Yun Qishen

Chapter 702 Chapter 701 Demon Battle Domain

Chapter 702 Chapter 1 The Battle of Demons ([-])
(God's perspective)
"I'm afraid the cat's life here is over..."

Yun Qishen hugged his body and curled up behind the stone.

Yun Qishen didn't expect it at the time. When he screamed out of fear, his body began to change.

He lost his tail first, and then his body got bigger.The cat's head also changed back to a human appearance, and all the cat hair on his body fell off.

No matter how downhearted a person is, he might have a pair of underwear left for him, but Yun Qishen, he doesn't even have underwear.

"Why am I so unlucky..."

Yun Qi sighed deeply, he didn't dare to be too loud, otherwise the group of skeletons would find him.

Although he recovered his human appearance, Yun Qishen felt that his mana had not returned at all, and he still couldn't feel the mana fluctuations around him.

He felt that although there was nothing but skeletons in the Demon War Realm, it was still too shameful to walk around naked.

"If that's the case, wouldn't I become a savage?" Yun Qishen hugged himself tightly, thinking about his appearance as a savage, he smiled awkwardly, "Ha... no, no, no, the savage also has a piece of cloth. ...then am I..."

Yun Qishen imagined the red ass swaying in the forest... He even hallucinated the voice, "...Monkey...Monkey?"


Because it was too embarrassing, Yun Qishen hugged himself, buried his head and shouted.

At that time, a dark shadow approached the stone that Yunqi was hiding in its depths.

Yun Qishen, who was still shy, suddenly felt something grabbing his shoulder.

"No... not at all."

Yun Qishen looked back with a gloomy face and a terrified expression, and it turned out to be a skeleton.


Yun Qishen subconsciously threw his fist over to smash the skull's head, and then the skull shattered to the ground.Du Du's skeleton hand was still on Yun Qishen's shoulder.

Yun Qishen hurriedly tore off the skeleton hand and threw it all the way.

Although he was very afraid of skeletons, he still endured the fear and took off the broken clothes on the skeletons.

"These days, a skeleton can wear clothes, I... ugh..."

After Yun Qishen got dressed, he changed places to hide.

Today's Demon War Realm is much different from the Demon War Realm that Yun Qishen experienced before.

The environment is also different from before.

The previous primary battle field was a blood-red rust color, and even the skeletons were stained with rust.There are broken swords and ruins everywhere, like a tragic battlefield.Just because it is a junior, the appearance of the enemy can be slightly changed.

Those skeletons that can turn into zombies make Yun Qishen not too afraid.

Today, the environment here is intermediate, and the environment has completely changed. Although there are boulders around it that can be resisted, it is actually a large labyrinth.

Youlan in the sky can still see a rotating cloud, and the cloud is forming a void in the distance.

The boulders appeared from time to time throughout the battlefield, and they formed a labyrinth unevenly.

Yun Qishen believed that the black hole was the way to get out of the battlefield.

It's just that he can't leave this stone formation without mana at all.Another group of skeletons will catch up from time to time.Yun Qishen managed to escape from the hands of those terrifying guys.

"It doesn't matter where you go." Yun Qishen ran quickly to find the entrance to the Lost Stone Array.

Unexpectedly, when Yun Qishen was about to circumvent a blue boulder, a huge skeleton slashed those boulders flat.

Yun Qi wiped his sweat and let out a deep breath, "Alas, fortunately there was no official appointment, otherwise the hair would be gone."

As the boulder hit the ground, the huge skeleton also roared at Yun Qishen intimidatingly.


"Okay, okay, don't scold, I'm stupid, I admit it, okay, sigh..."

Yun Qishen's feet retreated slightly and then he turned around sharply, "Bye bye!"

Not to mention how fast he escaped, let's just say that when he escaped, he didn't look like a demon at all.

The huge skeleton calmly swept his hand towards Yun Qishen.

Along with the sandstorm, Yun Qishen also saw the hand of the skeleton attacking his front side.When he was curious about the specific size of the skeleton here, he slipped a shovel...

No, no, he felt that there was no way to escape with this kind of action, and the skeleton hand didn't leave any place for him to slide the shovel.

In the end, he could only hop across the gap in the skeleton hand.However, the impact was too great, and when he successfully jumped over, he fell.

It's really embarrassing and embarrassing!
Yun Qi expressed his thoughts with a deep beating, and when he was about to get up, a pair of small skeleton hands stretched out in front of him.


Yun Qishen looked up and saw that it was indeed a small skeleton. When the skeleton found that Yun Qishen was looking at him, he moved his mandible as if he was saying something.

The rattling sound of rubbing made Yun Qishen's back feel cold. What does the skeleton mean here?No matter what he meant, it seemed to me like he was going to click me... let's run.

Yun Qi deeply understood that he really couldn't deal with the skeleton, when he was fully awake.When he saw that the little skeleton didn't move much, he found an opportunity to run away.

Theoretically speaking, he had to defeat a certain number of skeletons before he could leave here. He would rather believe that he would leave through the black hole, and he would not confront what he was afraid of.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid, there's nothing shameful here, it's just that he himself can't stand the embarrassed appearance of running away.

Before Yun Qishen could run far, the huge skeleton hand waved over and caught him.

"I rely on!"

Yun Qi moved his body but did not break free from the skeleton's hand, and then he was lifted high into the air.

Looking at the approaching skeleton head in the air, his back became cold. Could it be that he has been folded on the skeleton in this life?
The huge skeleton opened its mouth and was about to send Yun Qishen in, when Yun Qishen heard the sound of clicking again.

The small skeleton just now also jumped on the huge skeleton hand, and it ate the skeleton hand and made a sound.

Isn't this thing trying to save me...

Yun Qishen felt that even if it was an illusion, he recognized it, save it, save it!
But it is possible that the strength is too disparate. The little skeleton here is completely useless.

Yun Qi saw that he was about to enter the skull's mouth.

Seeing that the situation was not very good, the little skeleton had to give up chewing, and then it climbed in front of Yun Qishen and began to pull the fingers of the huge skeleton.

Yun Qi deeply frowned, "Knowing the disparity in strength, why are you... Hey!"

click - click -

It's like a conversation, but Yun Qishen doesn't understand him.

In the end, the huge skeleton let go of his hand, and Yun Qishen and the small skeleton entered the skeleton's mouth together.

When Yun Qishen looked at the mouth and slowly closed it and thought it was over, the little skeleton quickly went over and raised his hands against the upper and lower jaws.

(End of this chapter)

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