Yun Qishen

Chapter 773 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 773 The episode of Jingling Mountain (5)
(God's perspective)
"Master! If you don't deal with that disciple now, Master, your reputation will be..."

The disciple who was hiding in the dark eagerly suggested to the Taoist priest Xuanxin, and the disciple of Chongyuan Sect who discovered the secret of Taoist priest Xuanxin immediately ended.

Taoist Xuanxin played chess leisurely. He slowly picked up the cannon and ate the enemy's horse, only to be killed by the enemy's rook.

"Don't be impatient, Tu'er, they will obviously find another pit for us to jump in. If Tu'er gets a trick, it will put Pindao in a dilemma.

Life is like a game of chess is no nonsense.

Disciple, take a good look at the chess as your teacher. Any piece of chess must have the meaning of sacrifice, so that you can win this game.

But if the pawn becomes self-conscious and it no longer obeys the command of the coach, then the sacrifice of this pawn will be meaningless to our side.Instead, it will only allow the enemy to taste the sweetness.

Pindao never liked to use chess as bait, so he would only sacrifice in vain.

How should the disciple think that the disobedient chess piece is the teacher? "

Daoist Xuanxin stopped playing chess, and he looked up at a dark corner not far away.

"The disciple believes that the master should ignore it." The disciple in the dark expressed his thoughts.

"If it is true as the disciple said, abandoning this piece for the teacher may give the enemy a chance to find out the flaws.

You are the confidant of Pindao, and the teacher will definitely not abandon you.But the needless sacrifice here still needs someone to replace it. "

Taoist Xuanxin thought of a person who could be used, and he continued to play chess with a slight smile.

The disciples in the dark also asked Daoist Xuanxin curiously, "Did Master come up with any idea?"

"Naturally, someone can really do it for me in the next thing. You should rest first, disciple, and you can handle it for the teacher."

Taoist Xuanxin used an elephant to cross the border, and what he wanted was a chess piece that could break the situation.

"But Master..."

The disciple in the dark place was still a little uneasy, and he always felt that he could feel at ease after the disciple who had betrayed him.

Taoist Master Xuanxin stood up and straightened his clothes, "Does my disciple distrust being a teacher?"

"My disciple doesn't dare, and my disciple just has some uneasy concerns." The voice of the disciple in the dark was a little trembling, and he seemed to be afraid that Taoist Xuanxin would get angry.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely handle it as a teacher. I just hope that you can be calm for a while." After speaking, Daoist Xuanxin turned his head and left.

The disciples in the shadows did not respond.

On the other side, Du Chunniang, who had listened to Daoist Xuanxin's suggestion, wanted to prepare food for Daoist Xuqing, and she came to Jingling Mountain's kitchen to prepare it.

As a result, she was surprised as soon as she entered Jing Lingshan's kitchen.

Because most of the furnishings in the kitchen have never been seen before.

"This is Jing Lingshan's kitchen..."

Du Chunniang was looking around in the kitchen for things that could be used.

Because it wasn't dinner time, there were no disciples in Jing Lingshan's kitchen. Besides, those who were cultivators didn't need to eat every day.

To catch a man is to grab a man's stomach!
Du Chunniang remembered that Daoist Xuqing liked to eat lighter dishes, so she started to cook.By the way, I also make some home specialties.

After everything was done, she took the food and walked to the Hall of Void Clouds.

On the way, she also heard some rumors about Taoist priest Xuanxin.

Two foreign disciples were discussing, and the rumors here were also mysterious and mysterious in a short period of time.

"I heard that Taoist Xuanxin ate young disciples to keep his appearance."

"Yeah, Master Xuanxin doesn't look like a child, but he's actually older than the Spirit Realm Dao in Jingling Mountain here."

"Also, I heard that Taoist Xuanxin is kind to people so that people will be defenseless against him, and then Ah..."

Du Chunniang could endure being so slandered by Taoist Xuanxin, who was so kind to give him advice, she rushed in front of this group of gossip disciples and scolded her.

"Tell me about you, you are here in Jinglingshan just to gossip about others?
Taoist Xuanxin is such a good senior, you juniors not only don’t know what it means to respect the seniors, but you are still talking nonsense here!You are still spreading rumors without evidence, which is really thrown into the face of immortal practitioners! "

How could those disciples dare to refute Du Chunniang's words? Besides, Du Chunniang looked deeper than their two younger disciples.

"Senior is right, the disciples are wrong."

"I also ask the seniors to calm down."

The little disciples thought about leaving quickly, but who knew that at this time, the central figure of the gossip, the Taoist priest Xuanxin, came from a distance.

Daoist Xuanxin smiled at the back of Du Chunniang who accused the two disciples.

Those two disciples who were reprimanded did not dare to look directly at Du Chunniang, and they found that Taoist Xuanxin couldn't even raise their heads.

"Please forgive me for what sin, you should go and apologize to Taoist Master Xuanxin in person! You are all from there, I have to talk to your masters properly!"

Du Chunniang ate food with one hand on her hips and the other, so she was not easy to mess with.

The two disciples who were trained did not dare to say a word, and Daoist Xuanxin walked over and smiled.

After Du Chunniang found out about Daoist Xuanxin, she thought about asking the two disciples here to apologize, but before she spoke, Daoist Xuanxin spoke first.

"That's all, fellow Daoist, since it's a rumor, it's not true. Even if the rumor is far away, it will stop at the wise.

This group of kids loves to play, and it's okay to have some fun.Daoist friends will spare them in the face of Pindao. "Daoist Xuanxin smiled at Du Chunniang, and Du Chunniang had no choice but to let the two disciples go.

The two disciples saluted and left quickly.

Du Chunniang looked at Taoist priest Xuanxin's smiling face and couldn't help but feel angry, "I don't know which guy spread the rumors that made Taoist so embarrassed. If I let Xiaodao find this person, I will tie him up and come here to apologize!"

Xuan Xindao's face turned up even more, "Hahaha, fellow Daoist is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness. It's okay, Pindao also said that rumors stop at the wise. However, Pindao still wants to thank fellow Daoist for his words to safeguard the reputation of Pindao. already."

"Daoist don't need to thank, Xiaodao should thank the Taoist." Du Chunniang looked at the food in her hand, and then she became anxious, "Daoist, Xiaodao still has some things to do."

"Fellow Daoist go to work first. Pindao wanted to ask fellow daoists for some things. It seems that we have to wait for fellow daoists to finish their work before discussing it." Daoist Xuanxin glanced at the eater and then squinted and smiled.

"That's really being neglected by Xiaodao, and please forgive me. After Xiaodao is finished, he will definitely see you. Xiaodao won't let those rumors spread around!"

After Du Chunniang finished speaking, she quickly went to the Xuyun Palace with the food.

Daoist Xuanxin stopped his fox smile after watching Du Chunniang go away, and turned to a cold look.

"This woman seems to be a little wary of the poor..."

(End of this chapter)

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