Yun Qishen

Chapter 705 Chapter 704 Demon Battle Domain

Chapter 705 Chapter 4 The Demon's Battlefield ([-])
(God's perspective)
"Hey, since the Demon Lord intends to assist me in waiting for Cang Qing, then it's better for the Demon Lord to quickly order the troops to evacuate. The Demon Lord doesn't know the strength of the other party yet..."

The decent skeleton said nervously, but Yun Qishen pulled his clothes and walked outside the tent.

"Hey, is the Demon Lord going to declare war directly?"

"As you said, you are the translator. Since the other party is coming for me, he wants me to help them, so that after I declare my position, it will be over, and then the battle will begin."

Yun Qishen thought about what might happen as he walked forward.

Skeleton raised his head slightly to look at Yun Qishen, he felt that Cang Qing would have hope of victory this time.

When they came to where the huge skeleton was, they saw a large group of small skeletons swarming towards the huge skeleton.

Then the huge skeleton swung the giant axe in his hand, and the small skeletons that swarmed up all collapsed. is too weak.

Yun Qishen felt that his team was still a little weak in strength, so the subsequent wars must not be confrontational, and it is even more impossible to directly attack the enemy camp as mentioned earlier.

"You go get them to stop."

Yun Qishen pushed the decent skeleton forward, and the skeleton followed the order.

Then Yun Qishen heard a scream that shook the mountains and rivers.


This should mean to stop, and then all the soldiers stopped moving.

The well-dressed skeleton continued to speak with a click.

After he finished talking about the huge skeleton, he put away the axe and looked at Yun Qishen, and then he said a few words and then turned his head and left.

The little skeleton soldiers also began to reorganize and rest.

The well-dressed skeleton returned to Yun Qishen and gave a salute.

"What did the big skeleton say?"

"Hey, back to the devil, the skeleton told me to wait and do it myself, and he also wished the devil to win. He has already gone back to prepare for the first battle."

Yun Qi thought deeply about how to translate so many words in just two sentences...

"Since that's the case, order all the ministries to rectify. Let's transform the military camp first. You also hand over the information of the Youlan tribe to me. The more detailed the better."

Just as Yun Qishen was about to turn around, he suddenly realized one thing, "Can this dress help me find a decent one?"

"Hey, I'm going to prepare now, and I'll ask the devil to go back to the tent and wait."

The well-dressed one clicked at the skeleton not far away, and the other skeletons left quickly.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to go back to the tent and wait. After walking towards the tent for a while, he turned back to greet the well-dressed skeleton, "Hey, come here first."

"Hey, do you have any other orders from the Demon Lord?"

The well-dressed skeleton was very active and came over to be dispatched.

"No, I just don't know what to call you. What's your name?"

"Hey... I'm waiting for my name... er... Hui Mojun, the soldiers of the Cangqing tribe I'm waiting for don't have names. It's really hard for me to answer this sudden question from Mojun."

The decent skeleton rubbed his hands in embarrassment.Although he was acting strangely, he could see that the skeleton was really embarrassed.

"no name?"

Yun Qishen then looked at the busy skeleton soldiers around, and thought that he was right, every time the Demon Lord came, there would be a fight, and they didn't even bother to remember the names of this group of people.

How could there be a Demon Lord who would want to name a skeleton in such an idle time as he was.

But now he has no mana, and for some things, I can only ask this skeleton in front of me who can speak intelligible words, and has been calling him hello.Yun Qishen felt that it was too rude here.

"Since it's convenient for me to call you the military division, so you have a name. As for the group of skeleton soldiers under you, please give them names. It's too sad that you have no names since you were born after so many years. A bit? Haha."


"Hey! What's wrong with you! Can skeletons still cry these days!!"

Yun Qishen wasn't interested in skeletons, but it was the first time he saw skeletons cry.

The skeleton, who was named by Yun Qishen as the military division, was crying.

"Hey, I'm so grateful to the Demon Lord. I'm still waiting for a name."

After saying that, the military advisor rushed towards Yun Qishen.

"Hey. Wait! Don't touch me!!"

Yun Qishen naturally knew that the strategist was not malicious, but he was still afraid of the skeleton rushing towards him, because the reason why he was afraid of the skeleton was not the skeleton in the laboratory.


After that, everything was arranged according to Yun Qishen's instructions.The strategist also brought out the information about the battles between the Youlan tribe and the Cangqing tribe. Naturally, it was written after they died and then woke up.

"Hey, Hui Mojun, these are the information about the battles led by some demon lords of the first generation. These are the information about the battles led by the demon lords of recent generations."

The strategist Skeleton prepared all the information that Yun Qishen wanted. Yun Qishen also put on a decent dress at this time. He picked up the information of recent generations and looked at it. One of the volumes was exceptionally new and looked like As if it was just written.

After Yun Qishen opened the intelligence booklet, he could see that the picture above was the words... After the click, there was no other content.

Tell me how this makes people look!

Yun Qi was deeply distressed, "How can I understand the text here, just come over and help translate."

"Hey, you need your own firm awareness here, you now think that you don't recognize the words I am waiting for, as long as you are firm that you recognize the words, you can understand them. Changing the words is the most important time when you have no mana. Simple."

"The simplest... firm awareness..."

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do. He had never succeeded in the Red War Territory before.

But this time it was unexpectedly simple, and Yun Qishen was a little incredible.

Yun Qishen felt a little joy in his heart after watching the clicked words gradually turn into words he knew, but because in front of this group of skeletons, he thought it would be better for him to behave more prudently.

"Well, it's really simple." Yun Qishen replied to the military division skull.

"Hey, I just said that this matter will definitely not be difficult for you, the devil. I hope the information will help you." The military division skull retreated to the side and waited for the dispatch.

Yun Qishen also began to carefully read the information in the booklet.

After reading this brand-new intelligence booklet, he expressed his admiration for the strategies used by the Blue Tribe and the use of the battlefield terrain described in it.

Regardless of the strategy or the number of sacrifices, the Youlan Tribe handled it perfectly.

While Yun Qishen was concerned about which demon lord's plan was this, he flipped forward to check the names he ignored.

"How could it be him—Takizawa?"

Yun Qishen couldn't believe it, whether it was using soldiers or tactics, Takizawa used it just right and it was perfect, but why would the border be defeated in that battle of the immortals and demons?
(End of this chapter)

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