Yun Qishen

Chapter 736 The Night Moon Book

Chapter 736 The Night Moon Book (3)
(God's perspective)
Liang Jie doesn't like devils or ordinary people, but he can only live in Xinjiang with his father because of his livelihood.

Liang Jie's mother was an ordinary woman, and she disappeared shortly after giving birth to Liang Jie.

In the process of growing up, Liang Jie has seen a lot of things, and there is an unbreakable wall between demons and ordinary people.

However, Liang Jie is an existence between the cracks, and it can be said that there are no people there.

After he was sensible, he also understood that he was different from the demon children of the same age.

Children of demons grow slowly, children of ordinary people grow rapidly.

In just a few years, he became taller than the demon children of his age.

But what is the use of being tall, Liang Jie has no orthodox blood of the devil in his body, and there is no possibility of using devil energy at all.

At that time, Jiangbang was under the command of the Holy Son, and the Jian family was in charge of the internal affairs of Jiangbang.

That group of Jane's lackeys always squeeze the ordinary devil people.At that time, Liang Jie's family was also a bullied family.

The group of high-ranking demons relied on the support of the Jian family behind them to search for money. No matter how difficult they were, they had to hand over enough money every month, or they would destroy them everywhere.Abominable.

These childhood experiences made Liang Jie look down on high-status people, because the physical class gathers people into groups, and those who can be reused must have a face.

When Liang Jie was eight years old, he exchanged money for collecting mushrooms, but mushrooms were almost never seen in Xinjiang, so he could only go to the border areas to collect them secretly from his father.

At that time, Liang Jie was wearing Jiangbang's service, and he was surrounded by a group of ordinary people who were bigger than him as soon as he came to the ordinary people's territory.

"Where did the little black dog come from (an ordinary person's contempt for the devil), what are you doing here?"

"No matter what he does here, the demons killed so many of us, they don't differentiate between men and women, young and old, why should we be polite to the little black dog here, we'll just deal with him directly and throw them back !"

The few ordinary people who came around approached Liang Jie with weapons in their hands.

Liang Jie was also terrified at the time.

For an eight-year-old, the experience was truly terrifying.

Liang Jie turned his head and ran without hesitation, and the group of ordinary people chased after him.

After escaping, Liang Jie came to an ordinary village, and the ordinary villagers around him showed disgust when they saw Liang Jie's clothes.Liang Jie was afraid of these eyes. He fell to the ground accidentally, and his flesh was torn apart due to friction with the ground.

The few ordinary people with weapons also caught up.

"The little black dog ran quite fast! Don't blame us for being cruel, blame you for casting the wrong tire!"

An ordinary person who took the lead waved his weapon towards Liang Jie.

Liang Jie curled up and closed his eyes in fear.

"Wait! You blind people can see that this child is bleeding red!"

An old man stopped the ordinary person who was about to kill Liang Jie.

Only then did the villagers look at Liang Jie, who was in the end.

Only ordinary people can shed red blood. This child is not a devil, but why is he wearing devil clothes?
Liang Jie was misunderstood as an ordinary person and accepted their treatment.

"Little brat, where did you get your clothes here?"

The ordinary person who wanted to kill Liang Jie asked aloud.

Liang Jie was angry, but he understood that he was not old enough to defeat this ordinary person, and he also wanted to understand why his blood was black.

This injury is also Liang Jie's only injury since he became sensible.

Liang Jie grabbed the sleeve of the doctor beside him and shook his head without speaking.

That doctor is naturally the old man who stopped Liang Jie from killing him.

"If you can't tell the difference between ordinary people and demons, forget about it, and you are yelling at a child so loudly, go out and scare the child!"

The old man just pushed the ordinary person out of his anger.

The old doctor kindly found an ordinary child's clothes for Liang Jie, and he said to let Liang Jie change it.

But Liang Jie shook his head reluctantly.

"I don't want to change clothes, I want my father!"

The old doctor had no choice but to put his clothes aside and leave.

Liang Jie didn't feel good no matter how he thought about it. He stopped picking mushrooms. He threw away that ordinary person's clothes and ran back towards Jiangbang.

Back in Jiangbang, Liang Jie saw his father who was looking for him.


Liang Jie threw himself into his father's arms and cried.

"Xiaojie is fine, where did you go! What's going on with your leg? Who bandaged you?"

Liang Jie's father took off the cloth strip on Liang Jie's leg, and Liang Jie's wounds were healed at this time.

"Father, why is my blood red? Isn't our devil's blood all black?"

When Liang Jie's father heard Liang Jie's question, he quickly covered Liang Jie's mouth and took him home.

Three days later, Liang Jie's father told him about Liang Jie's life experience.

"Xiaojie, remember to be careful in everything in Jiangbang. You must not be injured. Even if you are injured, you must cover up. You must not let anyone discover the color of your blood."

"But Dad, you haven't told me why my blood is red, am I not a devil? Am I not Dad's son?"

"You are a devil, and of course my own son... But your mother is not a devil, so you are not an orthodox devil, Xiaojie."

Liang Jie's father felt that after telling Liang Jie about this, Liang Jie would be very confused, and he had to digest these things well.

Liang Jie was really confused. He was only eight years old at the time, so he naturally followed his father's words and continued to live.

Several years later, the economic situation of Liang Jie's family has not improved.

Liang Jie has been helping to make money all these years. He thinks that one day he will enter the Demon King City and have a stable job to support himself and his family.

A few months before Liang Jie entered the Demon King City, he happened to see a group of demons capture an ordinary person and come back.

Liang Jie watched helplessly as the demons tortured the ordinary person, but in the end, a demon envoy came to stop them from taking the ordinary person away.

This scene reminded Liang Jie of his experience when he was eight years old.

What exactly is oneself, an ordinary person or a devil?How long do you have to be so vigilant?
His father is a demon, and he can act in front of a demon calmly.What is oneself?Is there an existence that both sides hate?

"Do you know that our new Demon Lord used to be an ordinary person?"

Liang Jie, who had just entered the Demon King City, heard about this, and when he saw Yun Qishen, he felt very strange.


"Why are you so stunned?" In case, he poked Liang Jie's back with his sword hilt, "We're here!"

Only then did Liang Jie come back to his senses from his previous memories, and he looked up at the door of the village.

At this time, it was already late, in case Liang Jie and Liang Jie planned to find a place to stay first, and then wait until midnight to find the "night moon trick book".

(End of this chapter)

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