Yun Qishen

Chapter 741 The Night Moon Book

Chapter 741 The Night Moon Book (8)
(God's perspective)

"Open the door! Help!"


Loud and panicked screams came in from outside the inn.The doors and windows of the inn can also see black shadows, which are attached to them and keep knocking on the doors and windows.

In case he wanted to open the door and let those people into the inn, but the accountant stopped him.

"Guest officer, the people outside here are no longer ordinary people, they are now half-corpses who plundered their lives in groups.

Guest officer, once you open the door, not only will you be in danger, but other customers in the store will also be killed. "

The accountant's second did not restore his abacus. He then took out a stick of incense from the counter and lit it.

Liang Jie and Wan Yi looked at this and that stick of incense, and then they saw that various hazy shadows began to appear around the stick of incense.

"What the hell is this? Is that what the incense of Toyu Kingdom is like?"

Liang Jie felt incredible, and he was inevitably a little scared in his heart.

"This is the Seven Days Soul Fragrance, from the East Yu Kingdom, but the production has long been lost. It is rumored that the last batch of spices was shipped to the Heyuan Kingdom." Xiong Yao slapped the table in shock, "The Night Moon Treasure Book is the incense here. The person who collects human souls and refines them, why is there such a fragrance in your shop here! Are you just…”

"I'm just an ordinary accountant. You can let go of your suspicions. I'm different from that night moon trick book. I use the incense here to save the living, but he is to save the dead." Xiao Er put the incense, and then he poured all the dust mustard he just collected into the incense burner.

The hazy shadows floating in the air suddenly increased.

In case you have learned some knowledge from the ghost master Moruo, the technique of transporting the soul is a taboo among ghosts.Mo Ruo had said that the ghosts and ghosts were all from their Mo family's ancestors, and the Mo family's ancestors were ordered to get the power of transporting souls and fighting ghosts here.

So this accountant is a member of the Moruo family?
"Seven-day soul-repelling incense needs to absorb seven days and seven nights of human souls to exert its power. I heard that the Yeyue Book of Secrets will come to this town and will use the only incense.

As early as ten days ago, I began to prepare, and every day a little bit of human soul refining incense.

Use it to prolong the lives of the people in the inn on the night when the Night Moon Book is haunted.

My ability is limited and there is no way to save those people outside the inn.

Last night should be the first night, and Yeyue Biaoshu should not plunder too much of their souls. If this situation happened today, it means that Yeyue Biaoshu started to panic.

I'm afraid that a certain guest officer present made him nervous last night.

But this should stop after noon.

In the end, I can only pity those innocent people. "

The accountant's second waved his hand, and those hazy shadows flew into the guest room.

One of the hazy shadows also entered Liang Jie's body.

If he didn't think it would be over until noon, he always felt that something else would happen.

Everything was as expected, and indeed something terrible happened next.

The door of the inn was blown open mercilessly, and the sunny sky outside turned into a black patch.

A group of white hazy shadows appeared at the door of the inn along with a man in white.

The accountant's second frowned slightly, and as soon as he held the door of the other guest rooms, a magic circle appeared.

If you recognize the magic circle here, Mo Ruo also said that there is a magic technique called Soul Locking in the Ghost Repelling Technique.

Soul Locking Art can control the target's soul not to dissipate.Usually a spell used on dying people.But here the effect of the soul-locking technique on the caster is also huge. The more the number of soul-locked people, the faster the relative power of the caster will drain.

"This is..." Liang Jie also had a corresponding soul-locking formation on his body.

"You'd better not move, this situation may kill you now."

White smoke came out of the accountant's body, and the white smoke gradually formed those hazy shadows.

This should be the soul of the second accountant.

White smoke also appeared around the trio of bear demons, and their souls were slowly pulled away.

The man in white at the door slowly stepped into the inn, and he opened his landscape painting fan to block his face.The bells also rang with his pace.

In case of blocking Liang Jie vigilantly watching the man in white approaching.

Among the people present, only in case there was no white smoke coming out of the side.

This deliberate phenomenon caught the attention of the man in white.

Even if the man in white approaches, just in case.

"Be careful, guest!"

As soon as the accountant's little [-] reminded, the man in white waved his hand and trapped the little [-] with his soul.

The accountant's second, because he wanted to protect the other people in the inn, had no extra energy to fight with the man in white.

The big men of the bear demon slashed at the man in white with their big swords.

The man in white turned slightly sideways and dodged an attack, then he swiped his fan across the neck of the big bear demon, and then he stood neatly behind the big bear demon.

"This is impossible……"

Before the bear demon man could finish speaking, his head fell to the ground.

"Big brother..."


The little brothers of the bear demon were not spared either.

The blood of the bear demon smeared the entire inn for a while.

The man in white then covered his mouth with his landscape painting fan, but he didn't even get a drop of bear demon blood on his body.

Liang Jie was a little frightened when he saw what was in front of him, and his hand holding the sleeve of Wanyi was involuntarily numb.

If he found the right time to use the immortal sword and use the fire phoenix technique, he attacked the man in white.

The man in white first used a fan to block the sword in case, and then he used the wandering soul in the air to block the fire phoenix in case.

"You really are a tricky guy, and I won't let you stop me."

The man in white threw the immortal sword to the side, and then he quickly swiped his fan horizontally toward the chest of the immortal.


The landscape painting fan drew the trajectory of a half-moon, and then drew a not too deep wound on the mouth of the contingent.

In case, a black blood spurted out of his heart.

The man in white wanted to chase after the victory, so he stabbed the Shanshui painting fan into Wanyi's throat decisively.

In case because of injury and surprised to slow down defense for a while.

I really relied too much on the spell of the drunk old man. Is this really going to die this time?

As soon as he saw that the deadly fan was about to stab, but when it was the closest, the man in white took the fan back.

At the same time as the landscape painting fan, there was another thing that was taken away—the wooden sign.

In case of a sigh of relief, he quickly swung his sword away from the man in white.

The wooden plaque was given to him by Yun Qishen before he set off. Yun Qishen instructed him to hand it over to him after he found the Yeyue Conspiracy Book. The Yeyue Conspiracy Book would naturally understand what happened. things are up.

"Heavenly Scythe..." The man in white smiled slightly, then he looked up and turned away after turning into smoke.

The soul in the inn disappeared along with the man in white, and the sky outside instantly lit up.

As a result, all that was left was a dead mess.

(End of this chapter)

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