.

Jiang Lin turned around and came back to Taoist Shunyan, and she also began to examine Taoist Shushu's eyes.

The priest closed his eyes and grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist when she raised her hand to check his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, it seems that someone is chasing after him. It seems that it is not convenient to treat the eyes here."

The priest closed his eyes with a slight smile and pulled Jiang Lin aside to hide.

"Hey! Don't pull me! It's disgusting! Let go!" Jiang Lin told the truth that she really didn't like someone touching her, or she was afraid that others would bring misfortune because they touched her.

Just after Jiang Lin and the Taoist priest with eyes closed, Xiao Wang and Xi Ting chased them down from the mountain.


"Jiang Lin!"

One beast and one person shouted to Jiang Lin, and then the two guys started choking each other again.

"If it weren't for your fellow, Linlin wouldn't be mad at you!"

"Ha? You're still talking about me? She wouldn't leave if you hadn't pissed her off with a single bite of your broken beast! It's all your responsibility!"

"What! My responsibility? It's obviously your white guy's fault!"

Xiao Wang and Xi Ting stared at each other, and they went down the mountain like this.

"It seems that the mountain is not safe anymore..."

Jiang Lin muttered.

"Are fellow Daoists avoiding them? There is a good place to be there, and it is also convenient for fellow Daoists to help him treat his eyes."

The priest closed his eyes and grabbed Jiang Lin's hand, Jiang Lin quickly pulled away her hand that was caught.

"Are you shy?" The Taoist priest closed his eyes and smiled.

But Jiang Lin was not happy, "Grandpa will be so shy! Don't say anything else, take Grandpa away first!"

Jiang Lin wanted to cure this guy's eyes, so she left to hide.

With his eyes closed, the Taoist priest quickly opened his body vortex and took Jiang Lin away from there.

After passing through the whirlpool, Jiang Lin thought she would go to some luxurious Immortal Gate residence, but it turned out to be a small thatched hut. The thatched hut here does not look as chic as Jiang Lin's own home, and even the shabby Immortal Medicine Sect may be better than this one. The hut looks luxurious.

"Just this broken place?" Jiang Lin raised one eyebrow.

"Although it is a shabby house, it is good to live comfortably. But it seems that fellow Daoists have disliked it. This is the place where he lived before he entered the Dao.

It's very quiet here, no one will disturb you.

Fellow Daoist please sit inside. "

As the owner of the thatched hut, the Taoist priest with his eyes closed was not angry because of Jiang Lin's dislike.

"Okay." Jiang Lin wanted to take care of him. After this period, she would have nothing to do with this immortal way.

After entering the hut, the Taoist with eyes closed also poured tea for Jiang Lin to drink. The tea was really like the Taoist priest with eyes closed before introducing himself. The taste of the tea here is really unique.

Jiang Lin said in her heart that she had never drank such delicate tea.

"Come here." Jiang Lin greeted the closed-eyed Taoist priest who was busy making tea.

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and walked in front of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin sat on the chair, the priest closed his eyes and bent down before looking at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin put her hand on the eyes of Tao Chang with her eyes closed, and then she began to cast a spell to check.

(End of this chapter)

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