Yun Qishen

Chapter 772 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 772 The episode of Jingling Mountain (4)
(God's perspective)
Lingjing Dao has been dealing with the medicine man's affairs with the Daoist Master Chengxu since the medicine man was killed in Jingling Mountain.

After Chengxu Daoist separated the ordinary Jingling Mountain disciples, he began to report to the Spiritual Realm Dao.

"I have already arranged all the apprentices in Chengyun Hall, they are very hidden, so we don't have to worry about what they will do again in Xuanxin.

Some medicine people have also been adopted by their own sects.

However, there are still some ordinary pharmacists who don't know how to deal with it for the time being.

Cheng Xu thought that Jing Lingshan could not move them, and asked Master to think of other ways to deal with them. "

While listening to Daoist Chengxu's report, Spirit Realm Dao tapped the handle of the chair with his fingers.

"There's one more thing..." Daoist Chengxu continued to report, "Fu Luxiao and a disciple of Chongyuan Sect in Chengyun Hall fought. According to the words of the disciples of Chengyun Hall, Chongyuan Sect seems to have used another party. The forces wanted to get rid of that disciple.

This was a hidden weapon discovered at the scene, and it was brought by the disciples of Chengyun Hall when the two disciples of Chongyuan Sect hadn't discovered it.

The rest of the hidden weapons were taken away by the Chongyuan Sect disciple who fought with Fu Luxiao.

According to the information of the disciple of Chengyun Hall, the disciple of Chongyuanmen who fought with Fu Luxiao was not sent to kill that disciple. "

After saying that, Daoist Chengxu also presented the hidden weapon.

Spirit Realm Dao's hand stopped beating, he frowned at the strange little hidden weapon, and then he said very seriously, "The hidden weapon here is especially inseparable from the guy who needs to be beaten.

As for the use of the hidden weapons here, they should also be their Chongyuanmen, but they are not necessarily disciples of Chongyuanmen.Chongyuanmen is not as simple as the beastmaster we see.

It is precisely because they are powerful in fighting beasts that the New Year's picture doll aimed at the people in Jingling Mountain who knew how to fight beasts.

Above the beasts, their first priority is to defeat Xuyun first.

Every outsider who comes to Jingling Mountain has its own purpose.

And his Chongyuan Sect has three purposes, one is to create some confusion in public opinion for Jingling Mountain, and the other is to weaken the beast-fighting power of our Jingling Mountain.

They wanted to let Jing Lingshan participate in the battle with the devil.But they didn't want Jing Lingshan to steal their limelight.

The final purpose of this Chongyuanmen was to draw dolls that year to come over to me.

It's easy to talk about the medicine man. Since the people of Jingling Mountain can't move, then let everyone's most respected beast move.You don't need to pay attention to this matter, Xuyun. You go to find a way to release some negative news about the painting dolls that year, and then send people to closely guard Fu Luxiao and the others.

Xuanxin may not act rashly, but the people under him seem to be impatient.

All we need to do is catch the jumping monkey, and the rest will depend on the choice of drawing the doll that year.If he chooses the wrong one, I will let him die.

Ask him to fight with me and block me.I didn't shoot him a general this time, so I went to Jiangbang to chop off Yun Qishen's head! "

Daoist Chengxu is not easy to talk on the side, and he is naturally familiar with the problem of angering others in the spiritual realm, but this time it is a little far away...

At the same time, Yun Qishen, who was on his way to the ghost country, sneezed twice in a row.

"Ah - sneeze -"

Yun Qishen touched his nose with his hand, and Qiu Shan, who was beside him, also looked at Yun Qishen with concern.

Before leaving Jiangbang, he had prepared a pen and paper for Qiu Shan, so Qiu Shan could use the pen and paper to write down what he wanted to say, so he could save his breath.

Qiu Shan patted Yun Qishen on the shoulder and showed Yun Qishen what he had written.

After Yun Qishen looked back, he saw that Qiu Shan had written a bunch of words in an instant. Because the paper was relatively small, the words were a little dense.

[My minister heard the Demon Lord sneezed twice, does the Demon Lord have any physical discomfort?Do you want to take medicine?When the minister went out, he brought some special medicine pills from the enemy.Or is the Demon Lord allergic to something?Master said that allergic words can easily cause short-term breathing discomfort to a certain extent.It's best not to be stubborn, if the devil falls, the state will definitely be uneasy...]


Yun Qishen didn't want to read any more, anyway, what he wrote later must be some speculation about his illness.

Qiu Shan was still waiting for Yun Qishen to reply to him, he really cared.

Yun Qishen is also clear, he raised his hand and patted Qiu Shan on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Senior Brother. I just sneezed twice.

Who knows who cursed me... I'm fine, we're about to arrive at Qiyou City, hurry up. "

After Qiu Shan settled down, he put away the pen and paper, and then he followed Yun Qishen towards the front.

When he returned to Jingling Mountain, Daoist Chengxu also made arrangements according to the instructions of Lingjing Dao. He first revealed some news that Daoist Xuanxin killed his fellow disciples, and these news also passed through those secret places. spread.

It didn't take long for almost [-]% of the outsiders to know about this.

Lingjing Dao also used magic to ask Ling Snake Xuming to take those lost ordinary medicine people away from Jingling Mountain.

Ling Snake Xu Ming was looking at the cartoon while holding the smoking gun in one hand and the other hand, when suddenly opened the magic barrier in front of her, and the face of the spiritual realm quickly appeared in front of her.

"You really found a good time to send me a message. The comics are at the most exciting time."

Ling Snake Xuming closed the comic book and exhaled a cigarette unhappily, "Tell me, is there anything else to trouble me?"

"I hope you can help me deal with some medicine people. By the way, I think you can also help me get that guy who needs to be beaten." The only person who needs to be beaten is Mo Langqin, the black-hearted businessman.

"Help can help, but I can't get out of my body for a while. Let the kid from the Yun family help with the medicine man here. As for Mo Langqin... After that guy sold me comic books, he disappeared, so he Even I don't know. Recently, there have been some situations in the upper realm. Both Shengjun and I are busy. And you just came to disturb me when I had time to rest."

Ling Snake Xu is definitely not going to lie. If even she doesn't know where Mo Langqin is, then this matter is a bit strange.

"I've become an unpleasant co-author? Well, you can send that kid over as soon as possible. I'll go over and help you when the matter of Jinglingshan is over." After Lingjing said, he wanted to cut off the communication. .

But the spirit snake Xuming blocked his spell, the spirit snake Xuming took a puff of the bong, and she said while puffing out, "I also took your mind for the saint, but this time in the upper realm, the spirit realm It is best for you not to interfere. This time the matter is not only in the upper realm, but there is also a big problem on the side of the beast. You should deal with the matter on the side of the beast first."

"The thing about the beast?"

Spirit Realm Dao felt that this time things were not as simple as he thought.In addition to the previous gathering, the golden unicorn did not come because of some things, and there must be some major events on the beast side that even the golden unicorn could not solve.

(End of this chapter)

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