Yun Qishen

Chapter 656 Peach blossom period? !

Chapter 656 Peach blossom period? ! (15)
(God's perspective)
It was not long after Yun Qishen left Jingling Mountain, and the disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect searched for the medicine man according to the instructions of Lingjing Dao.It ended up bringing back some troublesome guys.

"The outside world has spread, saying that Jing Lingshan colluded with the devil. The devil's attack on Jing Lingshan for no reason was all performed by you."

Those troublesome Xianmen Taoists are not good at first glance, and now they are still thinking about oppressing Jinglingshan, who is also a fairy.

"What are you talking about here! It's just out of nothing!"

The most impulsive Daoist Xuqing came out to deny it.

Daoist Xuyun was able to finish the work of refining medicine after Jiang Lin left. He stopped Xu Qing and signaled him not to be impulsive at this time, and then he looked at the spiritual realm above the main hall with concern.

Not only Daoist Xuyun was looking at Spirit Realm Dao, but the Xianmen Taoists present all looked at Spirit Realm Dao with concern.

Spirit Realm Dao did not take the words of the following group of people seriously at all, and it is best for a careful Taoist priest like them to ignore them.

"Fellow Daoists don't have to rush to affirm or deny, the sect master of Pindao Xiangling Realm Dao will definitely give us the answer."

As a result, there was a guy who was difficult to deal with in the group of immortals. This guy looked very young but he was powerful and became a master of immortals.

And this Immortal Gate is a relatively long-standing sect other than Jingling Mountain.

"Rare, I didn't expect your Chongyuan Sect to come to my Jingling Mountain."

Lingjing Dao leaned his head in one hand and looked at the young immortal master who came out to speak with interest.

"Jingling Mountain is the most desirable immortal sect in Guao Continent. The disciples of Jingling Mountain are all people with strong spiritual power in Guao Continent. It is an honor for our Chongyuan Sect to come to Jingling Mountain. The Sect Master of the Spirit Realm Dao is afraid that he thinks of us too highly." The young Chongyuan Sect master politely saluted the Spirit Realm Dao.

What a sleek kid.

This is Lingjing Dao's evaluation of the young immortal master in front of him.

Spirit Realm Dao glanced at the gathered immortal sect masters. It can be said that except for him and this young young master, they are all a group of old guys, and some middle-aged people are scattered.

The masters of Chongyuanmen here are also young and promising.

His spiritual realm has not come to this ancient proud continent at the age of this guy.

"The poor Dao is afraid that the sect master of the spiritual realm will not recognize the poor road. The poor road name Xuanxin is currently the head of the Chongyuan Sect."

Xuan Xin was wearing a black and white Taoist robe, with a jade pendant engraved with their sect totem around his waist.There is a harmless smile on his slightly mature face, and there is a red dot on his forehead, which is their unique heart of Xianmen (a method that can store spiritual power, it is always red only when it releases spiritual power. becomes golden.)
Lingjing Dao had also seen other people from Chongyuan Sect ordering this thing. To be honest, he always thought that it was just a way of expressing itself, all dressed up like dolls in New Year's paintings.So Lingjing Dao didn't like Chongyuanmen's dress very much when he was still a disciple of Jingling Mountain.

Jinglingshan advocates the complete display of the spiritual power of ordinary people, while Chongyuanmen advocates the preservation of spiritual power and the contribution of three points and seven points.

The two sects have not been very harmonious since their establishment.But neither of the two sects likes to participate in the battle between the fairy and the devil.

But this time Chongyuanmen's dispatch is very concerned about Lingjingdao.

"The Chongyuan Sect is here, isn't the collusion between Jinglingshan and the devil come true?"

"What's so true or not, isn't that the Jiangbang Demon Lord Yun Qishen also from Jingling Mountain?"

"That's right, don't be deceived by Jing Lingshan's performance."

Some immortal old men chanted, and the nagging voices could be heard clearly by the Taoist priests of Jingling Mountain.

Daoist Xuqing impulsively wanted to go over and plug their broken mouths.

Daoist Xuyun pulled Xu Qing to prevent him from going rashly.

Daoist Cheng Yun went to track Ye Qi and never came back to Jingling Mountain.

Daoist Liu Yun and Daoist Chengxu also held back their temper.

"Spiritual Realm Dao Sect Master should not blame this group of Sect Leaders, what these Sect Leaders are talking about are things that have been circulating outside the current Jingling Mountains.

This time, Jing Lingshan suddenly searched for medicine practitioners in Guao Continent. Those who do not know how to immortally care about Lingshan's intentions.

There are even rumors that the medicine man is the key to refining immortality, and the hundred-year immortality of your spiritual realm sect master is maintained by this.

Now all the sects of the immortal realm say that the sect master of the spiritual realm, you and the devil colluded to refine the elixir of immortality, and you are the scum of the immortal sect. "Daoist Xuanxin still calmly told the Taoist Spirit Realm.

"Just put P..."

Before Xu Qing could finish his words, Daoist Xu Yun's sudden burst of spiritual power startled him.

Daoist Chengxu naturally would not allow anyone to speak of spiritual realm like that.

Master Liu Yun also clenched his fists tightly to suppress his anger.

In the end, the Taoist Spirit Realm stood up from his seat and walked towards the Taoist Master Xuanxin, and the four brothers and sisters over there turned their anger into curiosity.

They were curious about how the Spirit Realm Dao would deal with this kind of thing. If it was normal, it would have tossed the entire Immortal Sword Sect upside down.

Now, in the face of outsiders, he will naturally not lose his temper so casually.

"Then Daoist Xuanxin thinks, how do I prove the innocence of my Jingling Mountain?"

Lingjing Dao walked in front of Xuanxin, and the height difference was obvious at a glance. Lingjing Dao thought that this Xuanxin Daoist was shorter than that in case.

"The Qing people are self-cleaning, and the poor people did not come to blame Jing Lingshan for what he did.

What Jing Lingshan wants to do is not to prove it to our group of immortals, but to prove it to the world.

During the period when the medicine people were protected in Jingling Mountain, Pindao thought that the disciples of the Immortal Sect could also visit around Jingling Mountain. "

Daoist Xuqing felt uncomfortable after hearing what Xuan Xin said.

What to say to let the disciples of Xianmen visit around Jingling Mountain? To put it bluntly, isn't it just to investigate whether Jingling Mountain has colluded with demons or some outsiders?

This little brat said it beautifully!

"Pindao thinks that everyone thinks so too. I don't know what the decision of the spiritual realm sect master will be."

Daoist Xuanxin raised his head and looked at Spirit Realm Dao with his fox-like eyes.

Spirit Realm Dao is somewhat familiar with these eyes, but he can't remember where they have seen them for a while.

"I have no opinion, you can do it yourself, but there is one point, if I damage anything in my Jingling Mountain, I have to pay double compensation."

What surprised the four brothers of the Immortal Sword Sect was that he actually agreed with them to move around in Jingling Mountain.

The immortals got a satisfactory answer and left for their own actions.

Soon in the main hall, there were only four brothers and four brothers of the Immortal Sword Sect and the Taoist Spirit Realm.

"Master, this is to..." Daoist Cheng Xu asked with concern.

Lingjing Dao turned his head and went back to the main seat to sit down, "Can't you see, this is touching porcelain, blackmail, and uneasy kindness. They are deliberately not making Jing Lingshan better. I don't bother to do this kind of thing with them. .

Take care of your temple and try to inform all the disciples in the sect.He also reminded Liu Ying, and informed Jiang Lin and Yun Qishen that they should not return to Lingshan for now. "

"Yes, the disciple understands."

The four brothers responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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