Yun Qishen

Chapter 785 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 785 The episode of Jingling Mountain (17)
(God's perspective)
After leaving Taoist Master Xuanxin's room, Ao Jie locked himself in the room.

Ao Jie knew that he must still be under the supervision of Daoist Xuanxin, so he did not make any suspicious actions.

He lay on the bed and looked at the memories of the glass beads in his hand.


Spirit Realm Dao took Ao Jie through the whirlpool to a secret room.

Minghua's body was also placed in the secret room.

"This is……"

When Aojie walked to Minghua's body, he could be sure that Minghua was indeed dead.

"Don't ask pointless questions, just look at it."

Spirit Realm Dao sprinkled a jar of medicinal powder on Ming Hua's body, and Ming Hua's body quickly turned into dust.

Is this to destroy the corpse?Ao Jie was surprised to see Ming Hua's corpse turned into dust, then turned to look at the spirit realm with a puzzled expression.

I am afraid that this spiritual realm will also kill him, is it all conspiracy by them in the realm of Lingshan?Minghua, is he being used?

"I know you're full of weird ideas right now. You'll understand when he wakes up."

Spirit Realm Dao wrapped Minghua, who turned into dust mustard, with space magic, and then saw those dust mustards quickly gather and combine.

Soon Minghua's body returned to its complete appearance.

This is just an ordinary space reverse spell.What's the point of spilling the powder just now?
Ao Jie thinks so, space magic is naturally powerful, but it can't bring people back to life.

But just when Aojie decided that the Dao of the Spirit Realm was torturing Minghua's body with magic, Minghua opened his eyes.

"Is this the underworld?"

Ming Hua looked at the dim ceiling, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the Spirit Realm Dao beside him.

"As expected of an immortal in the underworld, your appearance is different from ordinary people. You are really beautiful."

Minghua praised it very commonly, and Spirit Realm Dao was also very angry.

A group of guys who only look at their faces!
Lingjing Road turned around and closed his eyes to soothe his emotions. He turned his back to Ao Jie and said, "Now you understand."

Ao Jie is a little unbelievable, here Jing Lingshan has mastered the method of resurrecting the dead?
"Junior Brother!" Ao Jie shook Ming Jie, and Ming Hua realized that there was someone on the other side of him.

"Third Senior Brother?! No way, you are also dead!" Minghua sat up in surprise.


Aojie didn't know what to say for a while, he could only use the most effective method to prove to Minghua, he pulled Minghua's cheek with both hands.

Minghua groaned in pain.

"You kid, you're still alive! Understand?"

"I'm still alive... I'm still alive!" Minghua realized the beauty of life. He took Aojie's hand and said excitedly, "Is it the third senior brother, did you save me?"

"It's not me who saved you, it's the master of his Jingling Mountain - the Immortal Venerable Spirit Realm."

Ao Jie felt that Ming Hua was not controlled by the Spirit Realm Dao, but that he really came to life.

Minghua looked at Spirit Realm Dao again, he got down from the stone platform and knelt at the foot of Spirit Realm Dao.

"Thank you Xianzun for saving your life!"

"Okay, stand up and talk. You worship people at every turn. People don't bully you and bully anyone!"

After Lingjing Dao sorted out his emotions, he looked back at Ming Hua and Ao Jie.

Ao Jie was really confused, and he couldn't wait to ask Lingjing Dao.

"The younger generation is really confused, what kind of magic did you use to resurrect my junior brother?
In the Immortal Gate Taoist family, nothing has ever come back to life. "

"Nothing ever comes back to life, haha. You boy is the second time I've ever said that.

Before I answer your doubts, I also want to ask you a question.

Do you believe in immortality in this world?If your answer can satisfy me.I'll tell you anything you want to know. "

The intuition of the spiritual realm told him that he would definitely get a satisfactory answer from Aojie.

"If you live longer than the average person, your body will also be healthier than the average person. Such immortality will definitely exist. Immortal Venerable Spirit Realm Dao is one of the legends of absolute immortality among the centuries-old legends of Immortal Dao.

And now Immortal Venerable asks me, a junior like me who is not very deep in life, if I believe in immortality.Can the younger generation conclude that Immortal Venerable, you don't believe in immortality at all.

Perhaps what Immortal Venerable wants to let the juniors and even the world know, is actually the difference in time.

For example, those cats and dogs, their life time is short, in their eyes, ordinary people are immortal.

And Xianzun, the only difference between you and us is the time.

Are you satisfied with this answer? "

After Ao Jie finished speaking, he saw Lingjing Dao smiled slightly, while Ming Hua on the side looked confused.

"Your answer really satisfies me. Your intuition is very strong and logical. Your personality is too blunt, and your emotions are too obvious, and it is easy to be used by people with intentions.

You might as well use your character to do me a favor.

It is up to you whether or not you can succeed. Lingjing Dao pulled Minghua up and patted him on the shoulder, "Go back to the question you asked me.How did I bring him back to life.

This is thanks to a guy who is good at making Gu and refining medicine.That bottle of powder was actually a kind of Gu poison, called Substitute Gu.This poison can be resurrected once.

Because of the role of the substitute Gu, he will come alive.

Now you see, I have something for you here.

Naturally, it depends on your own will. This poison is colorless and tasteless. You put it in the tea of ​​your master who painted dolls that year and let him drink it.

Naturally, there is also an antidote here.You will definitely help me with this busy.

As for your younger brother, you will be here first.Goodbye to our Beastmaster Conference. "


Ao Jie withdrew his hand and put it behind his head, but in the end he didn't use either the poison or the antidote.

Taoist Xuanxin is also his own master anyway, and Aojie will never do anything to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors.

Now that his Aojie divine beast is gone, he will have to catch a decent divine beast in the future beast-fighting conference.

Ao Jie no longer pays attention to the things that Spirit Realm Dao asked him to help. When he thinks of divine beasts, he inexplicably thinks of Mi Zixin's Xiao Zhi.

That mouse is not generally strong, maybe they can find a decent beast by asking Mi Zixin.

Ao Jie thought about it like this, he turned over to stay and looked for Xuyun Palace.

On the side of Daoist Xuanxin, it is not so relaxed and happy.

Hei Ying's disciple never came back, and Daoist Xuanxin knew that something must have happened to the medicine man.The black shadow disciple must have been caught by the Spirit Realm Dao.

Daoist Xuanxin was very puzzled in some places, and with the strength of the black shadow, he would not be caught so easily.There must be some trap set up by the guy in the spiritual realm waiting for him to jump into it.

"Damn, this time I made a miscalculation. Senior, senior, this game of chess seems to be over."

(End of this chapter)

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