Yun Qishen

Chapter 786 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 786 The episode of Jingling Mountain (18)
(God's perspective)
"Take the medicine people to Xianyongtai?" Chen Yueluo expressed surprise when he heard Fu Luxiao's order.

Isn't it that they are not allowed to touch the medicine man casually, why are they taking the medicine man to Xianyongtai again?
"Master must have his thoughts, we just need to act according to the order."

Gu Choumian spoke calmly.

"I am a medicine person, and medicine people will trust me more. Although I don't know how Shizun will deal with him. But I think Shizun must have thought for our medicine people."

After Fu Luxiao finished speaking, he went to call the medicine man.

"For the sake of the medicine man..." Gu Choumian couldn't help thinking of Jiang Qinglai.

Medicine people just want to integrate into the lives of ordinary people.

The medicine people came to Xianyongtai with Fu Luxiao, and the medicine people who saw Xianyongtai for the first time put on a surprised look.

"This is Xianyongtai, so spacious!"

"When you come here, you can soar in one step."

"However, what did they bring the pharmacists here? Wouldn't they want to kill us here!"


"Don't say that, the one who brought us here this time is also a medicine man, don't we even believe our companions?"

"Who knows if he has betrayed us medicine people for so many years!
The story of medicine practitioners refining the elixir of immortality has spread, and the master of Jingling Mountain, the spiritual realm, is the legendary person of immortality in the world.

It's hard not to suspect that they have a conspiracy here! "

The pharmacists began to discuss noisy, and Fu Luxiao could only administer the medicine as instructed and handed out the elixir.

"What are these elixir? Is this to poison us?"

"Is there any medicine in the world that can poison the medicine man, your kid is confused?"

"No, no, I just..."

When an ordinary medicine man was thinking about explaining to the people around him, Fu Luxiao stood on the high platform of Xianyongtai.

Fu Luxiao held the medicinal pill in his hand and shouted to the pharmacists, "The pills here are used for recuperation, it can resist the cold and can also remove the medicinal smell from everyone's body. As medicinal practitioners, everyone can naturally observe it. There's nothing special about medicine. So..."

Fu Luxiao ate the medicine pill in front of all the medicine people, "Please take it with confidence, I will never deceive everyone."

Some medicine practitioners believed that Fu Luxiao would take it naturally, while others took it dubiously.

Only a small number of medicine practitioners have doubts about the medicinal herbs here.

"Why do you want to give us medicinal pills in such a place? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to give it in the medicine man's residence? Or you betrayed the medicine man and willingly became the tool of this group of Taoists?"

"That's right! We don't know how to eat the medicinal herbs here, and we are proud of the medicinal smell on our body as medicine practitioners!"

This group of anti-medicine people began to make trouble, and they even began to persuade those medicine people who had not taken the medicine pill not to take it.

And the people who took the medicine pill really didn't feel any discomfort. As Fu Luxiao said, the smell of the medicine on their body was gradually fading.

"Don't tell me what your real purpose is! Just give us medicine pills? Here? Stop laughing at people! Do you think medicine people are fools?"

"That's right! Say it! What's your purpose!"

"Are you going to kill us again?"

Fu Luxiao couldn't control the small part of the medicine man, and he couldn't stop it, because he didn't know why the Spirit Realm Dao gathered the medicine men at Xianyongtai.

At this moment, Spirit Realm Dao walked in the direction of Fu Yuxiao step by step with a chill.

The environment of Xianyongtai has undergone tremendous changes, and it has become a world of ice and snow in an instant.

The people who took the medicine pill didn't feel cold, but the medicine people who didn't take the medicine pill felt a biting cold.

When the Spiritual Realm Dao came to Fu Yuxiao's side, Fu Yuxiao even saluted and retreated to the side to stand by.

Spirit Realm Dao looked at the group of shivering medicine men who were clamoring just now but are now frozen, "I asked everyone to come here not for other things, but to explain to everyone that medicine people were killed.

The murderers of so many medicine men are now among you. "

"Spiritual Realm Dao Immortal Venerable, you respect it as Immortal Venerable, how can you frame someone indiscriminately? We medicine people will never do anything to hurt our companions."

A medicine man tremblingly denied the words of the spiritual realm.

"You don't believe it? Then this way, the medicinal pills in your hands, my disciples from Jingling Mountain here have also explained to you that they can resist the cold. Those who take medicinal pills here will naturally not feel cold.

If you want to resist the cold, you can only take that medicine pill.

But before you take it, I mind you swap it out.To prevent the murderer who was finally found out, he did not admit it. "

After the Spirit Realm Dao finished speaking, a small group of medicine practitioners exchanged the medicinal pills one-to-one and took them.

After taking the medicine pill, they really couldn't feel the cold, but one of them was shivering from the cold.

The other medicine practitioners all looked at this shivering man with a different look.

"What are you looking at me for? Do you suspect that I am the murderer?" The trembling man had no other energy to be angry if he wanted to be angry, and he was so cold that he couldn't take it anymore.

"They also took the medicine pill, why do you feel cold?"

"Yes, these medicinal pills are the same, and the ones you and I exchanged are the same. There is absolutely no suspicion of fraud!"

The other pharmacists also hurried over and grabbed the shivering man by the collar.

"Did you really kill them? How could you treat your comrades like this!"

"We medicine people want to unite as one, and you actually!!"

Hearing the group of medicine men blaming him so, the trembling man pretended to be pitiful.

"I'm your companion, you don't believe me? This is a framed accusation by Jing Lingshan, otherwise why would you come to me..."

"Haha, mate?"

Before the trembling person could finish explaining, Spirit Realm Dao laughed.

"If the medicine man really has a companion like you, the medicine man may be extinct.

Said that Jing Lingshan framed you?Who are you, why do I have to frame you alone?

Do you know why you are so cold?Because you were injured, and this injury was hurt by me when you sneaked into the Chengyun Temple yesterday.

I smeared cold worm Gu on my sword. Although your wound is healed, the poison is not easy to cure.

Besides, the cold worm Gu can't even stand up to me, let alone you.

Do you still want to wear it?Besides, you are not a medicine person at all.The smell of the medicine man you have is also what you took away from the group of dead medicine men with your spells. "

After the Spirit Realm Dao was finished, the medicine people were even more certain that the trembling man was the murderer of their companions.

The trembling man let out a roar, he turned into a black shadow and wanted to escape, but because of the cold worm Gu, he couldn't move at all, and in the end he could only be caught by them.

(End of this chapter)

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