Yun Qishen

Chapter 703 Chapter 702 Demon Battle Domain

Chapter 703 Chapter 2 The Battle of Demons ([-])
(God's perspective)
The scenery in front of him was not what Yun Qishen wanted to see, and he was also puzzled.

Why is this little skeleton trying to save himself here?

The little skeleton struggled to prevent the mouth from closing, and it kept "speaking" at Yun Qishen.

"Please, I really don't understand what you said..." Yun Qi took a deep look behind him. It was pitch black. According to common sense, the skull's mouth should be empty. There should be some space spell in it. .

Yun Qishen was curious about the internal structure of the skeleton, and the little skeleton's voice could not be changed when Yun Qishen noticed the chatter.



The loud scream of the little skeleton startled Yun Qishen.

When Yun Qishen looked at the little skeleton again, the little skeleton's body was not as straight as before.

Is it here... is it letting me out?
After Yun Qishen thought so, he jumped down from the mouth. Just after he jumped off, he realized that he didn't have the spell, and he couldn't die if he fell.

He hurriedly swung into the air and just grabbed a piece of bone protruding from the huge skeleton.

Yun Qishen, who was relieved, was just thinking about how to get down when he heard a clear click.

The sound of broken bones made Yun Qishen look up, and then the broken body of the little skeleton fell from above.

At that moment, Yun Qishen looked at the falling skull with mixed feelings.

After all, why did this skeleton save him?Even at the expense of life...

The huge skeleton started to move, and Yun Qishen didn't catch it before falling down again.

It's definitely over this time.

Yun Qishen covered his head subconsciously with his hands, and when he was really finished, he was caught by some net.

When he noticed something was wrong and opened his eyes, he found that he was flying in the air by a large skeleton bird carrying a net.

The huge skeleton was getting further and further away from him.

"What the hell is this..." Yun Qishen looked up at the flying skeleton bird, "I'm just curious, how the pure bone wings fly here. It just feels a little familiar and unfamiliar..."

Yun Qi looked down, and suddenly he had a feeling of riding the flying sword before, yes, he was dizzy.

This kind of torment made him uncomfortable, and it was not until the skeleton bird put him down that he got a great relief.

"Hey, I'm waiting here to welcome the Demon Lord of Jiangbang."

When Yun Qi was vomiting deeply, there was a strange sound.

How could there be anyone else in this place?
After Yun Qishen felt better, he looked back, only to see a group of skeletons bowing to him.

"What's going on here..."

Yun Qishen was happy to have someone to talk to, but he thought there was a normal person, but when he turned around, it was full of skeletons.

How scary here... I have no mana now, even if I'm exhausted from hitting him hard.

Then wait for the opportunity to escape.

Yun Qishen stepped back vigilantly, but was blocked by the skeleton bird.

Really... It seems that it can only be forced from the front!

Yun Qishen had no choice but to rush forward, and the group of skeletons moved away without knowing what happened to him.

It's pretty easy.

It wasn't long before Yun Qishen felt that his feet were caught by something, and then he fell to the ground, almost knocking his teeth.

To be so unlucky.

Yun Qishen got up and naturally grabbed a skeleton hand by his ankle, and he pulled him after almost a dozen skeletons were connected together.

Immediately afterwards, a well-dressed skeleton approached Yun Qishen.

"Hey, I have no ill intentions towards you, Demon Lord."

"I see that you have a lot of malice towards me!"

Yun Qishen was just a refutation of Skull's words.

The skeleton was of good character, and it knew that Yun Qishen seemed to have some resistance to the skeletons, so it didn't touch Yun Qishen and let the skeletons let go.

The other skeletons listened and made a clicking sound.

Yun Qishen was also able to stand up and look at the skeleton who could speak human words.

"Hey, Demon Lord, don't judge me like this, we can't control the appearance here, everything is related to you, Demon Lord."

The skeleton bowed slightly towards Yun Qishen, but Yun Qishen was not as frightened as before.

"Is it related to me?" Yun Qi deeply recalled the red battlefield before. He should have asked Laia to change it for him. Why does this skeleton say it is related to him?
"Hey, it's really about your own thoughts, the devil. As long as you have a strong will, you can imagine me as anything. And the reason why the devil now sees me as a skeleton is because in the The reason why we are skeletons in the Demon Lord's heart. I think the Demon Lord was probably frightened by the group of skeleton soldiers in the previous primary battlefield."

Hearing what the skeleton said here, Yun Qi really felt that it made some sense.

"Since you can speak, can you tell me how I can get out of here?" Yun Qishen planned to go back to discuss with Taki Yunhua first, and he would change back to his human appearance first, so he thought about restoring his mana. research research.

"Hey, Demon Lord, you must have seen the black hole in the distance."

The skeleton looked at the black hole in the blue cloud, and Yun Qishen also looked over, "Where is the exit, right?"

"Hey, that's right, but if you want to leave the battlefield, you must use magic. If no one else takes you out, the devil has to recover the spell in the battlefield and then go out on his own."

"So, do you know how to restore spells?"

"Hey, the little one knows a little bit, and please invite the devil to come with the little one."

The skull turned to lead the way, and Yun Qishen followed him.

The other skeletons surrounding them were more or less making a clicking sound.

"Hey, don't be nervous, Demon Lord, they are all complimenting Demon Lord for being good-looking."

"Uh... Is that so? I thought..." Yun Qishen thought the group of skeletons had snapped him.

"Hey, why?"

"It's nothing... Uh, what do you mean by eh? It sounds weird, why don't you change the words?" Yun Qishen thought about changing the subject and then turned to this.

The skeleton didn't speak for a while, but after a while he said, "Hey?"

It is true that the word was changed here, but Yun Qishen sounded even more strange, he smiled awkwardly, "You still huh..."

Soon the skeleton brought Yun Qishen to their stone fortress. A group of skeletons with weapons saw Yun Qishen and the skeleton came back and stood neatly on both sides. They seemed to show their might. The weapon jabbed to the ground and yelled.


The skull then turned around to welcome Yun Qishen, "Welcome the devil to the Cangqing tribe."

(End of this chapter)

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