Yun Qishen

Chapter 693 Classification

Chapter 693 Classification (32)
(God's perspective)

Xiao Zhi let out a relaxed cry after eating the complete clone of the epidemic.

Gu Choumian and Ao Jie were both startled at the same time, and at the same time, the lava monster disappeared because Chen Yueluo's mana gradually disappeared.

After winning the epidemic prevention at home, it turned around and was about to attack Ao Jie.

Gu Choumian was the first to notice the sneak attack of the beast, and he had no choice but to use his spirit spirit to protect them.

The vicious beast slammed into the barrier violently, and Gu Choumian estimated that the barrier could resist at most [-] hits by the beast.

Gu Choumian recalled that before he came to the cultivation cliff, he found out that after Gu Choumian disappeared, he knew that Chen Yueluo had come to the cultivation cliff.

After Gu Choumian informed Mi Zixin, he hurried over to the cultivation cliff. As soon as he left the Immortal Sword Sect, he saw Taoist Master Xuyun and Taoist Master Xuqing.

Daoist Xuqing supported Daoist Xuyun, and when they saw Gu Choumian, they inquired about the situation of Liuyun Temple.

[Sorrowful sleep where is this going? 】

Since Daoist Xuyun has already asked, Gu Choumian has no choice but to hide it, so this matter is also related to Jingling Mountain.He explained what Taoist Xuanxin said to Taoist Xuyun.

【Knowledge of Imperial Beasts?Since time is tight, I will say the most important thing.

For beastmasters, they usually ignore some things. If the wrong spell is called when the vortex is summoned, no matter what beasts or monsters will be involved in the chaos and die.

If there are special circumstances, for example, if the mind of the beast is stronger than that of the beastmaster, it will be impossible to forcibly pull the beastmaster, and the beastmaster will be killed by the beast.

If the guy you are facing with Mian Mian and his divine beast have malice towards Jing Lingshan, then you don't need to be merciful. 】

Gu Choumian recalled these and turned to look at Ao Jie, "Can you change the spell you used to summon the beast here? Summon it back again!"

"what do you mean……"

Ao Jie understood what Gu Choumian meant, but he had his own concerns, because the epidemic prevention was too smart, if he rashly destroyed it like this, then he would also...

"I know your concerns. I will help you get rid of this vicious beast. Although I can't fight beasts, I have other ways."

Gu Choumian's eyes were firm, as if he was unprepared, and Ao Jie had no choice but to trust Gu Choumian at this time.

The beast's anti-epidemic has turned the barrier more than 40 times, and the barrier will be broken in a while. There is only one chance, so you must hurry up.


Xiao Zhi made an uncomfortable voice again, Gu Choumian knew that he couldn't be distracted, but he still gave Xiao Zhi a concerned look.

Ao Jie also looked at the little divine beast curiously. This was the first time Ao Jie had seen such a small divine beast in his life.In Chongyuanmen, it is either a large divine beast or a very strange medium-sized divine beast.No one will subdue any small divine beast, and those who can use bugs among the beastmasters are a group of perverts.

Xiao Zhi couldn't bear the nausea and spit out two or three transparent beads from his mouth.

"What is this?"

Ao Jie picked up a bead and looked at it curiously. Without a word, Gu Choumian picked up a bead and stuffed it into the cat demon's mouth. He gave the second one directly to Chen Yueluo.He took the last one from Ao Jie's hand again, "I'll keep this thing, time is running out!"

Gu Choumian put Xiao Zhi in place, and then he and Ao Jie looked at the vicious beast of epidemic prevention that was hitting the barrier.



Gu Choumian clenched the beads in her hands.



Ao Jie is also preparing to summon the whirlpool.


When the two of them counted to one, Gu Choumian's barrier ruptured, and then the vicious beast turned into a pool of mucus and attacked.

Gu Choumian's eyes glowed with blue light, and he then waved his hand, and four blue balls of light flew around him.

Observation Technique - On.

Gu Choumian observed the different parts of the vicious beast.

[Divine beasts all have weaknesses that it carefully protects.You, Uncle Seven, I just like to deal with those divine beasts like this.Did you catch a mythical beast to play with on that day?It was delicious. 】

[Senior nephew can't stand it, Seventh Shishu should forget it.If you don't eat any more divine beasts, you will die. 】

【Ugh?But if you don't eat it, you will die, right?After eating, don't I still have your bitter medicine for melancholy sleep? 】

[Then take a drink this time. 】

[Here... there is really no candied fruit or the like! 】

【No, drink it...】

[Mianmian, you are really fierce, does Yueluo know that?Then again, if you meet the divine beasts in the future, use the observation technique to take a look, there will be their inner alchemy wherever the spiritual energy of the divine beast gathers, and the inner alchemy is their most... 】

【Drink medicine! 】

Back then, Qi Qi always had a lot of words to avoid drinking the bitter medicine made by Gu Choumian.

The weakness of the divine beast is its inner alchemy!

Where the aura gathers—

"found it!"

Gu Choumian found the location of the inner alchemy of the vicious beast. Although the quarantine became a puddle of mucus, it was still a whole after all.

Concentrating a little, Gu Choumian learned the healing technique with Mi Zixin, and there are parts that can cause damage.

As a doctor, naturally, he shouldn't use his knowledge to hurt people, but in this case, Gu Choumian thought he was saving people.

Gu Choumian fired the transparent bead in his hand towards the inner alchemy who had stopped the epidemic.

When the beads were flying in the air, Gu Choumian used magic to bless the beads.

Zhuzi successfully collided with the inner alchemy who had recovered from the epidemic.

If there were no beads here, Gu Choumian would have labored to take out the inner elixir of the beast, even if he died because of it.

But Gu Choumian believed that what Xiao Zhi spit out was definitely not simple, and it would definitely create a miracle.

The result was exactly as Gu Choumian thought, the slime of the vicious beasts shrank back in an instant, and they quickly formed a huge solid in the place of its inner alchemy. It seemed that they were trying to force the bead out of themselves. .

"It's now!"

Gu Choumian said, and then Ao Jie also pulled down the glass beads on his arm.

As the Liulichuan left, the skin on Ao Jie's arm also appeared.

A powerful spiritual force was released, and Ao Jie quickly formed a whirlpool behind the beast of the epidemic.

Gu Choumian was nervous when he watched the unresisted person being pulled into the whirlpool. While he was nervous, he also saw that success was inevitable.

Ao Jie also recited different incantations, thinking of destroying the epidemic quietly.

Gu Choumian turned his head and looked at Ao Jie again. He wanted to remind Ao Jie not to be too hasty, but his eyes were drawn to Ao Jie's arm.

Ao Jie's arm has the same butterfly pattern as Xiaoya, and the same butterfly pattern as the woman who killed the Gu family.

The anger in Gu Choumian's heart seemed to feed the darkness in his heart.

At that moment, Gu Choumian even wanted to kill Ao Jie, but as Xiao Zhi cried out in his arms, Gu Choumian quickly regained his senses.

"Don't worry, watch its movements carefully!"

Gu Choumian reminded Ao Jie.

Ao Jie also nodded in agreement.

The two of them watched the epidemic disappear little by little in the vortex of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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