Yun Qishen

Chapter 776 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 776 The episode of Jingling Mountain (8)
(God's perspective)
Yun Qiqing was instructed to guard those dead medicine practitioners who were waiting for Yun Chengyue to come.

There were some medicine men around him who spoke ill of Jing Lingshan yin and yang.

"Tell me, if so many of our compatriots in medicine didn't come here, Jing Lingshan would not die."

"That's not true. None of these cultivators are really good to us medicine people. Have you heard people say before that they plan to use the corpses of our compatriots to refine some elixir of life?"

"I heard that the few Jingling Mountain disciples are still standing there waiting for someone to deal with them."

"The same is true of other immortals. They kindly took in the medicine man as their disciple, not because they wanted to use our medicine man."

"It's really a bunch of sanctimonious guys, and the Daoist Liu Yun who was injured by the bomb, maybe people are not as friendly as they seem, and their nature may be so vicious."

The pharmacists who were discussing together still looked at Yun Qiqing from time to time.

When Yun Qiqing heard this, he could only clench his fists tightly. When Mi Zixin sent him, he instructed him not to quarrel with the medicine man.Even if they insulted him badly, it was the same. As a disciple of Jingling Mountain, you must not quarrel with the medicine man at this time.

Endure, endure!
They insulted his uncle's personality, how could he bear it!

Yun Qiqing stood up angrily, and the Jingling Mountain disciples all looked at him worriedly, for fear that Yun Qiqing would do something out of the ordinary.

"Junior Brother Yun..."

A Jingling Mountain disciple walked up to Yun Qiqing, "Don't be impulsive..."

"Senior brother, don't worry... Junior brother just wants to go out and get some air."

Yun Qiqing pushed the Jingling Mountain disciple away and walked outside.

Afterwards, Yun Qiqing walked to an open space behind the Yaoren residence.

"Ah!! Endure! Endure! How can I endure this! It's obviously their fault! Is it because I'm too useless!! Really!"

Yun Qiqing gritted his teeth, he angrily hit the wall with his hands, and he didn't intend to stop until the bleeding.

The anger in his heart and the worry about Murong Danran mixed together into tears that flowed out of his eyes.

[The man doesn't cry easily, let me see you cry again and I won't have a nephew like you! 】

Yun Qiqing remembered what Murong Danran had scolded him before and wiped away the tears with his sleeve.

But the tears kept flowing out.

He is really not that strong, he really wants to cry, why is he so weak, why can't he get the corresponding strength after working so hard...

"Qiqing." Yun Chengyue's voice came from not far behind Yun Chengyue, "Shouldn't you wait for me at the medicine man's residence?"

"I'm go deal with their medicine man first..."

Yun Qiqing put away the injured hand, he turned his back to Yun Chengyue while treating his hand while trying to stop the tears from the corners of his eyes from flowing down.

"What's the matter? Qiqing, are you crying?"

"I do not have!"

Yun Chengyue naturally didn't believe what Yun Qiqing said, he hurried over to look at Yun Qiqing.

But Yun Qiqing really didn't want Yun Chengyue to see her like this.

"Yun Chengyue! Don't bother me now, take care of your business first!"

Yun Chengyue's hand that stretched out towards Yun Qiqing stopped in mid-air, and he finally had to withdraw it.

"Okay... I'll come back to you after I've dealt with it. By the way, when I came, I listened to Chen Yueluo's secret discussion, saying that uncle is awake, wait..."

Before Yun Chengyue finished speaking, Yun Qiqing hurriedly ran towards the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Yun Chengyue looked at Yun Qiqing's retreating back and sighed. He turned around and had to deal with his task first.

Chen Yueluo and Gu Choumian left the Xuyun Palace and walked towards the medicine man's residence. They were discussing about Fu Luxiao when suddenly Yun Qiqing ran past them.

"Why is he in such a hurry." Chen Yueluo looked at the direction Yun Qiqing left, "It seems to be the Immortal Medicine Sect over there."

Gu Choumian knocked on Chen Yueluo's head, "Use your brain, it seems that he knows about the fifth uncle."

"But didn't the third uncle say that he can't let many people know? Then he is..." Chen Yueluo thought that Yun Chengyue also brushed past them when he was discussing with Chen Yueluo.

Gu Choumian sighed and shook his head, "Yueluo, you are the one who shouldn't be told... Sigh~ let's go."

"Haha." Chen Yueluo smiled apologetically.

Yun Qiqing also quickly came to the Immortal Medicine Sect. He nervously opened the door of Lingyao Pavilion and saw Murong Danran sitting on the sickbed, "Uncle!"

"Qiqing, you are here."

Murong Danran smiled weakly at Yun Qiqing.

Yun Qiqing also came over and knelt in front of the bed, "I'm really too scared. I'm really... I'm so happy that my uncle can wake up..."

"It's uncle's negligence to make you worry, Qiqing. Well, don't kneel on the ground. Men don't kneel easily."

Although Murong Danran was weak, her sternness towards Yun Qiqing did not seem to have diminished in the slightest.

Mi Zixin was holding the herbs quietly, and he shook his head incomprehensibly.

Daoist Xuyun could only look at the uncle and nephew with a slight smile.

"How about the task your master entrusted you to go to the medicine man?"

Murong Danran remembered what Mi Zixin had said before and asked Xiang Yun Qiqing.

"I heard Cheng Yue say you're awake, what happened over there..."

"You can't do this. As a disciple of Jingling Mountain, you must give priority to tasks!"

When Murong Danran said this, Yun Qiqing was naturally a little sad.

"Then I'll go back..."

Yun Qiqing stood up and was about to leave with a salute, when Mi Zixin couldn't stand it any longer and opened his mouth.

"The physicians are not limited to one place. The medicine man's business is now also a matter of commitment. There is still a lack of manpower for the master and your third uncle. Qiqing, you stay here to help us take care of your uncle."

Murong Danran looked at Mi Zixin, wondering what he meant by this, and let Yun Qiqing take care of him for a while.

"Ah..." Yun Qiqing glanced at Murong Danran and then turned to Mi Zixin.

"Qiqing is a little rude, you have to reply properly." Daoist Xu Yun smiled at Yun Qiqing.

Only then did Yun Qiqing saluted and replied, "My disciple takes orders."

What happened in Lingyao Pavilion was also clearly seen by Taoist Xuanxin through magic.He attached a very subtle mana to Yun Qiqing, but the mana was enough for him to see what was happening around Yun Qiqing.

"It's really interesting, love, family affection, master-apprentice affection, brotherly affection... Ha, it is because of these indifferent feelings, so you can have the pleasure of destroying the poor when you can be in the mountains."

Xuan Xindao prepared tea and waited for Du Chunniang's arrival.

Du Chunniang, with a ruddy face, walked over to Taoist Master Xuanxin happily.

Daoist Xuanxin also raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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