Yun Qishen

Chapter 650 Peach blossom period? !

Chapter 650 Peach blossom period? ! (9)
(God's perspective)
As a disciple of Jian Shuhe, Jiang Lin has read all the books about poison and refining medicine.How could ordinary Gu poison stumped her Jiang Lin.

Therefore, the antidote developed by Jiang Lin was not unsuccessful, but the side effects were uncertain.

Jiang Lin began to wonder after examining the eyes of Tao Chang with her eyes closed. It was such a simple poison that it would be relieved by eating the medicine pill, so why was it useless?

"Have you really eaten the medicine I gave you?" Jiang Lin asked the closed-eyed Taoist priest with suspicion.

"I've eaten it. Since it can treat my eyes, why don't I eat it? Besides, it doesn't mean that my friend has already helped me."

With her eyes closed, the Taoist priest stood up, and Jiang Lin retracted her hand.

"That's weird, there's absolutely nothing wrong with my pills. What's wrong?"

Jiang Lin put her hands on the teacup, she frowned slightly, how could she be stumped by this little poison?

Since the previous medicinal pills didn't work, she, Jiang Lin, was going to refine the medicinal herbs and watch with her own eyes the gu poison was unraveled.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry about your eyes, there are some things I want to ask fellow Daoists to help you."

"I came here to treat your eyes, and I don't care about other grandpas."

When Jiang Lin's temper came up, she didn't care about others at all.

Here, the Taoist priest with his eyes closed is considered good-tempered. Jiang Lin can say whatever she says.

"Okay, as long as fellow Daoists are happy. What can I help you with?" The Daoist priest closed his eyes and had to follow Jiang Lin to change the subject.

"I need some herbs and some poisons. I'll write a list for you, and you should be able to find them. It's not convenient for me to go out, so you can only go." Jiang Lin thought about how to remove the poison from the Taoist priest with her eyes closed.

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and looked at Jiang Lin quietly.

After Jiang Lin handed the list she wrote down with magic to the Taoist priest with eyes closed, she urged him to look for it.

The only thing the Taoist priest can do with his eyes closed is to obey.

When the Taoist priest closed his eyes and retrieved everything Jiang Lin needed, Jiang Lin was lying on the table and fell asleep.

"Already asleep?"

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and put the things in his hand aside to check Jiang Lin's situation.

Jiang Lin was really asleep, and there was an empty teacup in front of Jiang Lin.

"That's why it's natural to be tired of living so anxiously, so take advantage of this time to have a good rest, fellow Daoist..."

With his eyes closed, the priest easily picked up Jiang Lin and walked to the bed.

Just when she closed her eyes and wanted to put Jiang Lin on the bed to sleep, Jiang Lin frowned slightly again.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Lin started talking in her sleep.

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and didn't hear what Jiang Lin was muttering at first, he was just thinking that the tea he brewed should not have such a great sleeping effect.

"Gong lose... Jin..."

Gradually closing his eyes, the Taoist priest also heard clearly that Jiang Lin was talking about a person's name.

Gong loses Jin?Is this the favorite person of this Taoist friend?

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and felt a sense of loss for some reason, but when he looked at Jiang Lin who had not left his arms, he suddenly felt that he might still have a chance.

Why was he who had always been pure-hearted and had few desires suddenly so interested in this woman?
The Taoist priest with his eyes closed has been thinking this way since he saw Jiang Lin.

Is it because of the poisonous relationship in his eyes?Or is it the woman herself?
All kinds of doubts made the closed-eyed Taoist want to find the answer in Jiang Lin, so he invited Jiang Lin to come, and also made Jiang Lin tea to help her sleep.

After closing his eyes, the Taoist priest put Jiang Lin on the bed and started to activate the spell.

The spells he casts can be used to resist other people's spells with the corresponding spells.He used this method to block Jiang Lin's heavy hammer before.

"Fellow Daoist offended."

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and injected the spell into Jiang Lin's eyebrows. He thought he could draw out the core of Jiang Lin's spell, but a spell bounced off his spell.

The hand of the closed-eyed Taoist priest was also injured due to the resistance of this spell.

"What secrets does she hide? It's impossible for her to set such a level of body protection... This woman still has powerful magical tools in her body. Facing these things is really..."

With his eyes closed, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he quickly covered his mouth again with his hands.

I'm really getting more and more excited!
The closed-eye Daoist began to emit a kind of gu poison all over his body. This kind of gu poison was always hidden by the closed-eye Daoist, and his eyes were also injured because he refined this gu poison.

He originally thought of letting Jiang Lin help him to solve these poisonous poisons all over his body, but in the end he could only get this woman by blinding the cured eyes again.

The Taoist priest with his eyes closed would definitely not let Jiang Lin leave so easily.Even if I take this opportunity to crack the powerful body protection spell and make the woman in Jiang Lin a puppet for my own use.

Just when the closed-eyed Taoist priest thought so, Jiang Lin, who was lying on the bed, suddenly turned sideways and grabbed the closed-eyed Taoist priest's sleeve.

The Taoist priest closed her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin with the look of her prey, but Jiang Lin was still asleep, and she was talking vaguely in her sleep.

"Don't leave me anymore...I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me..."

Jiang Lin's hand slowly clenched, and the thoughts of the Taoist priest with her eyes closed were relieved.

He took Jiang Lin's hand off his sleeve, and his expression changed back to the friendly look on his face.

This woman is really surprisingly cute.It seems that we should observe her for a while.

The priest closed his eyes, put Jiang Lin's hand away and covered her with a quilt.

It was also at this time that a roar came from outside the hut.


Xiao Wang seemed to be the first to find this hut.

It seems that Xi Ting did not find him for a while.

He closed his eyes and stopped the noise outside the hut for fear that he would wake Jiang Lin up at this time.

After Xiao Wang found this hut in search of Jiang Lin's breath, he felt extremely restless in his heart.

But there was an enchantment outside the hut, so he couldn't rush in. In the end, he could only choose to call Jiang Lin outside.

As a result, he did not wait for Jiang Lin to come out, but waited for the priest with his eyes closed.

"It was you who took Linlin away, right! Where is Linlin? How is she?"

"She's gone to bed, you'd better be quiet now."

The Taoist priest closed his eyes and told the truth, he also made a deliberate action to lower his voice.

But how could Xiao Wang listen so easily? Jiang Lin is not the kind of person who would fall asleep in a strange place.

"You definitely did something to Linlin, she couldn't fall asleep here!"

Xiao Wang glared at the Taoist priest with his eyes closed.

"Why is it impossible? Isn't it normal to rest when you are sleepy?" The Taoist priest closed his eyes and smiled.

"Linlin, she is absolutely impossible, she recognizes the bed!" Xiao Wang's explanation was correct, but it sounded so indescribable.If Jiang Lin hears it, she will hammer him again.

(End of this chapter)

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