Yun Qishen

Chapter 737 The Night Moon Book

Chapter 737 The Night Moon Book (4)
(God's perspective)
"Store owner, two rooms!"

In case the spirit crystal is placed on the counter, the second accountant takes the spirit crystal and examines the case and Liang Jie again.

"There are two in this shop that do not accept, one is that the devil does not accept, and the other is that the fugitives do not accept.

The two of you don't seem to be among the two here...just a guest officer, the villain reminds you-"

The accountant's second look is not simple. He can see the identity of Wanyi and Liang Jie. He pointed to the heart of Wanyi, "It is best not to cause any disturbance to the shop if the Taoist is not in good health."

Then the second accountant took out the house number and pushed it to Wan Yi, "The two rooms on the west side upstairs, don't lose the house number."

In case he took the house number with a frown, Liang Jie took a look at the accountant and went upstairs with him.

The two had just arrived on the second floor and hadn't entered the room when they heard a burst of noise from downstairs.

"Hand over! Hand over that storyteller. That kid will definitely live in your shop!"

The troublemaker was a burly man.The big man was surrounded by his younger brothers who were equally strong.

The big man grabbed Xiao Er's collar in the accountant and slashed the knife across Xiao Er's face.

In case Ben wanted to go down and help the little Er, but he remembered what the little Er said to him just now.

The second in the cashier downstairs didn't panic at all, he calmly replied to the big man, "If the guest officer is staying in the store, he will pay the deposit first, and if he wants to eat, he will take a seat and order food.

As for the storyteller that this guest official is looking for, I don't have one in my store. "

"Yamen? Haha, do you know what we are?" The big man wanted to scare the accountant here, but before he could react, the accountant broke free from his suppression and subdued him with his backhand.

"This..." The big man couldn't believe it. He hadn't transformed yet. After he transformed, where is the accountant's second, the entire inn will be killed by him.

"You bastard!"

"Are you looking for death!"

The younger brothers of the big man also wanted to come over and attack the accountant's second in a fiery temper.

The accountant's second glared at the two younger brothers, and a red formation appeared around the two younger brothers to restrict their movements.

"Several guest officers, this is an inn, a place for guests to rest. If a few of you don't plan to stay, then leave. I don't want to scare the guests."

The second accountant's tone was tepid, but the big men were all shocked.

In the end, the big men chose to stay safe.

"It's not easy to be a second accountant here." Liang Jie sighed.

"It's really not easy, those strong men should be from the demon kingdom." If he finished speaking, he pushed open the door of his room.

"Hey, how did you know that?"

It is difficult for Liang Jie to associate the weasel monster he encountered before with the few strong men here.

"They have the decorations of the demon kingdom on their waists, and they still have those wanted warrants in their arms. If you look closely, you will see them."

Liang Jie thought about going back to confirm, but was stopped in time by the eventuality.

"You'd better not look back, those guys can also detect our aura, since the shop assistant won't let you cause trouble, we will stay here safely, and we should go out and find the storyteller later, right? Let's rest for a while. And..." In case his arms are crossed on his chest, "I'm not called Hello, I also have a name called In case."


Liang Jie was embarrassed and chose to go back to rest first.

As midnight approached, Liang Jie and Wan Wan were ready to dispatch.

"The 'Night Moon Book' will appear in a place where the moon is bright. If the place near here is suitable for storytelling, if it is not a place like the book hall, it will only be the empty temple that we passed by when we came." will be easier to find.

"In that case, the storyteller may also build a platform in the wilderness outside."

Liang Jie made a guess.

"Since he wants to tell a book, he naturally needs to listen to the book, and he may not go to such a sparsely populated place." In case he flew with Liang Jie with his sword.

Liang Jie nervously grabbed his clothes and worried that he would fall off the sword, "Who would listen to what book it is so late. This storyteller is also quite strange. I really don't understand why the devil is looking for him."

"Your devil has his own plans, and his decision will definitely not be disadvantaged by your devil."

"Are we... the devil..."

When Liang Jie heard the mention of the devil, he thought about what the accountant had said before.

"In case you already know that I'm not an orthodox devil?"

"So what if you know? Don't you think you belong to the devil? Then why are you so active in completing the task your devil gave you?
Are you an orthodox devil and what does it have to do with me?My job is to keep you safe, and I don't care about the rest. "

In case, Mitsurugi turned a corner.

"Is that so..." Liang Jie actually felt a little disappointed, and he got used to the feeling of Feijian a little bit.

"Were that Demon Lord really an ordinary person before?"

After a while, Liang Jie asked again.

"Why are you so entangled with ordinary people and demons." Wanben thought about Liang Jie, but then he also remembered that he was so concerned about the identity of demons and immortals before, "Oh, forget it. You Demon Lord It was indeed a good ordinary person before. He didn't have any spells, but he chose to go to Xianmen to cultivate Taoism."

"Cultivation? Demon Lord?"

In Liang Jie's perception, cultivators should not be able to become demons, and if the demons practice Dao, their lifespan will only be shortened.

"That's right, you demon monarchs practiced Taoism, and then you became your demon monarch by chance. These are also recognized by those demon generals in your borders. Now the blood flowing in your demon monarch is the same as your demon man. It's black." In case it was rare to want to praise Yun Qishen, "You Demon Lord is a good person, you should cherish it."

Liang Jie nodded and didn't ask any more questions, in case he didn't speak again.

The two searched around the town, and the moon slowly poked its head out of the clouds.

As soon as the clock arrived, there was a faint sound of a bell from one side.

"The voice is here!"

In case Edgeworth quickly looked for the past.

At the same time, there were several groups of people chasing in the direction of the bell.

In case and Liang Jie finally arrived at the empty temple they had seen before.

A group of ordinary people gathered outside the temple for a while, and they sat outside the temple with wooden benches arranged.

In case this group of ordinary people was not seen during the previous investigation.He curiously leaned over to check on the group of ordinary people.

"These people haven't woken up yet. Hey! Wake up!"

In case he tried to wake up the group of ordinary people, no matter how much he shook it would not help.

"Someone is here again."

Liang Jie approached in case and was vigilant around him.

For a time, several wandering monsters of various races sprang from all directions.

Just in case he was thinking of pulling out the fairy sword and fighting, then he heard a shocking sound from inside the temple.


(End of this chapter)

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