Yun Qishen

Chapter 777 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 777 The episode of Jingling Mountain (9)
(God's perspective)
"Did the disciple that Daoist Xuanxin mentioned really spread these rumors unintentionally?

It seemed to Xiaodao that the disciple was clearly betrayal. If there was such a traitor in Xiaodao's sect, Xiaodao would definitely catch him and execute him immediately. "

Du Chunniang said angrily after hearing Daoist Xuanxin's words.

"Don't be so angry, fellow Daoist, Pindao also explained to fellow Daoist that it was the disciple who misunderstood, and that's why he was frightened.

This disciple of Pindao is timid and suspicious by nature. He misunderstood that Pindao wanted to kill him... Alas~ this disciple, it's really not as obedient as the next. "

Daoist Xuanxin also sighed.

Hidden in the dark to fight shadows, I admire the acting here very much.

"Don't worry, Daoist, Xiaodao will definitely talk to the disciple on behalf of the Daoist."

Du Chunniang patted her confident opening.

Daoist Xuanxin politely thanked Du Chunniang, "That poor Daoist thanked fellow Daoists for your help here."

"Where is the word, Xiaodao is also to repay the Taoist master. Xuanxin Taoist has such a broad mind at such a young age, and Xiaodao admires it even more.

This kind of thing is put on Xiaodao, and Xiaodao will definitely not give the chance to those who betray the teacher's sect. "

After Du Chunniang finished speaking, she took another sip of tea.

"Pin Dao admires Daoist friend's generosity here. Looking at Daoist friend's appearance, things have been handled smoothly before."

Daoist Xuanxin saw that the time was almost up and he cut to another plan.

When Du Chunniang heard it, she relished, "It's really thanks to the Taoist priest's idea for Xiaodao. If it wasn't for the Taoist priest's suggestion, that person might still hate Xiaodao. Now that the knot is untied, Xiaodao wants to let him even more. Be happy."

"The person Taoist said is that Taoist Xuqing." Taoist Xuanxin narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Du Chunniang was so nervous that she blushed, "How did the Taoist know about it! Oh, Xiaodao's face must be very red now... I really made you laugh."

"Love is a human emotion, and there is nothing shameful about it. If you want to make that Daoist Master Xuqing happier, you have to find a way from the people and things that he cares more about."

Taoist Xuanxin guided Du Chunniang step by step in the direction he wanted.

Du Chunniang first took a sip of tea to calm down, then she sighed again, "Alas~ Daoist Xuqing, the person he cares most about is his senior brother Xuyun. Because that Xuyun rescued him, he came here to practice Daoism in Jingling Mountain. Alas… Xiaodao doesn’t know why he wants to talk about this with his fellow Daoist. Xiaodao is a little unhappy and wants to talk about this, so don’t think Xiaodao is too long-winded…”

Daoist Xuanxin glanced at the tea in front of Du Chunniang, and then said with a smile, "Why does the poor Dao think that fellow Daoist is too long-winded? The fellow Daoist said clearly, and the idea here can be accurate."

"Yeah, this is the so-called right medicine." Du Chunniang was a little confused, she just wanted to say more, "No, it's an idea!"

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist is really funny." Daoist Xuanxin also took a sip of tea, "Speaking of Daoist Xuyun, Pindao learned that he has been looking for a cure for his apprentice."

"Xiaodao also heard about this, that Xuyun only has one apprentice, so he is extremely concerned about that apprentice." Du Chunniang remembered that Daoist Xuqing also mentioned that apprentice before, "That apprentice seems to be called Xiaoshao. "

"Can fellow Daoists listen to Pindao's words again?" Daoist Xuanxin thought that he was about to achieve his goal, so he became more active.

"What good idea did the Taoist priest have in mind?" Du Chunniang looked at Taoist priest Xuanxin expectantly.

"Pin Dao did think of a way. It's better for fellow Daoists and Pin Dao to heal the disciple called Xiaoshao.

As long as the disciple is cured, Daoist Xuyun will be happy, and Daoist Xuqing will be happy when Daoist Xuyun is happy.At that time, Daoist friends will definitely be more concerned by Daoist Master Xuqing.

What do you think, fellow Taoist? "

Xuanxin Daochang smiled more and more like a fox.

Du Chunniang put her hands on her thighs, she shook her head, "Xiao Dao can't agree with Dao Master's decision!"

When Taoist Xuanxin heard this, his smile wanted to disappear, but Du Chunniang went on to tell her reason.

"This is obviously the credit of the Taoist priest, how can I take care of the small path alone? It is our immortal duty to save people, isn't it? The small path's dream is to be a pair of immortal Taoist couples with Quan Yang, traveling around to save the dead, heal the wounded, punish the evil and promote the good. ."

After listening to Daoist Master Xuanxin, his smile that was about to disappear appeared again, "What did you say, Pindao here is also thinking of repaying Daoist friend? Daoist friend can help Pindao to teach juniors, Pindao I am really happy.

The matter of treating that disciple here is also to make fellow Daoist get more attention from the Daoist Master Xuqing. All these credits are naturally due to fellow Daoist. "

"If that's the case, then Xiaodao will accept the kindness of the Taoist priest." Du Chunniang stood up and bowed to the Taoist priest Xuanxin.

Daoist Xuanxin also stood up and bowed back to Du Chunniang, "Tomorrow, the poor Daoist will set up a magic circle at the Lianhuawu Bridge. I hope fellow Daoists can bring the disciple in time to avoid being discovered by the poor Daoist. That's not good. already."

"What the Daoist said is that Xiaodao will go back and prepare well." Du Chunniang left.

"Congratulations to send Daoist friend."

Daoist Xuanxin also continued to think about his subsequent plans.

Seeing that Du Chunniang was far away, Hei Ying asked Daoist Xuanxin aloud.

"Master, can that woman really be trusted?"

"Why don't you ask? Of course we can't trust her, all we want is to make her trust us."

Daoist Xuanxin continued to drink his tea, but his answer made Soo Ying somewhat incomprehensible.

"But Master, tomorrow's disciple of the formation can be sure that you are not trying to save people, how can she trust us after that?"

"Pin Dao said that the credit here is all her own, and naturally she is the one who casts the spell here. Everything has nothing to do with Pin Dao, Pin Dao made up his mind, and it is only her who fails to make trouble.

At that time, she would not be able to argue at all, or maybe she would not be in the world at all at that time. "

Daoist Xuanxin then waved his hand, even if the tea on the table disappeared, he stood up and stretched slightly, "Poor Dao is tired, disciple, look at that fellow Daoist on behalf of the poor Dao, wait a minute. She might go to see my runaway apprentice. Don't make it too big to interfere with tomorrow's plans."

"Yes, my disciple understands."

The shadow disappeared in a flash.

Daoist Xuanxin looked at the white sky of Jingling Mountain and couldn't help but think of the blue sky and white clouds at that time.

[A Xuan, this time as my brother, I will definitely be able to defeat the Spirit Realm Dao.When the time comes, I will bring you back a beautiful sister-in-law. 】

[Brother started joking again. After so many years, there is no news about the senior of the spiritual realm. I am afraid that he has become an old man like my brother and me. 】

[Ah, you don't understand here.Men's fights can't stop even when they get old.Besides, my brother is also returning to Lingshan to reminisce and meet my senior brother here. 】

【Do you want me to accompany you? 】

[No, no, I will set off without delay. 】

(End of this chapter)

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