Yun Qishen

Chapter 738 The Night Moon Book

Chapter 738 The Night Moon Book (5)
(God's perspective)
[In the last book, we said that the black beast scythe of the god of the gods rescued the poor scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam, and then he brought the scholar under his command to protect him.

Here we go on to talk about the black beast scythe.

That day, Admiral Tianshan received an invitation from Tianxian Yaoyan. Because there was no servant to serve by the Admiral's side, he rushed to the Yaoyan with the scholar who was rescued by him.

There were immortals from all walks of life gathered on the Yao banquet, and these immortals admired and admired the Admiral Tianshan very much.

Admiral Tian Scythe just set foot on the Yingxiantai of the Yao banquet and greeted several immortals.

"Admiral Xiaoxian has been waiting for a long time. Come and take a seat here."

"Admiral Tianxian and Xiaoxian haven't seen each other for hundreds of years. Xiaoxian prepared a pot of good wine for this Yao banquet, and invited Admiral Tianxian to taste it."

Admiral Tian Scythe couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the immortals and had to take his seat and talk about the world's immortal cultivation.

The scholar who went to the banquet with Admiral Tianshan nervously touched the wine glass of an immortal beside him, and the wine was poured directly on the hem of the immortal's clothes.

The scholar here inadvertently angered the immortal.

The immortal wanted to put the scholar to death with the rule of "no mortals are allowed above the Yao banquet".

The scholar panicked and begged for forgiveness but was not forgiven.

Just when the immortal descended the thunder to execute the mortal scholar, Admiral Tian Scythe came forward and rescued the scholar again.

"Admiral Heavenly Scythe, mortals here are not allowed in the upper realm, and now mortals here have knocked over the wine pot and disrupted the Yao banquet. This crime should be punished. Admiral Heavenly Scythe is going to repeat the original 'mortals punishing all immortals'. Tragedy?"

Because of Admiral Scythe, the immortal who wanted to kill the scholar also resented Admiral Scythe.

When I get here, I have to talk about the 'mortal people punishing all immortals'...]

The storyteller's voice is very clear, and the storyline is very rhythmic.

Just outside this dilapidated temple, another layer of enchantment was formed.

Through the dilapidated walls of the temple, one could vaguely see the white face of the "Night Moon Book".

In case he thought of using magic to break through the temple and pull the storyteller out and take him away, he was unable to break through the enchantment of the temple.


In case of angrily hitting the edge of the barrier with force, the barrier did not crack at all.

According to common sense, this kind of enchantment can be easily shattered with the power transmitted by the alcoholic old man to the eventuality, but the reality is not satisfactory.

If you think about it for a while, if it's not because your strength is weakening, or because you don't have the physical characteristics of an alcoholic old man, then the enchantment of the "night moon trick book" here is stronger than you imagined.

Then it is not difficult to explain why so many forces have not caught the "night moon trick" here.

Yeyue Weishu spoke his book calmly, and when talking about exciting fights, he would also make those onomatopoeia words that collided with weapons.

If it is under normal circumstances, listening to Yeyue Trick Book here is definitely a pleasure, but at this time, the enchantment that protects Yeyue Trick Book is full of murderous intentions.

"Don't waste your time! Kill the 'Yeyue Book' here to get the treasure back!"

It was the burly man and his younger brothers who had caused trouble in the inn.

They waved their knives at the temple, and they changed their appearances as they approached the group of ordinary people who had not yet awakened.

"It turned out to be three bears. Not good! They are..."

If you hear the sound, you will look at the three strong men, and the three strong men will grow fur and kill them fiercely.

There was a bad premonition that directly entered the mind of the case, and this group of bear demons was going to attack this group of innocent ordinary people.

Just in case they were about to use the fire phoenix technique to protect the group of ordinary people, the group of bear demons also waved their swords and passed by.


Liang Jie saw that the big knife was about to slash an ordinary person's neck, and he was so nervous that he didn't dare to close his eyes.

Then all the sober people and demons in the scene saw it, and the sharp knife was simply cut off.

It turned out that the big knife didn't notice the existence of the barrier when the bear demon swung towards the neck of ordinary people, and a layer of barrier was attached to the back of ordinary people to prevent outside interference.


Immediately afterwards, there was another sound, and this sound came from behind Liang Jie, and it was the location in case.

Wan Yu wanted to use the Fire Phoenix Technique to save ordinary people, but when he issued the spell, the spell was bounced back by the enchantment and hit Wan Yi directly, even though a small explosion occurred.

"In case you're okay!"

Liang Jie held his trembling hand and looked at Wanyi.

If there was white smoke all over his body, Liang Jie thought he had seen the wrong eye, what if he seemed to have become smaller?

Just in case he patted the dirt on his body, he then stood up, "I'm fine. How many layers of barrier are here..."

As Liang Jie approached, he was blocked by the barrier just a few steps away.

"When was the barrier between you and me... This guy is really difficult to deal with." In case of anger, he knocked the barrier again.

The sound of Yeyue's Secret Book continued to come out from the temple, and the sound of the bell rang out with the storyteller's slight movements.

After Liang Jie approached, he realized that he was right. Wanwan's figure had indeed become smaller, like a 15-year-old child.

"In case you look like..." Liang Jie didn't know the situation, he couldn't help worrying.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I am injured, it will become like this, and I will be able to recover after the power is fully released." In case he said it, it was also to reassure Liang Jie, and he wanted to boast that their clothes in Xinjiang can still be worn with them. Change the size of the body shape, so as to save the need to find something to replace.

"Is that so..." Liang Jie was surprised but at the same time he didn't let go of his worries, "Then what should we do next?"

"Any enchantment has a cracking center, which is called an 'eye' in fairy magic. I don't have a spell to spy on, and it's hard for me to find this center. As long as this 'eye' is found, no matter how strong or complicated the enchantment is here I can break it too.

The difficulty is that we have no way of finding that center. "In case you miss Chen Yueluo and Gu Choumian at this time, if they are here, this kind of enchantment must be easy to break.

"Since there is no spying spell, can we only be trapped like this now?" Liang Jie tried to knock on the barrier, and he confirmed that the transparent wall was difficult to break through.

"Although the method is very stupid and troublesome, I will try to break through in different places, and I will definitely find the 'eye'." If he finished speaking, he would clench his flame fist and hit the place leading to the enchantment of the temple. .

Liang Jie watched as he kept attacking the barrier, and he also saw that the monsters outside the barrier were also attacking the barrier in all directions.

At this moment, Liang Jie smelled a strange aroma in such a tense situation.

(End of this chapter)

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