Yun Qishen

Chapter 784 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 784 The episode of Jingling Mountain (16)
(God's perspective)
The moment Taoist Master Xuyun regained his body was when Xiaoshao came over and hugged him.

He himself was worried about hurting Daoist Xuqing when he was out of control, but Xiaoshao really helped a lot this time.

Daoist Xuyun quickly shook off Daoist Xuqing so that he was not injured.

The black bone whip scattered from Daoist Xuqing's body, and then wrapped around Du Chunniang, who was chasing after him.

Daoist Xuyun squatted down and took off the egg of the snake on Xiaoshao, and then he threw it towards Daoist Xuqing.

"Xu Qing! Next! Use this to break the spell on her!"

The egg of the snake flickered slightly, and Daoist Xuanxin in the distance thought that something was weird and quickly wanted to use a spell to grab it, but the spell was broken the moment it touched the egg of the snake.

Daoist Xuqing also took this opportunity to grab the egg of the snake.

Daoist Xuanxin had a bad mind and stopped casting spells and left quickly.

Daoist Xuyun naturally discovered the source of the spell. In order to prevent Xiaosuo from happening again, he took Xiaosao to catch up with him to check, but no one was seen.

"Let him escape..." Daoist Xuyun frowned slightly, then he stretched his brows and squatted down to look at Xiaoshao.

"Xiaoshao, have you been hurt anywhere else? It's all my teacher, my teacher..."


Xiaoshao pulled Daoist Xuyun's clothes and called out softly.

Daoist Xuyun stopped talking and hooked the spoon tightly.

On the other side, the controlled Du Chunniang stopped acting because she was out of the control of Daoist Xuanxin. Daoist Xuqing took the opportunity to press the egg of the snake on Du Chunniang's forehead.

At the same time, Daoist Xuqing also felt that a kind of magic was broken around Du Chunniang's body.

"Senior brother! Come and see her!"

Daoist Xuqing turned to look at the wound he stabbed on Du Chunniang's body, the blood was still flowing out, Daoist Xuqing had to stop the bleeding first and then quickly called Daoist Xuyun to check.

Daoist Xuyun let go of the spoon and brought her to Daoist Xuqing's side.

Daoist Xuyun checked Du Chunniang's current situation. Although she was not fatally injured, her blood loss was relatively serious. It may not be feasible to rely on Daoist Xuyun's healing technique alone.

"Xuqing, take her to Lingyao Pavilion first, and I will treat her with Liuying. I will go to Miss Xiaoya first, and please bring these lotus seeds to Liuying."

After Daoist Xuyun finished speaking, he handed the lotus seeds he collected to Daoist Xuqing, and then took a small spoon to find Xiaoya.

Daoist Xuqing picked up Du Chunniang and ran towards the Immortal Medicine Sect.

"Du Heiniu, hold on for me. After you wake up, explain it to me!"

Daoist Xuqing gritted his teeth, and when he looked at Du Chunniang's pale face, he felt extremely uncomfortable.


"Little spoon!" Xiaoya came over and hugged the spoon to check her condition.

"Miss Xiaoya, don't worry, the spoon is not injured." Daoist Xuyun let go of his hand holding the spoon a little reluctantly, "In order to prevent what happened just now, please don't lose it as much as possible. I'm alone with the spoon."

"It's Xiaoya that I neglected. Daoist Xuyun, if you want to blame Xiaoya, just blame Xiaoya." Xiaoya let go of the spoon and looked at Daoist Xuyun.

"You don't have to do this, Miss Xiaoya, everyone is negligent. That's it, you must keep the egg of the snake, the bad guy who took Xiaoya before seems to have been eyeing it.

So I decided to send you off in prevent variables. "

"Daoist Xuyun." Xiaoya also stood up after hearing Daoist Xuyun's words, "Please trust Xiaoya again. Xiaoya will never let this happen again. So you don't have to. Take the risk and send us away."

Seeing Xiaoya's unswerving attitude, Daoist Xuyun nodded in agreement, "Then I will trust Miss Xiaoya again. I wish you a safe journey."

This time, Daoist Xuyun looked at Xiaoshao with no nostalgia, and he walked towards the Immortal Medicine Sect without looking back.

Xiaoya and the others were also ready to leave Jingling Mountain. She took the spoon and left in the opposite direction to the Immortal Medicine Sect.


Daoist Xuanxin's plan failed this time, and he naturally would not leave Du Chunniang as a hidden danger.

It is precisely because of Du Chunniang's previous maintenance, if they really rescue Du Chunniang from Jinglingshan in the later stage...

After Daoist Xuanxin stepped into the door, he called out the name of the shadow.But Sombra didn't reply to him immediately.

Daoist Xuanxin felt strange and looked into the room, Ao Jie was waiting for him to come back.

"The disciple has seen the master."

Ao Jie bowed to Daoist Xuanxin, and Daoist Xuanxin took a look around before taking his seat.

"Aojie, don't you want to stay in Jingling Mountain? Why, you are here to discuss with Pindao to leave Chongyuanmen?"

Ao Jie clasped his fists in a salute, and the glass beads in his hand also made a colliding sound at the same time.

"Master has misunderstood the disciple. The disciple is here to ask you some questions, Master."

"what is the problem?"

"Master, why do you want to attack junior brother him?"

Daoist Xuanxin didn't find it strange that Ao Jie asked directly. According to Ao Jie's character, he was really frank and naive.

Daoist Xuanxin heated the tea on the table with his magic power, "Aojie, stop standing, sit down and have a good talk with Pindao."

"Thank you Master for your kindness, but as a disciple, you are not allowed to sit and talk with Master, please allow Master to allow the disciple to stand like this."

After Ao Jie glanced at the tea on the table, his eyes returned to Taoist Xuanxin.

"It's okay. Aojie, you can do whatever you want. It's just..." Taoist Xuanxin took a sip of tea vigilantly and found that there was no problem, he turned and smiled, "It's just that, Aojie, you believe what he said by someone from Jingling Mountain. Do you still believe what Pindao said?"

"Although the disciple wants to leave the Chongyuan Sect, the master is also someone who has taught himself other spells since the disciple first entered the Dao.

Therefore, compared with the words of the people from Jingling Mountain, I trust the words of Master, and the words of the disciples of Chongyuan Sect. "Ao Jie put down his hands and stood up," so the disciple was very puzzled as to why the Master wanted to do something to the younger brother. "

"Because your junior brother betrayed the master and slandered the reputation of the poor Taoist everywhere. It is justified to get rid of him." Taoist Xuanxin obviously did not want to answer this question.

But Ao Jie still had something to ask, "Then what did he do to betray Chongyuan Sect?"

Daoist Xuanxin closed his eyes, then he sighed again, "Ashamed to say, Pindao really likes the tea he made for Pindao, but he almost blew up the realm in the name of Chongyuanmen. The Floating Cloud Palace in Lingshan.

Besides, he killed the junior and junior brothers of the same sect. Isn't this not a betrayal of Chongyuan Sect? "

"Is this all done by the younger brother?" Ao Jie couldn't help clenching his fists tightly after hearing this.

"It is precisely because of your impetuous character that Pindao is reluctant to tell you this." Seeing Ao Jie's frowning, Xuan Xin Dao decided that Ao Jie had listened to his words.

Ao Jie finally asked another question.

"Master, can you still remember this disciple's name?"

Taoist Xuanxin smiled, and he answered without hesitation, "It should be called Mingjie."

(End of this chapter)

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