Yun Qishen

Chapter 780 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 780 The episode of Jingling Mountain (12)
(God's perspective)
"It's the disciple's lack of ability to protect him. I also ask the master to punish him."

Fu Luxiao endured the coldness that had not yet completely faded away, and knelt down to apologize to the spiritual realm.

"Okay, if you have time to apologize to me here, you might as well complete other tasks. As for this Chongyuan disciple, his death may also be a relief to him." Lingjing Dao sat on a chair with his head in his hands. Then he turned to look at Ao Jie on the other side, "Your name is Ao Jie, right? It just so happens that I have something to do with your junior brother. Come with me later."

Ao Jie was a little unclear at first, and then he even saluted and accepted the mission of the Spirit Realm Dao.

"Despite Master's instructions, this disciple must do his best." Fu Luxiao thought that he could not fail any longer.

Lingjing Dao smacked his lips in annoyance, "I don't need you to do your best, as long as you can complete the task.

Fu Luxiao, go to the medicine man's residence to gather all the medicine people, and then take them to Xianyongtai.

By the way, I found some people and arranged to send those ordinary people who had been released from the control down the mountain.

I've been so busy during this time that I forgot about them. "

"Yes, the disciple will do it now!"

After Fu Luxiao got up and saluted, he quickly went to Yaoren's residence.

Spirit Realm Dao raised his hand slightly, and a blue vortex appeared in front of Ao Jie.

Ao Jie subconsciously took two steps back, but Spirit Realm Dao calmly stood up and approached the vortex.

"Why are you still in a daze, come with me." After Lingjing said, he passed through the vortex, and Ao Jie also followed him through the vortex with suspicion.

At the same time, Du Chunniang from Taoist Master Xuanxin also came to him to talk about the suicide of the disciple.

"I also ask the Daoist to forgive Xiaodao's rashness. The disciple Xiaodao accidentally failed to control it, and let him take advantage of the opportunity to commit suicide.

Xiaodao just wanted to say a few words to bring him back to the Taoist priest, but the disciple was very reluctant. "

Du Chunniang looked very guilty, and if she looked closely, she could see that she was a little absent-minded.

Daoist Xuanxin smiled at Du Chunniang's appearance, he thought that Du Chunniang must be worried that Jing Lingshan would embarrass her.

"Fellow Daoist doesn't need to feel guilty, that disciple also has his choice."

"But this way, there is no way to solve the misunderstanding between the Taoist master and your master and apprentice.

Now those rumors are still spreading among the juniors, which will affect your reputation a lot!Why don't you think of a way to come forward and explain it to everyone?

The Daoist is so calm and light, I really can't stand the trail. "

Du Chunniang couldn't see how others insulted Taoist Xuanxin, and she couldn't see Taoist Xuanxin's attitude of waiting for the rumors to stop.

"Ha, what fellow Daoists said, it's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. It's better for a poor Daoist to come forward and explain it to various sects today."

"That's great. Daochang Xuanxin is such a good person, how could he do something to hurt his fellow disciple. You can even forgive the disciple who betrayed the Taoist sect.

It's because those immortals don't know you too well, Daoist Xuanxin. "Du Chunniang said indignantly.

"Ha, fellow Daoist has a heart. It is a blessing for a poor Daoist to get to know his fellow Daoist." Daoist Xuanxin pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, and Du Chunniang was harmed by people and animals like him. Confused by appearances.

"What the Taoist said, it should be a blessing for Xiaodao to meet the same Taoist."

Du Chunniang couldn't stand praise either, she blushed a little when she heard someone praise her.

"If you don't dislike it, fellow Taoist, please taste the freshly prepared tea here in Pindao." Taoist Xuanxin brought a cup of tea to Du Chunniang.

Du Chunniang also took a sip, "I also ask the Taoist priest to forgive Xiaodao's sparse and shallow words, and the tea here is very delicate, but Xiaodao always feels that there is a strange bitter taste in it.

Ah... Xiaodao is not saying that long tea is not good to drink, but I feel that the taste of the tea here is too complicated, and I don't know how to describe it for a while! "

Daoist Xuanxin looked at Du Chunniang's panicked appearance in surprise, and then he smiled again, "Haha, tea is like a human being. Pindao is indeed a very complicated person. Daoist friend is right."

"Ha..." When Du Chunniang saw Daoist Xuanxin say this, she was no longer nervous whether she said something wrong.

After tasting the tea, Du Chunniang also set off to find a small spoon.

Fu Luxiao communicated the matter of arranging for ordinary people to leave Jingling Mountain to Daoist Xuyun, and Daoist Xuyun also handed it over to Xiaoya.

"Hey? Do you want to give it to Xiaoya?"

Xiaoya expressed her surprise, but then she thought about it, the situation in Jinglingshan is more tense now, and every move of Jinglingshan's disciples is seen by many outsiders.

"Miss Xiaoya, I know you can understand the current situation in Jingling Mountain. Xiaoshao will also ask you to take care of it." Daoist Xuyun saluted Xiaoya slightly.

"Daoist Xuyun doesn't have to do this, Xiaoya will take good care of the spoon. I will take these ordinary people down the mountain safely."

When Xiaoya saw Daoist Xuyun saluting her, he hurriedly stopped her. As a junior, she couldn't bear this.

"After you leave the sect, you will pass through a barrier created by the joint efforts of the immortals.

Because you are just ordinary people, and the little girl doesn't have much mana in her body, so you can pass through.

After passing through, you will see the stone steps leading to the bottom of the mountain, just walk down the road.

My concern is that the scoop might not be able to get through that barrier, so hopefully you can carry this with you for the scoop. "

Daoist Xuyun handed a small fragment of a transparent object to Xiaoya.

Xiaoya looked at the strange fragment curiously, "This is..."

"This is the egg of the spirit snake. It was found before. The fragments here can break any foreign spells. Even if it is only a little bit, its power is enough.

Xiaoshao's sanity is still not sound, but she still contains a small part of mana in her body.

The egg of the snake here can better protect her from being hurt by those who have a heart. After saying this, Daoist Xuyun took out some medicinal pills and gave them to Xiaoya, "These are some medicinal pills from Jingling Mountain. If Xiaoshao gets sick or something later, he will eat these. "

"That's really thankful to Master Xuyun." Xiao Ya put away the medicine pill and the eggs of the snake.

Daoist Xuyun squatted down and hugged the spoon beside him, "Remember to come and see Shishi in the future."

Xiaoshao also patted Daoist Xuyun on the back in response.

After saying goodbye to Xiaoya and Xiaoshao, Daoist Xuyun went back to the Immortal Medicine Sect to be busy.

Xiaoya had to bring a spoon to gather those ordinary people.

Xiaoya put the spoon in one place and waited, even though she shouted for the ordinary people to come out and gather.

The little spoon just looked at the little tooth in a dull manner.

Suddenly, a white figure appeared in front of the spoon.

"Are you just asking about the spoon?"

Du Chunniang squatted down and looked at Xiaoshao.

(End of this chapter)

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