Yun Qishen

Chapter 674 Classification

Chapter 674 Classification (13)
(God's perspective)
"Uncle Third, hasn't he come back yet?"

After Gu Choumian came to Xuyun Hall, he asked the disciples of Xuqing Hall who were guarding the door.

"The third uncle hasn't come back yet."

The disciple guarding the door answered affirmatively.

"Then do you know where the third uncle went?"

"How can we disciples ask about the matter between them? In Jingling Mountain, the only person who can ask about the whereabouts of the masters is the senior brother Wanyi." Although the disciples of the Xuqing Palace were very disgusted with the disciples of the Chengxu Palace. This kind of arrogant and domineering look, but there is no disciple in Jingling Mountain who does not admire it.In case from an ordinary person who knows nothing to become the senior brother of Jing Lingshan, the strength is placed here, even if he protects them in Chengxu Palace, but the Immortal Sword Sect is in trouble, he will rush out to protect.

Seeing that there were no other disciples of Xianmen around, the disciple of Xuqing Hall who was watching the door whispered to Gu Choumian.

"In case the senior brother is alright. I saw many people go to the Immortal Medicine Sect before, even the uncle of the master. I saw them all leaving the surroundings just now. How is the situation?"

Although Gu Choumian was anxious to find Daoist Xuyun, he would not use the same emotion towards unrelated people.

"The situation has calmed down, and in case I have gone to a safe place.

Since you don't know the whereabouts of the third uncle, will you know where the fourth uncle is? "

Gu Choumian thought that if he found the fourth uncle, he might be able to find the third uncle.

"I don't know where the master is, but I heard the master say to go down the mountain. It seems that something was delivered to Jingling Mountain, so the master sent him to fetch it."

"okay, I get it."

Gu Choumian turned around to look for Daoist Xuqing, but the disciple grabbed Gu Choumian again.

"Senior Brother, Third Uncle, he seems to have left with Junior Sister Xiaosao."

"Little spoon?" Gu Choumian thought of the little girl with Xu Mingjian. He remembered that the child seemed to be sick.

"Understood, trouble."

Gu Choumian left Xuyun Palace and went down the mountain to search.

There is only one place under Jingling Mountain that can receive things sent from other places, and the place prepared by the Master Spiritual Realm for those ordinary people who do not know how to immortal methods.

Jingling Mountain only recruits people with strong spiritual power, but those family members who become disciples of Jingling Mountain do not necessarily know magic.That's why the receiving point was set up, and before that, there was a special mission for message transmission.

There is only one shortcut to the receiving point.If Daoist Xuqing is not in the Immortal Sword Sect, then as long as you follow the shortcut to the receiving point here, you will definitely be able to see him.

Speaking of that reception point, Gu Choumian's mood also became a little complicated.

From the day he knew that Jingling Mountain had such a receiving point, he had always hoped to have his living relatives communicate with him.

Every year, he would receive the peace charm that his parents asked for. Even if he thought it was useless, he would still carry it with him, but Gu Choumian had nothing, and only Chen Yueluo could accompany Gu Choumian.

[Mianmian, don't be too sad. 】

It was the fourth year that Gu Choumian and Chen Yue were in Jingling Mountain. Many disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect had letters from their families.Immortal Medicine Sect has nothing as usual.Even Chen Yueluo can receive letters.

At that time, Chen Yueluo tore up the letter in front of Gu Choumian's face.

【What did you tear it up for? 】

[I think you don't have melancholy every year, and I don't have it this year.So don't be sad. 】

【Do you think the reason I am sad is because there is no letter? 】

[…I know there are other reasons. 】

[Yueluo, even if you tear it up, it's useless, there should be some, and there is no... let alone miracles...]

At that time, Gu Choumian was not a particularly good student in the Immortal Medicine Sect. He was thinking about revenge and finding the woman who harmed their whole family.He wished that he and his relatives had the same hope as him.

【Sleep!Look what a letter I found! 】

【Then what happened?Don't be so reckless all the time, I can't cure you if you hurt me. 】

[It's okay, who am I, Chen Yueluo, even if the moon falls and hits me, I'll be fine! 】

[If your mother heard what you said, she would not have to fix you! 】

[Haha, let’s not talk about this first.Write your name on these melancholy letters! 】

[Yueluo, if you want me to be happy next time, don’t cause trouble and don’t get hurt, don’t use letters to deceive me. 】

At that time, Gu Choumian knew all about Chen Yueluo's careful thoughts, regardless of his young age.

[I really can't hide anything from you, but I hope you read this letter.The master has something to ask me, I'll go back first! 】

Chen Yueluo laughed very happily at the time, and after he gave the letter to Gu Choumian, he left in a hurry.

Although Gu Choumian understood Chen Yueluo's careful thoughts, what he wrote in the letter was what Gu Choumian was more concerned about.

Gu Choumian wanted to open the letter and take a look, but at this moment, a fairy sword flew over and took the letter away.

At that time, when Gu Choumian hurriedly picked up the letter, he found that the sword that flew over was still hanging on the sword.

[Sorrowful sleep... nephew... save me...]

At that time, Qi Qi was already dizzy, but he couldn't control this matter.

It must be that Qi Qi angered the Master of the Spirit Realm Dao, and this is his punishment.

But in order for Gu Choumian to save him, Qi Qi thought of a way to steal the letter.

Gu Choumian had no choice but to follow up and rescue Ye Qi from the immortal sword.

But it doesn't matter if it is rescued here, the sudden burst of mana attached to the immortal sword almost scorched Gu Choumian and Ye Qi.

[Here old man, there are such dangerous spells attached to children!Nephew Mian, are you alright? 】

At the moment of crisis just now, Qi Qi rescued Gu Choumian, Gu Choumian was naturally safe, but the letter became ashes.

Gu Choumian hadn't mentioned this matter since then, and Chen Yueluo, who had little roots, had almost forgotten about such a thing.

But in Gu Choumian's heart, Chen Yueluo was one of his best friends.

Back now, the closer Gu Choumian got to the receiving point, the more he could feel the spiritual power of Daoist Master Xuqing.

But just when Gu Choumian saw Xuqing Dao's long back and wanted to call out to him, a sword light swung towards Gu Choumian.

In the next instant, Daoist Xu Qing also flashed over to protect Gu Choumian.

"Your opponent is me, don't implicate irrelevant people!"

Daoist Xuqing's black bone pen revolved around the sharp blade, and then a strong mana was displayed from Daoist Xuqing's hands to attack the initiator of the sword light.

Gu Choumian saw a woman in fluttering white clothes put away the sword light and jumped back, then she moved three steps back and landed smoothly.

Daoist Xuqing also put away his writing brush. He looked back at Gu Choumian, "It's none of your business here. If you don't want to die, leave immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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