Yun Qishen

Chapter 727 Xinjiang Affairs

Chapter 727: Border Affairs (16)
(God's perspective)
After Yun Qishen calmed down, he found a character where the black-robed people left.

He took a look at the character and remembered where he had seen it.

This is an invitation from the ghost country, and a wedding invitation from Jiang Liu and Xin.

So the other black robe has something to do with the ghost country?
It wasn't that Yun Qishen didn't use the technique of peeping at the time to spy on the identity of the black-robed man, but that something went wrong with his eyes.

As soon as he used the technique of peeping at the heart, his eyes were hazy, which should be caused by the powder in the doctor's hand.This matter Yun Qishen planned to come to the end later.

Since this matter has something to do with the ghost country, he will go to the ghost country to have a look. Even if he doesn't encounter it, he can find a general search direction.

Ye Qi, you wait!

Yun Qishen held the character tightly with his hands.

Guan Xinghai also woke up the next day, and Yun Qishen stayed by his bed all night.

"I have seen the devil!"

Guan Xinghai subconsciously got out of bed and bowed.

Yun Qishen was startled by a sound from the sea of ​​​​stars and woke up directly from the drowsiness.

"No...don't be too polite."

Yun Qishen quickly wiped the corner of his mouth and then quickly supported Guanxinghai.

"Monarch, other medicine people..."

"They are all right, and I have also tried to suppress the poison in their bodies.

I don't understand the structure of the medicine man, although I'm sorry to you, but I hope you can help. "

"Your servant is ordered."

Guan Xinghai's complexion improved a lot. He suddenly cared about Abo who was caught, and he didn't know what happened after he fell into a coma.

"Monarch, my servant has something else I want to ask."

When Yun Qi heard the tone, he understood what Guan Xinghai was going to ask, "That person is dead, and that Amin is also dead."

"Really... so that the black hand behind the scenes..."

"Don't worry, I already have a clear goal. I will definitely protect you." Yun Qishen patted his clothes and left the bedside, "Get ready, I'll go to other things first. By the way, the medicine list of the medicinal pills I want you to refine is also on the counter. After refining, just hand it over to Qianye.”


After Guanxinghai looked up again, Yun Qishen disappeared.

Qianye was waiting for Yun Qishen in the Demon King's Palace, and Yun Qishen arrived soon after.

"My servant has been waiting for you for a long time." Qianye still looked like a mature child. He was holding the golden sea Ake in his hand, but his clothes were changed from flax to dark red.

As soon as Yun Qishen saw Qianye like this, he thought of Taki Qianye, how could the two of them come out of the same mold?

"Ahaha, something has been delayed. Let's go into the hall and talk."

Yun Qi smiled deeply. Although he showed sunshine, he didn't feel as cheerful as before.

"Before talking about the matter, the devil should let his servants look into the eyes of the devil."

Qianye's attitude was neither impatient nor impatient, and he had a normal conversation with Yun Qishen.

"Alright, you wait."

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, he squatted down, and Qianye also stopped and turned to approach Yun Qishen.

Qianye glanced at Yun Qishen's eyes with his fingers, and he found some tiny particles attached to the surface of his eyes.

"Don't you feel the pain, Demon Lord?"

"It doesn't feel like a sting."

"Please wait."

Qianye pulled out a piece of golden Hai Ake petal, twisted it into powder, and then blew it into Yun Qishen's eyes.

Yun Qishen felt that the eyes were slightly cold, and the tears flowed down by conditioned reflex.

Hai Ake's powder absorbed the particles attached to the eyes, and then Qianye waved those particles back to the shape of petals.

Then a bunch of tiny particles appeared on the petals of Hai Ake.

If you look closely, those tiny particles still move.

"That's why I can't see clearly?" Yun Qishen couldn't help feeling disgusted.

Qianye used magic to surround the tiny thing, and then he used magic to analyze and enlarge it.

Those tiny particles are a kind of golden-hued gu poison, which seems to be specially used to deal with spells that are observed with the eyes, such as the peeping technique.

"It's really like asking the doctor to use it. But he's only with the village doctor, and the poison here must not be made by him."

"I can't say for sure here. Your Excellency thinks that a person who has lost a child can do anything." Qianye turned around and walked forward.

Yun Qishen also stood up and walked forward.

The two sat down and started talking about things.

"My fellow ministers talked about the curse of betrayal of a family yesterday." Qianye used a spell to show an image in front of Yun Qishen, "My ministers know that the devil has also learned about Xichun, and that the betrayal family has existed. A kind of secret treasure, that is, the image that the Demon Lord is now in front of.

This silver key-like thing is the key to the resurrection of purebloods in the light of day.

Now this thing is in Xinon's body, but she has no impression of it at all. "

"No impression?" Yun Qi thought deeply of Xi Nong's other personality, "Qianye, did you meet another her when you were spying on Xi Nong's memory? Maybe the other one will know about this secret treasure demon."

Qianye was surprised at first and then understood, "This is the first time this minister has heard of such a thing. It is called dual personalities on the Demon Lord's side. Although the personalities share the same body, their memories do not communicate with each other."

"That's right, but before I came back here, Naga personality fell asleep in Xinon's body. I promised that personality would protect Xinon's safety, and I also promised that Xinon would save Xijun.

Now that everything has been completed, Xichun also said yesterday that he hoped that I would keep Xinong in Jiangbang. "Yun Qi looked at Qianye deeply, but he didn't appear happy.

"Do you have any concerns?" Yun Qishen immediately asked Qianye again.

"My servant does have concerns. We can't stay with Xinong, and we can't let her go. He needs to be under our surveillance, but this kind of thing is not in the state." Qianye waved his hand and changed the image in the air.

The image changed from a silver key to a page in an ancient book of Jiangbang.

That page was filled with dense spells and a dense slogan.There are pictures next to the words, and the picture on one of them is the appearance of the silver key.

"This is a book left by the ancestors of Jiangbang, except for some forbidden techniques and notes, it is a prophecy.

These prophecies should also come from the early prophecy family, and they should be the descendants of Ling Yaoqing's family.

The book predicted that the world where the silver key and the black beast appeared at the same time would usher in chaos.

The land of mutual suspicion and resentment will welcome its bright master.

The key is the medium that opens the door of light, and the black beast is the master's attendant who collects and revives all things.

At that time, everything will be destroyed with the arrival of the master of light. "

(End of this chapter)

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