Yun Qishen

Chapter 701 Prelude to the Battle

Chapter 701 Prelude to the Battle

(God's perspective)
Taki Yunhua looked at the gold bracelet on her wrist intoxicated.

"It seems that Jinglingshan is going to have a good show~ It's a pity that I can't go back and watch it~"

Taki Yunhua narrowed her soul-defying eyes, and then she thought of something that could relieve her boredom.

"Little Moss, come here~"

"I'm coming."

In just a few days, Guan Xinghai got used to Taki Yunhua calling him that.

"Do you have any other orders?"

Taki Yunhua saw Guan Xinghai being so obedient and patient to serve her, and she didn't want to be too difficult for Guan Xinghai.

"Look at my disciple is not here now, and your attitude, Little Mosi, won't let me go out and run around.

But it's really boring here. I heard that if the mother and fetus are in a bad mood, it will affect the baby, right? "

"Theoretically, this is indeed the case." Guan Xinghai answered bluntly.

"Then I think so~ Xiao Mosi, you can cook some food for me~"

"This...I'm not very good at cooking...Isn't the food of Saint Moss unpalatable?"

Guan Xinghai thinks that women who are obsessed with demons are prone to starvation during pregnancy.

"That's not true. It's rare for me to come back to Jiangbang. Naturally, the food in Jiangbang is the most to my appetite. It's just that I always feel that there is something missing. Since you are not very good at cooking, you are also good at cooking~ Why don't you come and see the palace? Save the chicken!"

"Kung Pao Chicken? What is that?"

"It's my apprentice's best..."


Just as Taki Yunhua was talking with Xing Guan Xinghai, a black dragon suddenly broke through the door and broke in.

Then a strong wind hit Guanxinghai's eyes, and when Guanxinghai's vision recovered, he saw a man in black standing in front of Taki Yunhua, he hurriedly saluted, "Ah here... this subordinate sees General Lai A!"

"Get up." Lai said without looking at Guan Xinghai, and began to care about Taki Yunhua.

"Really, if it wasn't for the Spirit Realm Dao reminding Benlong that you came to Jiangbang, would you plan to keep your stomach straight and hide it from Benlong?"

Lai A cared about Taki Yunhua, he looked at Taki Yunhua's growing belly, "Is there any discomfort? If there is Benlong, he will punish this guy! How did he take care of the previous generation..."

Guan Xinghai was shocked when he heard it.

Taki Yunhua put her hand on Lai's mouth and signaled him not to say any more, "Lai'er, you have been worried, how can I say that I want to be a mother-in-law~ Ha, Xiao Mosi, don't let this vicious bastard fool you. The dragon was frightened."

"The previous generation... what... Lai Amo will be with you... Could it be that you are!" Guan Xinghai felt that Taki Yunhua's identity was unusual. She was Yun Qishen's master, and her status was already very high. Now that Lai Amo Jiang has such words and attitudes, she must be the one!
"Shh~ Little Mosi wants to save his life, there are some things that can't be said~"

Taki Yunhua put her hand on her lips to signal Guanxinghai to keep it a secret, she smiled and already hooked the soul of Guanxinghai.

"Since you're all here, what about the stinky boy! It's too outrageous to leave you here alone!" Lai A didn't seem to know about Yunqi's deepening into a cat.Only after he got the order from the Spiritual Realm did he know that Taki Yunhua had left Liu Yinfeng and returned to the state.

The one who thought that Yun Qishen would be with Taki Yunhua, but the person from Taki Yunhua came, let alone Yun Qishen, he didn't see the scum.

"I sent him to the Demon Battlefield for training. Lai, listen to me~ Jishen opened up the intermediate level scene~ Looking back at that time, I couldn't even handle the intermediate level battle. what~"

Taki Yunhua and Lai A were talking with great interest, and all they could do while watching the sea of ​​stars was to look at the two noble people here without saying a word.He even found it difficult to breathe.

The atmosphere seemed relaxed to Taki Yunhua and Lai A, but to Guan Xinghai, this place was simply suffocating him.

"Intermediate? Just like the idiot's middle-level devil? Stop laughing at my dragon!" Lai'a smiled.

Taki Yunhua lightly hit Lai A with her fist, "Don't laugh, I am surprised, but I can see that Tu'er is really getting stronger step by step, he is closer than before. It's a little more human, isn't it? Except for that annoying mouth."

"His mouth is really annoying. It's really not good to be too arrogant." Lai said on the surface, but she was also very worried about Yun Qishen's situation.

"Aojiao~ Lai A, you still said this kind of word~" Taki Yunhua smiled at Lai A with a deep meaning, "I found out, I'm a disciple who is easy to be arrogant to acquaintances in a mess. Strangers, especially unfamiliar women, regardless of age or gender, are extremely gentle~"

"Hmph, Ben Long has already seen it. The more he cares about people, the more he likes to speak the opposite way. Those of us who have the art of peeping at the heart can still understand him, those who don't know what he thinks in particular. Naturally, he will push him away. But..." Lai'a nodded slightly, "...this guy cooks very well."

"Cooking seems to be the only remaining advantage of my apprentice here~ and oh..."

Taki Yunhua suddenly said that she was addicted.

The original concern and condolences turned into a review conference of Yunqi's deep character appreciation and merits.In the end, the result given by one person and one dragon is that Yun Qishen is nothing but cooking.

"It's no wonder that Niqi is so worried about this kid. Who can stand the feeling that he may be withdrawn from time to time." Lai said that he was tired.

Taki Yunhua thought about Ye Qi's appearance and his deep feelings for Yun Qi, "Although I can't know what Ye Qi is thinking, what I can be sure of is that he has done a lot to confirm and practice his feelings. big sacrifice.

Just like I did for the spiritual realm, he also made great efforts for the deep.I'm just worried about my stubborn disciple. When will I turn my mind around my feelings. "

At this moment, Yun Qishen in the Demon War Realm almost suspected that he had cat flu, and he kept sneezing.

"If you let me know who is talking ill of me behind my back, I will never forgive him!" Yun Qishen shouted so hard as he ran to avoid the blue skeletons.

Skeletons, skeletons everywhere!Is this a bone hole?No, it should be called the Skeleton Battlefield!

"Save the cat's life!!! Hurry up and come out with mana!"

Yun Qishen dexterously jumped on the skull and tried to dodge, but just after it roared for help again, the cat stepped on the air and fell down, and then several pairs of skull hands grabbed towards Yun Qishen.

The fear of skeletons since childhood made Yun Qishen's heart beat faster, and then a scream came out of his cat's mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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