Yun Qishen

Chapter 775 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 775 The episode of Jingling Mountain (7)
(God's perspective)
In the Lingyao Pavilion of the Immortal Medicine Sect of Jingling Mountain, Murong Danran, the Taoist Master Liuyun who had been in a coma for seven days and seven nights, completely woke up.

When Mi Zixin found out that Murong Danran was awake, he first notified Daoist Xuyun.

Murong Danran's awakening could not be known to more people for a while, so after receiving the news, Daoist Xuyun also instructed Chen Yueluo and the others to keep it secret for the time being.

Mi Zixin helped Murong Danran up, "Senior brother, do you feel any discomfort?"

"I'm fine, how are the other disciples in Liuyun Temple?" Murong Danran's voice was hoarse. He was about to use magic to heal himself, but found that he couldn't perfectly control the aura in his body for a while.

Mi Zixin noticed Murong Danran's movements and even used magic to treat his throat, "The disciples in Liuyun Hall are fine, but you are the most seriously injured."

"So the spiritual veins in my whole body are almost broken?" Murong Danran cut to the subject directly, but Mi Zixin didn't know how to answer for a while.

Murong Danran sighed, "Liu Ying, just say it straight, I'm not the kind of person who can't bear the pain."

"Senior brother's spiritual veins are indeed almost broken, but this is also temporary. It's just that in recent days, senior brother can't use spells." Mi Zixin had no choice but to tell the truth.

"That's fine, the disciples in the sect will be fine. I think that guy's tricks too." Murong Danran moved slightly.

Mi Zixin took out the fragments of the messenger that he had collected before and showed it, "Senior brother was really injured by this thing."

"That's right... I was asking the disciple at the time, and before I could ask anything useful, this thing came out and exploded.

All I can do is to surround myself with this thing. Who would have thought that this thing's power is quite strong, and my own body protection spells are completely unprotected. "

Murong Danran recalled that if his imperial beast had not come to protect him at that time, he might have been hurt more seriously.

"It's not that Senior Brother's body-guarding spell is weak, but that when the thing exploded, it also released a spell that could break the barrier, so the explosion affected the entire Floating Cloud Palace.

But don't worry, Brother, Master, he has used space spells to recover bit by bit. "Mi Zixin explained to Murong the organ of the order.

Murong Danran then nodded understandingly, and after a while he looked at the door again, "Why don't you see other people?"

"In order to keep him from being confined to one place, I sent him to help the medicine man temporarily. When my brother was in a coma, Qiqing's child was worried."

Mi Zixin was talking about Daoist Xuyun and pushed the door and entered.

"Liuyun, you're awake. How are you feeling now?"

Daoist Xuyun also went straight to the topic of seeing a doctor.

"Third Senior Brother, you are here. Junior Brother is fine. It's just that he is still struggling to use spells."

Murong Danran watched Daoist Xuyun pull up his wrist to examine his spiritual veins.

Mi Zixin watched Daoist Xuyun learn the method.

"The recovery of the spiritual veins does require a period of recuperation. Don't worry, the fifth brother, the brother and Liu Ying will refine the medicine together. Your injury will soon be healed."

Daoist Xuyun also put down a stone in his heart.

"By the way, the third senior brother, when the junior brother passed by in front of the Xuyun Palace in the morning, he saw what the Taoist Xuanxin was thinking. It is very likely that he will also target the third senior brother, you should be careful." Mi Zixin remembered what happened in the morning. He also told Daoist Xuyun about this.

After thinking for a while, Daoist Xuyun became a little uneasy.

"Senior brother, I know." Daoist Xuyun turned and felt a little strange, "Have you two paid attention, although the order here was confirmed by the disciple to be an object of Chongyuan Sect, and during the explosion, their Chongyuan Sect had already lost a disciple.

However, the people of Chongyuanmen did not make a sound to seek it out, nor did they directly frame Jing Lingshan.They already had the most favorable and direct evidence. When Liu Yun was in a coma, they could do it, why didn't they act?
Could it be that the purpose of their Chongyuan Sect was not to frame and defeat Jing Lingshan? "

Mi Zixin looked at the sound transmission and thought for a while, "There are two possibilities, one is that there is no way to directly frame Jing Lingshan as evidence.

Thinking of defeating Jing Lingshan can only be the proof that Jing Lingshan colluded with the devil.Although the order here belongs to the Chongyuan Sect, it does not prove that it was someone from his Chongyuan Sect who had the order and was wiped out in the explosion.

On the other hand, when Senior Brother Liu Yun woke up and testified that the one who detonated the summons was a disciple of Chongyuan Sect, their Chongyuan Sect could also come forward to deny it, because they didn't search around for lack of disciples. "

Mizi Xin rationally raised his eyes and looked at Daoist Xuyun and Murong Danran.

"So that's what happened!" Mi Zixin immediately understood the purpose of Chongyuan Sect.

"What did Liu Ying think of?" Daoist Xuyun asked curiously.

Even if Mi Zixin spoke to the two of them seriously, "There will be a beast-fighting conference held at Chongyuanmen soon.

Now Jing Lingshan has no choice but to participate, and all the people involved in his Chongyuan Sect this time will be able to fight beasts.

They pulled Jing Lingshan to participate in order to find out Jing Lingshan's collusion with the devil, and at the same time, they attacked Jing Lingshan's beast-fighting people, Mianmian and Yueluo.The third and fifth senior brothers are his goals.

Because Jing Lingshan has not participated in any of the beast-defense conferences in Chongyuanmen for a hundred years, he is naturally unfamiliar with the rules of the beast-defense conference.

Floating Cloud Palace stores the materials and books of various sects and factions, destroying Floating Cloud Palace and cutting off the information source of Jingling order to achieve their purpose of making trouble.

I think the purpose of their Chongyuanmen is very likely to come to the Valley of Gods and Beasts.Because only the entrance of Jingling Mountain can enter the center of the God Beast Valley. "

Murong Danran also nodded, "Liu Ying has some truth in what he said. The third senior brother was also instigated by Xuanxin when he entered the Valley of Divine Beasts. That disciple was also brought back to the Cloud Palace by me in the Valley of Divine Beasts."

"Then the Feasting Beast Conference here must be of great significance to Chongyuan Sect, or if you become the winner of the conference here, you will get something, and Chongyuan Sect needs it very much." Daoist Xuyun said that Murong Danran and Mi Zixin agreed. .

"The matter still needs to be investigated. Now, Senior Brother Three, we should hurry up and refine the medicine to treat Senior Brother Liu Yun." Mi Zixin stood up first and walked to the medicine cabinet beside him to get medicine.

"Liu Ying said, let Liu Yun take a rest first alone." Daoist Xuyun also stood up to help Mi Zixin.

"Because of my negligence, junior brother, you are worried about me." Murong Danran felt very guilty.

"Liuyun, rest well..."

Just as Daoist Xuyun spoke to comfort Murong Danran, an eager figure eagerly pushed in the door.

Yun Qiqing panted and looked at Murong Danran on the sickbed, he wept happily, "Uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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