Yun Qishen

Chapter 657 Peach blossom period? !

Chapter 657 Peach blossom period? ! (16)
(God's perspective)
At this moment, Jiang Lin was struggling to escape.

"Duan Xiwu of Heavenly Slaughter, Yun Qishen of Heavenly Slaughter!"

Jiang Lin shouted while fleeing. She wanted to open the whirlpool to leave, but the whirlpool was broken by Xi Ting, who had caught up.


Jiang Lin couldn't help but swear, this is the 30th time that No.

Besides Xiao Wang's sense of smell and intuition, his chance of finding Jiang Lin is also 90.00%.

Then there is Li Yin, who has been pestering her since then.

The situation at that time was that Jiang Lin swung the hammer at Li Yin, but the hammer was restrained by Li Yin.

Looking at Jiang Lin's angry expression, Li Yin couldn't help but have other thoughts in his heart. He originally wanted to control Jiang Lin for his own use, but the more he came into contact with Jiang Lin, the more powerful the affection in his heart.

Xi Ting and Xiao Wang, who couldn't move on the side of such a strong feeling of admiration, also had it at the same time.

"I really like Daoyou more and more."

"Huh? Be attentive, or grandpa I'll hammer you into meat sauce!"

Jiang Lin focused on fighting, but Na Li Yin took the opportunity to hold Jiang Lin's chin with the other hand.

? !
The two beasts over there who were in love looked at Jiang Lin in surprise.

Jiang Lin felt a chill in her heart, and she had goosebumps, and she hurriedly ran away.

If she was slowing down, she might have kissed Na Li Yin together.

As a result, Jiang Lin escaped like this, and Li Yin also solved the poison on Xiao Wang and Xi Ting.

"How about we have a test? They all say that men are creatures who can't stand provocation. I'm thinking that since we all have the same attitude towards fellow Daoist, then whoever catches her first will belong to whoever?"

Xiao Wang naturally disagreed with Li Yin's proposal.

"Linlin, she is not an object, there is no reason to belong to anyone!"

Xiao Wang stood up to refute the proposal.

Xi Ting was a little hesitant. He thought that if he caught Jiang Lin, maybe Jiang Lin would understand his thoughts. Who wouldn't like a strong man.

"Then it depends on who catches her first. The two of you can't beat her for a while. We may only increase a lot of enemies if we fight. I'll go first." Li Yin smiled and disappeared.

"Hey!" Xi Ting also anxiously opened the white vortex.

Xiao Wang was even more anxious to find Jiang Lin's breath.

Linlin, she would not belong to anyone else.

Linlin she can only be Linlin her own!

[Jiang Lin's affairs can only be decided by Jiang Lin herself, and I will never hinder her. 】

A man's voice suddenly appeared in Xiao Wang's mind, and Xiao Wang seemed to have some impression of this voice.

Who is this gentle voice?
With such doubts, Xiao Wang chased in the direction where Jiang Lin left.

Jiang Lin tried her best to escape from the three guys here.

When Xiao Wang was so serious, Jiang Lin also expressed a headache. If she was serious, it would be really hard to fight Xiao Wang, so Jiang Lin could only use the poison to limit the actions of Xiao Wang and Xi Ting.

But who knew that in addition to tracking Jiang Lin himself, Na Li Yin also relieved Xiao Wang and Xi Ting.

This was really maddening Jiang Lin, so Jiang Lin started scolding when she ran away.

Duan Xiwu was the main culprit in this farce, and the fact that Yun Qishen was so slow and hadn't come back made the farce here worse.

[There is a mistake in the technique, nephew, it is not impossible for you to take this opportunity to find a Taoist companion, just like me and your master. 】

"I believe in you! An immortal thing!" Jiang Lin scolded Duan Xiwu while avoiding Li Yin's gu poison trap.

"Fellow Daoist is really good."

"There's no need for you to praise grandpa!" Jiang Lin turned around and threw the poisonous smoke towards Li Yin and fled.

In the end, Xi Ting came through the whirlpool without running far. He grabbed Jiang Lin's neck and wanted to capture her, but Jiang Lin took this opportunity to hug Xi Ting's arm and turned it over to escape.

After Xi Ting returned the hand treatment, he even chased after Jiang Lin again.

Jiang Lin's stamina has been decreasing, and the poison that Li Yin had previously poisoned has not been cleaned up for a while.

As a result, Jiang Lin's feet slipped and rolled down the mountain by accident.

She, Jiang Lin, had never been so embarrassed in her life, and in the end, Jiang Lin herself didn't know where she came to.

Jiang Lin suddenly had a bad premonition. This premonition was not the kind of dangerous aura, but the kind of feeling that would make Jiang Lin feel aversion to the cold, that is, the feeling of being liked.

There is a strange barrier opening all around, which Jiang Lin didn't notice at all just now.

It looks like a deep crypt here.There was the sound of water flowing from the depths of the crypt, but Jiang Lin couldn't sense the breath of Xiao Wang and the three of them for a while.

Jiang Lin also explored the depths of the crypt.

The sound of clattering entered Jiang Lin's ears.

"Is this sound a chain? Is something trapped here?"

Jiang Lin stopped, she hesitated, curiosity drove her forward, but the abnormal intuition in her heart warned her that she must not go any further.

"Is anyone out there?"

It was a deep hoarse voice, and the shocking feeling stimulated the competitive cells in Jiang Lin's heart.

The one inside is definitely an interesting guy, but Jiang Lin can tell he is a male by listening to his voice.

Why do you say this, because Jiang Lin's power in this peach blossom period is really indescribable, so she is so disgusted.

Jiang Lin finally decided to leave this crypt, she really didn't want to cause trouble.

But it turned out that sealing this crypt was a realm that could not enter or exit.

"It's really [beep-]" Jiang Lin's anger turned into swear words and she blurted out.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew from the dark depths of the crypt, and Jiang Lin suddenly felt a murderous aura.

Very dangerous, this is not the time for curiosity, she must get out of here and must not let the monster in the crypt leave.

"How can this kind of thing exist in Guao Continent...Impossible..."

This murderous aura made Jiang Lin's hands tremble, and Jiang Lin smiled in disbelief when she saw the trembling hands.

She Jiang Lin has never been afraid of anything, is this an instinctive reaction of the body...

The sound of the chains grew louder and louder, Jiang Lin touched the stone wall of the crypt and could not move.

When the cold air was getting closer and closer, the sound of the chains stopped abruptly.

Jiang Lin opened her eyes wide and looked at the guy who suddenly flashed in front of her. The long black hair covered the guy's eyes, but Jiang Lin still vaguely saw those blood-red eyes with murderous intent.

Jiang Lin didn't move, it could be said that she couldn't move.There is no other strength in her body for her to use at will.

The bound guy grabbed Jiang Lin's neck with a single paw, and he clenched it hard.

Jiang Lin couldn't resist at all.

At the same time, Xiao Wang, who was looking for Jiang Lin, felt a strong unease in his heart.

【Jiang Lin is in danger!over there! 】

The voice in Xiao Wang's mind directed Xiao Wang's direction, and Xiao Wang rushed over eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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