Yun Qishen

Chapter 735 The Night Moon Book

Chapter 735 The Night Moon Book (2)
(God's perspective)
On the moon above the willow tip, the night cat in the distant forest sings brightly.

The time has come, and the storyteller appears with a burst of crisp bells.

An intoxicating smell floats beneath the smoke.

The storyteller is dressed in black bamboo and green, and holds a landscape painting fan.His steps were light and graceful, and his waist-length black hair fluttered in the night wind.

The storyteller opened the paper fan to block his articulate smile, and his smiling peach eyes moved slightly.

After the storyteller took a seat and lit a stick of incense, with a shock, today's book scene began.

Storytelling starts at midnight and ends at Yin, as long as the moon does not hide, the book will not stop.


"Do you have any last words?"

In case he looked down at the weasel monster lying on the ground, his feet would still be on the head of the wandering monster here.

"The villain is wrong, this uncle is forgiving!"

Weasel You Yao had difficulty breathing, and he kept pounding the ground so that he could understand his pain.

"I believe you a ghost!"

In case he didn't have any intention of letting go, he kicked You Yao's face down even harder.

"This time the villain is... sincere..."

"That means that the previous pleas for mercy are all fake, you bastard is really damn!"

In case the direction of grasping the key points is a bit sharp.

"No, no, what the villain said is sincere..."

"I don't care if you're sincere or not. If you can't beat it, you can attack it. I'll just give you a treat!"

In case of raising a hand, a blue flame immediately rises from his hand.

"Master, spare your life! Forgive your life!"

"Say, why are you attacking us!"

What if it was a very ordinary question, but there was a kind of handsomeness in Liang Jie's eyes.

"Master, the villain can't say it like this... Say it! Say it! Say it! The villain said! Don't step on the villain too hard!"

"I'm impatient! Speak!"

In case the appearance at this time is really very similar to the spiritual realm.

You Yao wants to see that you are impatient.

"The villain sees that the uncle has some rare treasures and is dressed so luxuriously, and he wants to make some money."

"to be frank!"

In case you feel that this glib and treacherous wandering demon is definitely not so easy to tell the truth.

"What the little guy said is really true!"

"I don't believe it! Tell the truth?"

In case, squat down and bring the blue fireball close to the Weasel Demon's fur.

The Weasel Demon was sweating all over.

"The villain said! Say..." Weasel You Yao grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground with his hand, "The wanted order issued by the demon country, the villain saw that the uncle is very similar to the person in the description, so he decided to kill the two. bit."

"What arrest warrant?"

"Uncle let go of Xiao, Xiao will show you the wanted notice."

The Weasel Demon felt that if it slowly approached, he was also prepared to use the sand to create an opportunity to escape.

Liang Jie found out about You Yao's plan and hurried over to step on You Yao's arm.

"You are quite clever. I'm not a threat to me with his little tricks. I think he dares to smash the soil and I will burn him directly. But thank you."

In case, I patted Liang Jie on the shoulder to express my thanks.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Weasel You Yao compromised, "The wanted order is on the waist of the villain... The gentlemen should forgive the villain."

Liang Jie searched You Yao for wanted orders, and then found a stack of wanted orders.

The wanted order has the portrait of the wanted person and the text of the demon country.

Liang Jie flipped through the wanted notices and found no one who was similar to him.

"let me see……"

In case of reaching out to Liang Jie, Liang Jie will also give the wanted order to In case.

The portraits on the wanted list are indeed not similar to those of the two of them, but if you have learned a little bit of the language of the demon country with Ye Qi before, one of them has such a paragraph written on it.

[A short, ordinary young man with a magical weapon on his body should be a disciple of Xianmen.

It killed the princess of the demon kingdom, and those who saw it took her back.A bounty of [-] spar. 】

This is the most suitable description here, but the stature described above is short...

In case of being angry, he kicked the wandering demon on the ground several times.

"You are short! Your whole family is short!!"

In case of really irritable someone said he was short.

Liang Jie was suddenly taken aback by the sudden kicks.

Is this person really okay?
Liang Jie also Qing this person is his own bodyguard, otherwise if it is an enemy, it will be finished.

In case, I then carefully looked at other wanted notices without images.

One of them recorded the information of the storyteller.

[The night moon trick book, identity and gender become a mystery.It is suspected that it has stolen the treasures of the demon country.

It only appears when the night moon is bright, please capture it and return it to the demon capital.A bounty of [-] spar. 】

"Is this storyteller still stealing? That's why that guy is looking for him?" If you think about it, I'm afraid this Yeyue Bizarre Book stole something from Jiangbang.

"What's written on it?" Liang Jie asked curiously, "What storytelling? Is it related to this Yeyue Book?"

In case he squatted down and asked the wandering demon again, "Do you have any clues about this Yeyue Bizarre Book? Say it and let you go."

"The villain said it! Say it right away! This Yeyue Treasure Book Xiao is also looking for him all the way. I heard that he will appear in the town in front of him tonight.

The demon kingdom even sent someone to arrest him!The villain was chasing after the group of people.

That Yeyue Bizarre Book was a storyteller on the surface, and I heard that it was murder.Before the demon kingdom, many people died because of this.

I'm afraid you don't know, uncle, our demon country has been broken, and although the national city is still there, things have long gone wrong.

There are not many people in the demon kingdom, and this Yeyue trick book has killed so many compatriots in the villain. Can the wandering demons in the demon kingdom not hate him?
Two uncles, the little one has said everything, the uncles will forgive the little one. "

This time, Weasel You Yao really begged for mercy.

In case, the wandering demon here is released according to the agreement.

Weasel You Yao also sat up and rubbed his injured head.

"It seems that the direction indicated by the devil is good, that is, the town is good." Liang Jie took out the map and glanced at it.

"He's quite capable." In case he casually praised Yun Qishen, he then looked at the wandering demon again, "Why don't you get out of here!"

"Yes yes yes!" Weasel You Yao smiled nervously, and then he asked curiously, "What do you mean by the devil? Is this uncle a devil? people……"

"Don't talk nonsense, get out!" If he glared at the weasel wandering demon, the spirit of the wandering monster would be gone.

"Okay! Good! The villain gets out now!"

Immediately after a swipe of smoke, the wandering demon Huafeng left.

In case and Liang Jie also headed towards the town.

"I'm sorry before, it was very unreasonable to talk to you, and thank you for saving me just now." Liang Jie shyly expressed his gratitude to the case.

"Thank me for what? I only need to protect you because of human favors. Otherwise, I wouldn't be interested in protecting you demons."

In case he doesn't have the kind of brain to accept the kindness of others at all.

"I'm not an orthodox devil either..." Liang Jie muttered in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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