Yun Qishen

Chapter 742 The Night Moon Book

Chapter 742 The Night Moon Book (9)
(God's perspective)
After a sudden and deadly riot here in Yeyue Weishu ended, in case they had no choice but to clean up the mess left by this guy.

In case he checked the wound on his heart first, because of Ziyu, he had already been burned with a scar on his heart, this time, the Yeyue Book of Behaviour was just scratching another scar on his scar.

Under normal circumstances, the body will not be injured under the power of an alcoholic.

The only reason that this Yeyue Trick Book can be scratched is that the aura of the Night Moon Trick Book is the same as Ziyu, or stronger than Ziyu.

"How about your wound?"

Liang Jie came over and cared about the case. He looked at the blood on his chest and wondered if the fan of the Yeyue Trick Book would be poisonous.Because the blood of ordinary people can only be red, and the only possibility that their blood turns black is that they have been poisoned.

Even if I touch the wound on my heart, the wound here doesn't seem to heal, and it still has black blood flowing out from time to time.

In case he frowned slightly, he took out the handkerchief stored at his waist and wiped the wound.

"What can happen to such a small injury, but it won't kill anyone."

"Guest officer, don't say that. If you don't dislike it, you might as well let me check it out for you."

The accountant's [-] was very concerned about the black blood that Wan Yi poured out. He grabbed Wan Yi's shoulder and lowered his head slightly to look at Wan Yi.

"I don't dislike it. You can just look at it..."

In case the accountant's second hand was pushed away from his shoulder, he turned to face the accountant's second, "It just so happens that I have something to ask you, the accountant's second."

The accountant's second saw that if he knew something, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, but at this time, he thought that there were more people and more power.

At this time, I am afraid that some people will be puzzled, that Yeyue Secret Book has left inexplicably, why does he want to come back to find himself such a second accountant?
The second accountant looked at the soul-repelling incense on the counter anxiously, he was sure that the Yeyue Book would appear again.

"Then the guest officer, follow the villain. By the way, this other guest officer, can you help the shop a favor?" The second accountant turned to look at Liang Jie.

Liang Jie was at a loss, and the accountant's second asked him to help him even more nervously.

"Help? What are you busy with?"

The second accountant handed the treasure bag of the magic weapon to Liang Jie, "Use this to put away these corpses, as long as you face them directly."

Liang Jie took the treasure bag and nodded. He took the treasure bag in his hand and looked left and right. When he raised his head again, he would leave with the second accountant.

"Walk so fast?!"

Liang Jie exclaimed and then he could only suppress the fear in his heart and approached the corpses of the bear demons.

"Uh...that's disgusting."

Liang Jie covered his mouth and nose, and in disgust he pointed the treasure bag at the bear demon's corpse, and then the corpse turned into dust and was put into the treasure bag.Even the blood from the corpse that was stained on the ground also turned into dust mustard and was sucked into the treasure bag.

One by one, Liang Jie soon cleaned up the downstairs of the inn.He mustered up his courage and walked to the door of the inn, and then he saw piles of white dust mustard piled up at the door of the inn.

This is the first time Liang Jie has seen such a situation.When he was in Xinjiang, the abyss and strange fish called terror also happened in the outside world. The dead were naturally unavoidable, but those who were lost were just a number in Liang Jie's case.

Witnessing people's death made Liang Jie feel an inexplicable psychedelic.

People just disappear so easily...

This kind of thought was deeply buried in Liang Jie's heart.Was the purpose of the Demon Lord asking him to complete this task just to make him recognize the truth of this world?

I wonder how someone like him who can't face any death can do well if he wants to serve the country in a high position.Liang Jie realized that his previous contempt for the demons seemed to be more ignorant.

Liang Jie bit his lip, he clenched the treasure bag and went out to collect the dust around the inn.

At the same time, the accountant is also casting spells to check for any injuries.

"You are from the Mo family, right?"

If he gets bored with procrastination, he is impatient and straight to the point.

With his fierce look, he stared at the second accountant's face, "You can master soul-moving and soul-locking techniques. These spells should be possessed by the Yuguishi family. You also need to say that you are only An ordinary accountant?"

"Ha... How did the guest officer know about the Mo family? Could it be that he met Mo Ruo, the most powerful ghost master in the world?"

The accountant's second finger moved slightly, and he detected a strong demonic energy in the spiritual meridian of the eventuality.

In case of inheriting the power of a drunkard, the demonic energy inherited from others can only exist outside the body. The demonic energy in the outside world is the easiest to run away and disappear, and there will be no demonic energy in the spiritual veins, especially here in case It is an ordinary human being.

Spiritual veins contain spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy of cultivators naturally contains a lot.Spiritual energy and magic energy are two opposing existences.So if there are these two kinds of qi in a person's body at the same time, when the two qi here reach an average, the host of this qi will explode and die.

"I don't think Mo Ruo is very powerful, so you really belong to the Mo family?" If he saw the second accountant's expression changed, he hurriedly asked, "Why did you find anything abnormal?"

"Guest officer, don't get me wrong, I'm just an ordinary accountant. It's good to stay away from the disputes in the world. I also want to live my life in a normal way." The accountant took back his hand. "As for the guest officer, the reason why your wound cannot heal in time should be that the two qi in your body are resisting each other.

Your wound will heal quickly under the influence of pure magic energy or pure spiritual energy, but if the two forces continue to resist, then the wound here will not heal, and the severe wound may fester. "

In case he took off the handkerchief that pressed the wound and looked at the black blood on it, he threw the handkerchief on the table beside him in a irritable manner.

"We don't currently have any herbal medicines for you, but I can look for it now, and I'd like to ask the guest to suspend the use of aura mana." The accountant thinks of a way, he also wants to take advantage of Yeyue's secret book. Treat it as soon as possible.

In case he suddenly remembered the pills Yun Qishen gave him in his irritability.

"No, I think I know how to treat it."

In case I found the elixir that Izumo Qishen gave him from the savings ring.

In case he swallowed a few pills without hesitation, then he quickly digested the energy.

The wound on his chest slowly healed.

The accountant's second glanced at the wound that was about to heal and then glanced at the pill bottle on the table.

The accountant's second is very sure of his own healing skills, and he can't guarantee that he will be completely cured in case of injury.But the current situation made him sigh, the person who can dispense this kind of medicine pill is definitely not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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