Yun Qishen

Chapter 706 Chapter 705 Demon Battle Domain

Chapter 706 Chapter 5 The Battle of Demons ([-])
(God's perspective)
"According to the terrain of the battlefield mentioned in the intelligence, it is indeed inconvenient for our army to travel.

The Youlan tribe is so huge that it can see through our army's hiding at a glance, so we can't rely on it to hide all the rocks.

Even if our army has skeleton birds, it is a little weak. The intelligence mentioned that the Youlan tribe has anti-air weapons, but our army has nothing! "

Yun Qishen explained the topographic map to several skeletons.The strategist skeleton is doing a kacha kacha explanation.

"The battle we are about to face will take place in this area. In the first battle, we are going to explore the road and dig for information, so most of the troops are kept at the camp, and a few powerful soldiers are sent to scatter rocks here. Set up traps.

Although the opponent's soldiers are strong, they will move relatively slowly.

I think that the quiet blue soldier who just left at this time also arrived at this place.Combining all the paths that can lead to the Blue Tribe, this one is the fastest. "

Yun Qishen marked a red circle on a rocky place, "I ask one side to go through the long path in the east to the rear south side of the Youlan Tribe. After arriving, no action is allowed without my order.

One side lures the enemy to attract the enemy's attention on both sides by lurking and invading.

Our purpose is here! "

Yun Qishen pointed to the red circle again, "The rocks here are very fast and huge, suitable for quick hiding.

The enemy's soldiers will definitely destroy the surrounding stones with their weapons, so why do I want you to set traps here, all you want is to use rocks and traps to limit the enemy's movements.

Both sides in the first battle here are definitely temptations, and our army must not make sacrifices this time.As for the soldiers hiding on the rear south side, don't act rashly until the second battle is over.

The battle between Youlan and Cangqing here will not exceed three battles.

Send troops to set up traps now. The enemy soldiers should arrive at Cangqing in two hours. According to the speed of our army, they will set off in an hour. "

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, there was silence off the court. He thought that he said something bad?This group of skeletons also responded a little bit!

"Hey..." The strategist Skull cried again, "This is the first time someone has planned a war strategy, I was so moved by the wait, the previous demon lords just rushed to hit us, and I kept running away until I waited. Escape, now finally..."

The skeleton of the military division led all the skeletons around to cry, and the sound of Kacha Kacha was still very sad.

Yun Qishen's face was speechless, and he could see from the intelligence. The biggest advantage of the Cangqing tribe is that the soldiers run fast and you can't catch them, so it takes a lot of effort to eliminate them all. This kind of speed is particularly difficult, and they are also comprehensive in gathering intelligence.

"Alright, alright, don't cry anymore. Let's go get ready!" Yun Qi waved at the skeletons, and the strategist skeleton also translated.

The other skeletons began to act according to Yun Qishen's orders.Only the strategist skeleton remained,
"Hey, Demon Lord, I have something I want to give to you." The sergeant skeleton called out twice towards the outside of the tent, and then a skeleton soldier presented a suit similar to a battle armor.

"What's your intention? You don't need it if you thank me. I don't like such heavy clothes." Yun Qishen thought that he would never wear such clothes that seemed inconvenient to move around.

The sergeant Skeleton smiled, "Hey, I'm really waiting to thank you, the Demon Lord, and then we all discussed giving this blue-green armor to you. This is the treasure of our tribe, and I ask the Demon Lord to accept my waiting. Mind.

The blue-green battle armor here is not heavy, and it will be blessed in the body of the devil. It is also a kind of protection spell. If the devil recovers his mana, then the armor here can also protect the mana of the devil from being lost quickly.

Please also ask the devil to allow me to put on the armor for you! "

Click click.

The little skeleton soldier on the side also spoke with the strategist skeleton.

"Since the strategist insists on doing this, I will accept your thanks."

Yun Qishen thought that the ability of this armor is not bad, and their intentions are indeed very good.

After Yun Qishen put on the battle armor, the battle armor disappeared, and he did not feel inconvenient to move.

This is put on?
I kind of feel like the emperor's new clothes... Alas, they have no reason to lie to me.

"Hey, so I'll go down and arrange the first battle. You should have a good rest first."

The Sergeant Skeleton left the camp with the Skeleton Soldiers.

Yun Qishen also turned his head and looked at the topographic map behind.

Now that the mana is not there, it can only rely on the brain.The Cangqing tribe lacked too many resources.Relatively quiet blue tribe's resources and weapons are also numerous.

Yun Qishen opened an intelligence booklet, and what he read was the intelligence of Zhanhunxi's time.

"Everything started to change the status quo from here, and the group of huge skeletons also started to have weapons from here.

Zhanhunxi's tyrannical sword was also forged by him, and the information did not mention it, but it was certain that these weapons must be related to Zhanhunxi.Since it is related, there must still be a soul-killing spell left in the weapon.

If I touch those weapons, will I be able to restore some overbearing mana? "

Yun Qi thought deeply about all kinds of possibilities. Since there is a possibility of recovering a little mana, he should try it.So he decided to find a way to bring back one of their weapons to try.

An hour is neither long nor short, and it passes quickly.

The war also began.

Everything went according to Yun Qishen's plan, one side lurked, and both sides lured the enemy.Leave one side to set the trap.

The Youlan tribe sent two soldiers to follow the lure enemy to the rock trap.

Then the ground collapsed, and the two huge skeletons fell into the deep pit. It was also at this time that the ground of the deep pit began to quickly emerge from the ground and bound the body of a huge skeleton.

But the other one stepped on the trapped body of its companion and jumped up, and after a jump, it escaped from the trap.


The blue warrior roared and then waved the giant knife in his hand, cracking the ground with one blow.

The soldiers of the Cangqing tribe also used their strengths to retreat quickly, minimizing casualties.

Skeleton Bird conveyed the information back to Cangqing's military camp, and the strategist Skeleton quickly translated it to Yun Qishen.

"Don't worry... Send some people to set traps here. Since one can fall, it is an effective method. Order the soldiers who lure the enemy to return in a detour and lure the enemy here."

Yun Qishen issued an order, and Cang Qing's skeleton also moved quickly.

"Master, follow me here." Yun Qishen stood up and walked outside the tent.

The strategist skeleton also uttered a cry, "Hey!"

(End of this chapter)

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