Yun Qishen

Chapter 787 Interlude of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 787 The episode of Jingling Mountain (19)
(God's perspective)
The murder of the pharmacists has been resolved, but the persecution of the pharmacists may not stop, so the pharmacists still need to live in Jingling Mountain for some time.

Daoist Xuanxin left with the disciples of Chongyuanmen on the pretext of returning to Chongyuanmen to prepare for the Feasting Beast Conference.There was no other reason for the other immortals to stay in Jingling Mountain for a while, and they also left one after another.

Through their observation of Jinglingshan, they learned that Jinglingshan has nothing to do with the devil.

However, this time, Jing Lingshan must attend the Beast Master Conference. After the Beast Master Conference, there will be a meeting to defeat the Demon Lord.

Therefore, the winner of the Battle of the Beasts will be the commander-in-chief of the crusade against the demon king to attack the territory.

The Xianmen disciple who had been taught a lesson on the mountainside of Jingling Mountain also had a test with Chen Yueluo before he left.

In the end, it ended with Chen Yueluo's victory.

Gu Choumian took Chen Yueluo's hand to check the situation.

"You'd better pay more attention. Master said that the recovery from your injury here is only temporary. After the younger brother changes, he must heal your hand first when he comes back."

"I see, don't worry too much about Mian Mian. Compared with the injury here, I'm more worried about Uncle Seven, and I don't know how he is now."

Chen Yueluo took his hand back. He recalled the situation at the time, "Junior and younger brothers all said that Uncle Seven was betrayed, but I really don't believe it."

"Now it's the truth, don't say whether you believe it or not. Seventh Master Uncle will naturally handle his affairs. Instead of listening to others, I would like to hear Seventh Master Uncle explain himself.

Yueluo, as the senior brother of Floating Cloud Palace, what you should be most worried about now is your own body and the brothers and sisters of Floating Cloud Palace. "

Gu Choumian spoke to Chen Yueluo gently when Fu Luxiao came over.

"What are you two talking about here? It just so happens that there is something going on at the Medicine Man's Residence. Come and help me."

Because the criminal who killed Yaoren was caught, Yaoren no longer hated Jing Lingshan's disciples as much as before.

"Well, let's go after Yueluo." Gu Choumian agreed.

"Okay, just leave it to me!" Chen Yueluo rolled up his sleeves to show his enthusiasm.

"Watch your hands."


Seeing that Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo had such a good relationship, Fu Luxiao missed Minghua a little.

Even though the three of them walked towards Yaoren's residence, Fu Luxiao asked Chen Yueluo about Murong Danran with some concern.

"How is Uncle Liu Yun's injury?"

Chen Yueluo shook his head after hearing this, "I'm not very clear, it should be much better."

After Chen Yueluo finished speaking, she looked at Gu Choumian, even though Gu Choumian continued Chen Yueluo's words, "At present, Yun Qiqing has been taking care of the fifth uncle."

"That guy can still take care of people?" Fu Luxiao expressed disbelief.

The three people soon came to the Yaoren residence, and it was a coincidence that Yun Chengyue was also there.

Although Yun Chengyue came to Jingling Mountain to help dispose of the medicine man's body according to the instructions of the spirit snake Xuming.But because something happened in the upper realm, Ling Snake Xuming and Ling Snake Holy Monarch couldn't get away, so Yun Chengyue stayed in Jingling Mountain to help other things.

The main reason he stayed was to see Yun Qiqing often, but he didn't dare to go to Lingyao Pavilion to see him in person.


Yun Chengyue sighed and turned back to the Medicine Man's residence.

"Why did that guy sigh? Did he have a problem with our medicine man or what?"

Fu Luxiao watched Yun Chengyue leave from a distance and spoke.

Chen Yueluo patted him on the shoulder, "People from the Yun family, it's hard to see what they're thinking on the surface. Don't worry about it, go get busy!"

"But then again, Fu Luxiao, you haven't been too troublesome recently, you've become very diligent." Gu Choumian smiled.

"That's the case, I found it too! You didn't get involved in this kind of trouble before, shouldn't you find a tree to sleep on it at this time?" Chen Yueluo leaned on Fu Luxiao's shoulder and looked very curiously he.

Fu Luxiao moved his arm and threw away Chen Yueluo, "Why, can't people change? I call it reforming one's evil spirits, no, I call it reforming one's heart!"

The three of them chatted and laughed before entering the medicine man's residence.

In the Immortal Medicine Sect Lingyao Pavilion, Murong Danran can already walk down the ground.

Yun Qiqing also supported Murong Danran for a walk in the Immortal Medicine Sect.

"Uncle, do you really want my mother to kiss her?"

Yun Qiqing remembered that when Murong Danran was confused before, he mistook him for his mother.

"She is my sister, how can I miss her. If it weren't for her, where would I be able to practice Taoism here.

Why are you asking this suddenly?Do you miss your mother too? "

When Murong Danran saw Yun Qiqing nodded, he also recognized his own thoughts, Yun Qiqing was still a child who did not reach the crown after all.

"The Yun family is in trouble, my uncle will definitely educate you for your mother. Watching you grow up, marry and have children for your mother..." As Murong Danran spoke, her sister Murong Qingwan was trained when she was a child. , grew up and married, and then took on the appearance of Yun Qiqing.

"Uncle." Yun Qiqing saw Murong Danran being a little stunned and called him again.

"I'm sorry Qiqing, I'm in a trance. Let's go back first." Murong Danran smiled reluctantly while holding his forehead.

"Okay..." Yun Qiqing naturally couldn't ask if he had other words.What kind of existence does he have in Murong Danran's heart, is he his nephew or a substitute for Murong Qingwan...

Yun Qiqing supported Murong Dan Ran just as he turned around when he saw Daoist Xu Qing talking with a woman not far away.

The two of them ignored it and went straight back to Lingyao Pavilion.

Here, Xu Qing Daochang looked at Du Chunniang with an irritated face.

"You're in good shape now, so go back to your mountain. Don't bother me here!"

Du Chunniang knew that she was wrong, so she silently listened to the priest Xuqing scolding her.

She knew that she was a woman who refused to admit defeat and would not cry easily, but Daoist Xuqing yelled at her like this, and she was really uncomfortable, so that the tears fell down here.

"I said you're okay to cry? I didn't scold you, and I didn't beat you, right? You still cry? It's like I bullied you! Stop crying! I told you to stop crying! Why are you still crying! "

Daoist Xu Qing impatiently tapped his left foot, but he finally chose not to waste time with Du Chunniang.

"Cry here alone. After crying, go to the door and turn left and go down the mountain. We won't meet again after that!"

Daoist Xuqing clenched his fist tightly, turned his back to Du Chunniang and strode away.

Du Chunniang lowered her head, she slowly wiped away her tears, turned around and left.

Jing Lingshan briefly recovered its former calm.

Spirit Realm Dao is also considering how to win the Beast Master Conference.

At present, there are too few beastmasters in Lingshan, and it seems that some more disciples need to be trained.

(End of this chapter)

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