Yun Qishen

Chapter 673 Classification

Chapter 673 Classification (12)
(God's perspective)
Jingling Mountain cultivates the cliff, and the red figure under the misty mountain looks particularly beautiful.

Taki Yunhua stood on the edge of the cliff holding Yun Qishen, and then she went under the cliff.

"I heard that the disciple fell from here at that time~"

Taki Yunhua said to Yun Qishen with interest, "I want to try it as a teacher~"

"Farewell, you are still pregnant with a child."

"What does this have to do with it? Since it's a child of the spiritual realm, it must also like that... bungee jumping! I have already thought about it for the teacher, and I will throw the child here directly to her when she is born..."

"Stop it! You two are evil ghosts, right? How can you throw your child off the cliff. Master, can you stop being so whimsical?"

"How come, Zhanhunxi did the same to Shishi when he was a child. Although he didn't throw him off a cliff, he let Shishi, a weak woman, grab such a heavy weapon~"

Taki Yunhua said that she was very pitiful.

Yun Qishen's face is full of black lines, obviously it is you who cares about yourself and swaying...

"Speaking of which, why is my disciple here?" Taki Yunhua grabbed Yun Qishen's cat's head, and Yun Qishen thought it was quite enjoyable.

"It's like this..."

Yun Qishen told Taki Yunhua everything about Daoist Xuanxin and what happened.

"It's really unreasonable, do they think they are strong enough in the immortal way? That Xuanxin is right... Seeing the appearance in the memory of the disciple seems to be the same as those immortal disciples in the mist. Chongyuanmen... I have never heard of it. Because the teacher only sees the spiritual realm, so he only recognizes this realm Lingshan."

"Okay, okay, okay..."

Can't go wrong with another bite of dog food... Is dog food suitable for cats? !
"The disciple said that the teacher really wants to see the strength of these Xianmen disciples. Why don't you pretend to be Xianmen disciples for the teacher? Go for the teacher in person..."

"Master, my disciple wants to live a few more days, so don't bother, I'll make you Kung Pao chicken every day, okay?"

Yun Qi thought deeply that this woman was going to toss him to death. Even if Taki Yunhua couldn't kill him, the Spirit Realm Dao would not spare him.How is it possible for a pregnant woman to compete!Even if Lingjing Dao put on an iceberg face and said, "My woman can't be so weak", that person's Lingjing Dao said it against the enemy's fate. If something happened to Taki Yunhua, she couldn't bear the crime.

"In this case, as a teacher, I reluctantly agreed."

What a reluctance, you are obviously very happy.


"What's the matter, master?"

Taki Yunhua smiled and looked at Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen also smiled and looked at Taki Yunhua.

"Your unflattering personality has appeared again. But for the teacher, I chose to forgive you when you are a cat now."

"Mmmm." Yun Qishen nodded in a pretentious manner and then returned to his natural appearance, "I know that humans are not as good as cats! All of you!"

"Okay, okay, good disciple~" Taki Yunhua touched Yun Qishen's head and told him not to fry.

The relationship between the two of them is also seen by one person, and this person is naturally the spiritual realm.

Spirit Realm Dao put away the spells he cast and waited for his guests.

Daoist Xuanxin walked into the hall, and Daoist Spirit Realm also watched Daoist Xuanxin walk in step by step.

"I don't know why the head of Chongyuan Sect came to find me?"

The magic of the spiritual realm also learned some things from Yun Qishen.

"Senior Spirit Realm Dao is really an outsider. Don't you recognize Pin Dao? Someone in Pin Dao couldn't introduce it before. I really didn't expect you to not recognize Pin Dao."

Xuan Xin used his fox eyes to look at the Spirit Realm Dao. He was obviously a child, but there was an evil spirit when he smiled.

Lingjing Dao hates his smile so much. If he has to find a reason to hate a guy, Lingjing Dao will definitely say that the New Year picture doll is smiling so strangely with his eyes closed.

Speaking of fox eyes, Spirit Realm Dao did think of a guy, but I had a vague impression. Who is that guy?

"I can't remember what Senior Spirit Realm Dao looks like. Does that senior remember the things in Pindao?" After speaking, Daoist Xuanxin took out a message from his arms. The style is the same as it was a hundred years ago.

Lingjing Dao naturally recognized the order, and Jing Lingshan was in charge of his master before Lingjing Dao was in charge.The cipher text was engraved on the order, and that mission was also the mission of the Spirit Realm Dao and the Imperial Executor to part ways.

It was also during that mission that the imperial administrator fell in love with Taki Yunhua, who was still pursuing the spiritual realm at that time.

Yu Xingguan... That guy's troubles in Jingling Mountain have been dealt with by them.

Now that this Taoist Xuanxin has appeared, his appearance is indeed similar to that of the imperial officer.

Spirit Realm Dao vaguely remembered a person.

"You are Yu Xingguan's younger brother? Yu Xingxuan?"

Lingjing Dao recalled seeing his family when he went down the mountain with Yu Xingguan to perform a mission before. This Yu Xingxuan was also of such an age at the time.

"Did you also take the fake immortality elixir like your elder brother?"

"It's true or false, and the poor way is not clear, as long as the poor way doesn't use magic too much, it won't affect the body.

Immortal Dao looks forward to longevity, and the appearance of the Spirit Realm Dao senior is envied by everyone.

Brother, he hates you to the bone, senior. Pindao came here to see Pindao's infatuated brother in addition to observing Jing Lingshan.

The elder brother said that it is impossible for him to adore a demon as an immortal, but he is too obsessed with him.

He listened to that person's words and learned the thousand-year forbidden technique, in order to win the devil woman from the senior of the spiritual realm.The poor way is different, the poor way will never be tempted by the devil, and he will never sympathize with the devil.This matter cannot be made public, and the seniors of the Spirit Realm Dao are invited to accompany the poor Dao to speak well here. "

The red dot between Xuan Xindao's long eyebrows shone slightly and the entire hall was surrounded by a barrier.

"You made me unable to act, and then especially emphasized that the disciples would fight against each other. Presumably, your people have already gone to practice the cliff to deal with the two of them."

Spirit Realm Dao used magic to observe the cultivation cliff again, but as a result, Taki Yunhua and Yun Qishen were no longer visible.This spell cannot be seen by anyone other than the caster.

Daoist Xuanxin did not know the specific situation of the cultivation cliff, but he knew that his people had already wanted those two monsters in the past.

"Senior should understand that this is to eliminate harm for all sentient beings in the immortal way. The poor way has no other meaning. Even if the poor way is mixed with some personal feelings, it is not worth mentioning in front of the righteousness.

Senior Spirit Realm Dao cannot act rashly in order to defend Jing Lingshan. In this case, Pin Dao would like to chat with you about what his elder brother was like back then. "

Lingjing Dao frowned, Taki Yunhua who was worried in his heart at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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