Yun Qishen

Chapter 726 Xinjiang Affairs

Chapter 726: Border Affairs (15)
(God's perspective)
The man in black robe in front of Yun Qishen took his hand back, but Yun Qishen grabbed his hand and prevented him from taking it back.

"Can't you explain it? Can't you show a trace of regret?"

Yun Qishen couldn't believe that the person in front of him didn't even want to say a word to him.

"Where did I offend you? You want to treat me like this? You are talking!"

Yun Qishen sat up, the man in black robe did not dodge or attack Yun Qishen.

But the black-robed man didn't say a word, which made Yun Qi deeply angry.

Even if you say that you are being forced to be helpless, or care about me for a while...don't stop talking!
Yun Qishen gritted his teeth and looked at the man in black robe in front of him.

The man in black robe straightened the mask on his face with his hand, then put his head aside.

"You guy..."

Yun Qishen thought about punching the black-robed man directly in the face, and it was at this time that purple smoke rose up around the two of them.

The purple smoke quickly surrounded Yun Qishen and the black-robed man, and then an inexplicable force came and directly separated the distance between Yun Qishen and the black-robed man.

Yun Qishen was directly bombarded by the impact of the force for a distance.

When the purple smoke gradually faded away, Yun Qishen also saw a black robe man beside him.

Is that Ling Yaoqing?
The purple smoke around it was hard not to make Yun Qishen think of the woman Ling Yaoqing.

So is the black-robed man who appeared in front of you again?

"Let's go."

The black-robed man who suddenly appeared was cold and had a feeling that made Yun Qi deeply familiar.

The two men in black robes walked towards the center of the purple smoke.

"You wait!"

When Yun Qishen came over, he was stunned.

What the hell does this guy mean!I must find you and ask clearly!

"Hey, you green-haired turtle!!!"

The anger in his heart made Yun Qishen roar at the place where the man in black robe left.

At the same time, there was a sharp sound in the ears of the demons all over Xinjiang.

Taki Yunhua was waiting for Lai A to come back and bring her something delicious, but there was a sharp sound in her ear.

"Could it be that the disciple did it here? The disciple, it's good that you can open the devil's synaesthesia... It's just that the sound here is too uncomfortable... The teacher's ear hurts..."

Taki Yunhua frowned slightly and rubbed her ears with her hands.

Laia was also discussing Xinjiang's affairs with Tatum at this time, and the sudden sharp sound made Tatum lose his calm for a while.

"Is this... the Demon Lord... It's really just this time."

Tatum forgot what to say to Laia for a while because of tinnitus.

Lai'a smiled as if nothing was wrong, "Look at your appearance. As a demon king, he should have opened up his synesthesia long ago. This proves that he, the demon king, is gradually on the right track."

Tatum rubbed his ears, "You can't feel the sharpness and naturally don't understand my discomfort.

I'm worried that a single sound from him here will make me, a demon general, feel uncomfortable for a long time, and those ordinary demons will definitely be even more unbearable. "

Lai agrees with what Tatum said on this point, "Ignore this for now, let's talk about the plan with that group of immortals."

"Ah..." Tatum meditated for a while before talking to Laia again.

In the Qiu family, Qiu Shan was trying to compete with Wan Yi, but a sharp sound in his ear almost made Qiu Shan hit Wan Yi's blade.

In case he saw Qiu Shan's footsteps loose for a while, he would also put away his long sword, "What's wrong with you Qiu Shan?"

Qiu Shan stood still and rubbed his ears with his hands, "Well..."

Hearing Qiu Shan's voice, if he remembered that he should prepare a pen and paper, he quickly gave the pen and paper to Qiu Shan.

Qiu Shan took the pen and paper and quickly finished writing it to Wan Yi.

[I had tinnitus just now, I think it should be the Demon Lord who turned on his synaesthesia, but the sound was too uncomfortable for me to concentrate.

I think there must be something in the Demon Lord that made him very angry, otherwise he would not have opened the synaesthesia in the demon world in such a stimulating way. 】

If you look at these words and can't help but sigh that Qiu Shan is really able to write, is this to fill in all the things that are not usually spoken at one time?
"What made Yun Qishen angry? Could it be about Uncle Seven..." If he looked up in the direction of Demon King City, he then began to worry about Jingling Mountain's situation again.

Qiu Shan came over and patted Wan Yu's shoulder, "Well...don't worry."

In case of a sigh, he will continue to compete with Qiushan.

In the distance, the envoy of the enemy was watching the two of them compete, and he just rubbed his ears.

I haven't experienced this kind of tinnitus in years.

The envoy of Qiu Mo couldn't help but sigh, and he looked at the sword on his waist.

Among the monarchs who have opened up synaesthesia with the devil in the history of Xinjiang, only Zhanhunxi has made such a big move.

At that time, Zhanhunxi was not the devil of Jiangbang, but a general at the mercy of others.The general who will be punished at every turn.

At the beginning, Zhanhunxi's roar was for the people of Jiangbang, but what is Yun Qi's deep-seated for now?
The envoy of Qiu Mo became curious. He was very clear that Yun Qishen would not be so angry for his own people at this time. Although the current demon king is selfish, he can really distinguish the priority of the matter.


Outside the border, the two men in black robes appeared through purple smoke.

Ling Yaoqing, dressed in purple, was waiting for the two to return in front.

"You're irritated again."

Ling Yaoqing approached the man in black robe with gray-green hair. She took off the man's mask and saw a sad face.

The man's originally bright blue eyes became dimmer, and the evil red under the corners of his eyes gradually changed with sadness.

"My king, you must never go to see him again in the future. I said, when you get the entire ancient proud continent, you can get whatever you want. But not now..."

Ling Yaoqing stroked his cheek with her hand. She wanted to persuade him further, but he pushed him away.

"Let me be quiet."

The man in black robe took the mask back from Ling Yaoqing's hand and walked to the side.

Another man in black robe passed by Ling Yaoqing, "Your understanding of emotions is still too superficial."

After speaking, the old man in black robe followed the previous one.

Ling Yaoqing grabbed the robe of the black-robed man in front of her, "I understand feelings better than anyone else, but if you have feelings, it won't do anything.

I thought you were the only one in the world who would understand me... Are you questioning me now?drunkard……"

"You let the old man down..."

The man in black robe shook off Ling Yaoqing's hand and left without looking back.

I know feelings better than everyone else, and I know more about loving someone, but that person can't go the same way as me.

Ling Yaoqing smiled bitterly as she looked at the two people who were leaving, and soon she returned to her usual calm and planned Zhou Tong appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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