Yun Qishen

Chapter 781 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 781 The episode of Jingling Mountain (13)
(God's perspective)
Xiaoya was busy gathering for a while and couldn't take care of the spoon often.

Because of this, Xiaoya found the man she fell in love with now.

"A-Shang, please help me to take care of a child. She's at the stone table in front of her! I'll be busy first!"

Xiaoya looked at the man with a broken arm in front of him and asked.

The man with the broken arm agreed peacefully.

Seeing the man agree, Xiaoya hurriedly left.

The one-armed man named Ah Shang walked towards the stone table that Xiao Ya said.

But when he got to the stone table, Ah Shang did not see the spoon described in Xiaoya's mouth.

"It's strange, Miss Tooth shouldn't make such a joke. Could it be that the child ran away and got lost?"

Thinking like this, Ah Shang began to look for traces of the little spoon everywhere.

At this time, Xiaoshao took Du Chunniang's hand and was walking towards the Lianhuawu Bridge.

As long as the little girl here is cured, Daoist Xuqing will be happy and will be able to care more about her.

Du Chunniang imagined what it would be like after the spoon was cured.

[Daoist Xuqing grabbed Du Chunniang's hand and praised her.

"You really impress me. At first, I was clumsy, but now you and I become Taoist companions?"

Du Chunniang blushed and nodded. 】

"No! This is no good! You can't think about it any more. That guy can't say such a thing in his eighth life. You have to be sober, Du Chunniang!" How can you lose your mind for no reason? Even the mana is gone."

The little spoon seemed to understand something, and she slowly shook her head without saying a word.

Du Chunniang didn't care what Xiaoshao was thinking now, all she had to do now was to bring Xiaoshao to the array arranged by Taoist Master Xuanxin.

As long as the spoon is ready, her purpose has been achieved.

Coming to the Lotus Fog Bridge, Du Chunniang quickly saw a magic circle.

She quickly took the spoon to the center of the spell, and then she withdrew.

"Daoist Xuanxin, this side of the trail is fine."

Du Chunniang thought that Taoist Xuanxin didn't want to reveal it, but she must be controlling the spell not far away, so she shouted.

After the sound here, the circle of light became even more dazzling.

The light shrouded the spoon, but after a while the light broke.

Xiaoshao just looked at Du Chunniang's direction dumbly.

Spell failed? !

Du Chunniang expressed doubts, but Daoist Xuanxin not far away was surprised.

How could his spell be cracked by such a little girl?This is not the way to go. If you cast too many spells, you will definitely be found flawed. It's better...

"Daoist Xuanxin is here..."

Du Chunniang wanted to ask what was going on, and Daoist Xuanxin also explained to her through voice transmission.

"Don't be nervous, fellow Daoist, it's useless to cast this spell once or twice, come little by little. Pindao will deal with it before anyone finds it."

After Daoist Xuanxin finished speaking, the circle became slightly larger, and the previous light once again covered the small spoon, and then the light was broken again.

Du Chunniang looked around nervously, no one was chasing after her.

Taoist Xuanxin is very confident in his spells, but why can't he work on this little spoon?
He didn't believe that there was something wrong with his spell, so he thought about switching to another target and trying again, so he took aim at Du Chunniang again.

Du Chunniang watched the magic circle separated into a smaller circle, and this small circle was moving towards her.

The circular formation was moving so fast that Du Chunniang couldn't dodge at all, so the circular formation was attached to Du Chunniang's feet, and the light quickly enveloped Du Chunniang.

"Daoist Xuanxin! You really are... ah!!"

Before Du Chunniang could finish speaking, she cried out in pain again, and the light became even more dazzling.

When the spell ended, Du Chunniang only felt that her body was out of her control.She cannot move and speak independently.It felt like a puppet being manipulated by anyone.

Could it be the same with the kid named Xiaoshao?
Du Chunniang regretted, she shouldn't have trusted Taoist Xuanxin so easily, wouldn't she be hurting Xiaoshao like this.

If that's the case... If it's true, then Xu Qing... Zhao Quanyang will definitely hate her.

"There is no problem with the spell... It seems that the problem is with this child..."

Daoist Xuanxin was about to show up to Xiaoshao to find out what happened when Daoist Xuqing appeared.

It turned out that A-Shang was unsuccessful in his search for Xiaoshao. He wanted to go back and talk to Xiaoya, but he happened to meet Daoist Xuqing who helped in the past.

As soon as Ah Shang talked about the little spoon, Daoist Xuqing also found it through the technique of observation.

When Daoist Xuanxin saw Daoist Xuqing coming, he glanced at Du Chunniang who was being controlled by him.

It might be a good show here, and he seems to be able to control the Daoist Master Xuqing when he is not prepared.

To kill the heart with affection is the most perfect method.

"Why are you here, Xiaoshao... Why are you here Du Heiniu? You brought Xiaoshao here? What about the circle at her feet?"

Daoist Xuqing was very angry, he thought it must be Du Chunniang who did it.

"I said Du Heiniu, you just said something, and unlocked this spell! You are a child..."

Before Daoist Xuqing finished speaking, Du Chunniang's sword rushed over and directly resisted Daoist Xuqing's heart.

Fortunately, Daoist Xuqing had a body-protecting spell, and Du Chunniang couldn't break through for a while.

【Do not!That's not what I meant!Full sun!Don't get me wrong! 】

Du Chunniang was very reluctant, but her body was no longer under her control.This body is pressing towards Xu Qing Dao with murderous aura.

Seeing that his words were useless, Xuqing Daochang changed his pen to fight with Du Chunniang.

"You crazy woman, have you had enough trouble! If you continue to make trouble, I'll be rude to you!"

Daoist Xuqing thought that Du Chunniang was making a fuss here. If she said so, she might stop.
But in the end, Du Chunniang not only did not stop, but actually hurt Daoist Xuqing.

Du Chunniang's sword pierced into the flank of Daoist Xuqing.

"You're serious...what the hell is going on with you!"

Seeing that something was wrong with Du Chunniang, Daoist Master Xuqing used his strokes to write to Du Chunniang.

Du Chunniang didn't even try to dodge, and the frightened Daoist Master Xu Qing quickly stopped his moves.

In contrast, Daoist Xuqing suffered a second injury from Du Chunniang.

Du Chunniang drew out her sword and stabbed it towards Daoist Xuqing's chest.

This scene happened to be seen by Daoist Xuyun who came to pick up lotus seeds near the Lianhuawu Bridge.

At the same time, Daoist Xuyun also saw the small spoon in the center of the circle.

Xiaoshao also seemed to feel the existence of Daoist Xuyun, even if she turned her head to look in the direction of Daoist Xuyun.

(End of this chapter)

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