Yun Qishen

Chapter 694 Classification

Chapter 694 Classification (33)
(God's perspective)
With the disappearance of the epidemic, Ao Jie also felt that his heart was no longer as heavy as before.


Xiao Zhi let out a cry of joy, and Gu Choumian and Ao Jie also looked at it.

Xiao Zhi jumped happily on the cat demon's head.The cat demon's severed forelimbs are also recovering quickly.

The cat demon's eyes also slowly opened, and when it saw Gu Choumian and Xiao Zhi, it purred with peace of mind.

"Counseling..." Gu Choumian smiled slightly, he thought that he really thought well, and the beads that Xiaozhi spit out really worked.

The part of the cat demon that was swallowed up by the epidemic also recovered little by little.

On the other hand, Chen Yueluo's body, which had collapsed into dead branches, also returned to its original state.

Ao Jie looked at what was happening in disbelief. He subconsciously reached out and touched the cat demon to confirm.

As a result, Gu Choumian suddenly took his hand and stopped him from moving.

Ao Jie looked at Gu Choumian again in doubt, but was taken aback by Gu Choumian's gloomy face.


"Ah... I'm sorry, please help Yueluo up."

Gu Choumian didn't pay attention for a while, he seemed to have done something subconsciously again, and when Gu Choumian recovered instantly, he quickly put on a smile.

Then Gu Choumian and Ao Jie left the cultivation cliff with the cat demon and Chen Yueluo.

The battle to cultivate the cliff has always been in someone's eyes.

"I really didn't expect the two disciples here to be able to achieve this level..."

Taoist Xuanxin took a sip of tea, then he put down the teacup and pushed it in front of his disciple who was making the tea, "You did a good job, but the tea here is cold."

"The disciple is going to make tea for the master."

"Pindao just wait here."

The disciples of Chongyuan Sect quickly left with their teacups in their hands.

Daoist Xuanxin also restrained his smiling face, and he looked forward seriously, "Since everyone is here, why don't you come out and chat with Pindao?"

"You can chat to death, is it useful to chat?"

Spirit Realm Dao didn't show up, and Xuan Xin's voice was very real.

"Haha, senior is really funny. You came to Pindao at this time, I'm afraid you're not here to question Pindao?"

Daoist Xuanxin sat calmly.

"You know what to ask..."

"But senior, you have no evidence, don't you?"

"You are really mean..."

"Pindao's despicableness is really not as good as your predecessors."

Lingjing Dao endured his anger, "I warn you not to let me catch you, otherwise no one will have an opinion even if I cut you into pieces."

The corners of Xuanxin Dao's mouth rose, "How can a cultivator have any opinion on you, senior? Besides, who knows whether senior you really taught the poor for the sake of immortality?"

"You don't have to go too far."

"But the seniors are struggling, and the poor are also powerless."

Spirit Realm Dao smacked his lips and left, and Dao Master Xuan Xin raised the corners of his mouth even more proudly.

"Come on."

"Yes, Master."

"I'm tired of the poor, disciple, please help to tidy up the bed."


The disciples of Chongyuan Sect followed Xuanxin's words to clean up the bed.

There is such a thing among the disciples who served at the side of Taoist Master Xuanxin in Chongyuanmen.

It is absolutely impossible to look back at their master while cleaning up the bed.

As for the reason for this, no one knows, and no one knows the consequences of looking back.

The disciples of Chongyuan Sect were neither too many nor too few, no matter if they were newcomers or old people, the same number had been maintained every year.

There has also been a terrifying rumor circulating in Chongyuanmen.

The master of Chongyuanmen can eat people.

Although there is such a saying, there are still people who choose to practice Taoism in Chongyuanmen after seeing Daoist Xuanxin again.

There are no particularly elderly disciples in Chongyuan Sect, and there are a certain number of entry-level disciples every year.

The disciples and elders before Xuanxin became the head of Chongyuan Sect, and the disciples today are not clear.

This time, some of the new disciples came to this Jingling Mountain with Daoist Xuanxin.

"Master, the bed is made up."

This newly arrived Chongyuan Sect disciple didn't know the rumors, so he looked back at Taoist Master Xuanxin.

At that moment, what the disciple saw was an old face and a short body due to his hunches.

"Teacher, you turned back..."


Xuan Xin had murderous intent in his eyes, and he cut off the head of the Chong Yuan Sect disciple before he was too loud.

Taoist Xuanxin looked at the blood stained on his hands and sighed, "Ignorance is wrong. But if you know it, you have to pay the price."

The body of the disciple of Chongyuan Sect was absorbed into the body by Daochang Xuanxin into dust, and his blood was also absorbed into Daochang Xuanxin's body little by little.

Taoist Master Xuanxin's old face and rickety body also began to change, and in a short while he returned to the appearance of the doll painted in that year.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a teacup breaking from outside the door, and Daoist Xuanxin quickly pushed the door to check.

As a result, he didn't see the tea-making disciple he thought.

"There is someone else's breath... Is the breath here someone from Jingling Mountain... Hmph."

Daoist Xuanxin closed the door after paying attention to his surroundings.

Not far away, Fu Luxiao covered the mouth of a Chongyuan Sect and hid it nervously.

What was that just now, fortunately he was fast, otherwise the little disciple here would have become the same dead person.

Fu Luxiao took the Chongyuan Sect disciple to Chengyun Hall just in case.

After the Chongyuan Sect disciple escaped from Fu Luxiao, he began to gasp in fear.

"Are you OK."

"How can it be okay! What kind of monster is that! Is it a curse under your Jingling Mountain! It must be you who want to frame our Chongyuanmen, your Jingling Mountain is really despicable!"

Fu Luxiao wanted to express his concern, but he was misunderstood.

"I'm kind enough to save you, it's really troublesome. Whatever you think."

Fu Luxiao turned his head and sat on the stone chair on the side without paying any attention to the disciple of Chongyuan Sect.

The Chongyuan Sect disciple knew exactly what he had seen and heard, but he just didn't want to believe it.How could his master kill his disciple so cruelly... how is it possible here.

Fu Luxiao yawned lazily, while he also secretly observed the Chongyuan Sect disciple.

"If you care so much, why don't you go and find out? As long as you are not afraid of death, the truth is in front of you."

Fu Luxiao looked at the disciple provocatively while leaning on his head in one hand.

"Shouldn't you come with me to figure it out? How can you be so irresponsible!"


Fu Luxiao wondered what responsibility he was responsible for, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the disciple pointing at him and blaming him.

What logic is this, and how do their Chongyuanmen's brains grow?

"Since you saved me, then take the responsibility to protect me all the time! If you don't want Jing Lingshan to bear the infamy, you have to take the responsibility and go with me to find out!"

The disciple of Chongyuan Sect thought to himself that he must not let his apprentice brother die in vain beside such an evil ghost.In vain, he has always respected the master so much, and the master turned out to be such a ferocious monster.

(End of this chapter)

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