Him and their stars

Chapter 1164 Things Should Not Be That Simple

Yu Lian said that it was the first time he saw a troubled look on this old marshal whose will was like steel.

However, this hesitation was only fleeting, and he quickly said with a straight face: "Many people think that the empire is very sincere in this matter, so sincere that it is not like the usual style of the empire. What do you think Woolen cloth?"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! Your Excellency, there must be something strange about this matter!"

"So, if it's true...I'm talking about ten thousand steps back, if there is a conflict with the empire, can we ensure a balanced situation while maintaining the same strength. In the past year, you have almost I have been working with the Imperial fleet, and no one understands the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Army better than you. Only you are the most qualified to answer this question."

"To put it bluntly, it means fighting with the same force as the empire under the same conditions. Can we win?" Yu Lian sighed: "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

This rhetorical question is enough to explain many problems.The old marshal also sighed: "So, it is very difficult for the commander-in-chief and the cabinet to make this decision. Even if we want to withdraw the troops, we must wait and see."

If the cabinet doesn't make up its mind, the National Defense Commission can't make an order, and the military command headquarters can only hesitate.

"...But, there are more than 2000 warships on the front line of the New World. Can we still afford this kind of consumption?" After Yu Lian finished speaking, he immediately felt a little regretful.

To put it bluntly, the loss of supplies is too great if the troops are not withdrawn. Thousands of soldiers on the front line have not returned for a year and can't even make an instant phone call to their families. The morale of the troops can be imagined.However, after withdrawing the troops, they were afraid that the empire on the opposite side would suddenly attack.Isn't this a dilemma?

Regardless of national power, military power, or even the average combat power of a unit, the people on earth are no match for the empire, so this is naturally an unsolvable conspiracy.

Marshal Paris also sighed, but still said: "The three-year period of the "Mugubai Agreement" is a buffer period, and there is always a way to support it. This is not something you need to consider. I will Discuss with the frontline commanders to find a balance. As for you, you still have to do your job well, and fate will not disappoint you. Everything will happen."

What exactly does this "everything" contain, Yu Lian didn't ask, neither did the other party say.

Then, Marshal Paris said again: "You have been in the Huoyuan galaxy for so long, but what do you already know from the alliance?"

"What are you talking about, destroying the snake lair? Such an important situation happened too frivolously. I'm a little unrealistic now, and I need some time to sort out my emotions."

"You can continue to tidy up, but you have to start taking action while tidying up." Marshal Paris said with his hands in his hands: "The Alliance and the Empire have produced sufficient evidence to prove that this long-established terrorist organization was responsible for the raider invasion." The biggest behind-the-scenes driving force is also responsible for countless public safety disasters in the past.Then, we need to treat them as enemy countries.It was the alliance who proposed on its own initiative that the three parties jointly implement the snake killing operation, so we have no reason to refuse. "

"When the Alliance put forward this suggestion, the Lords of the Earth should be very pleased, right?"

Just kidding, that's the alliance and the empire!They asked the community to go out together, what does that mean?It means that we are equal allies and true brothers!Like the other "vassals" who are the sons of the two great powers, such as Circe, Minlan, and Covenant, we earthlings can be regarded as their uncles.

Even if it's just for the sake of saying it nicely, the people on Earth will definitely help out in this operation.

What's more, the suggestion put forward by the alliance has been actively recognized by the empire. Does this mean that the dragon kings on the opposite side didn't want to trouble the earth people, but just wanted to get the big snake with a long history When snake soup?If the process of our cooperation to suppress the bandits is very happy, doesn't it mean that the possibility of war between the two countries will be reduced again?
Compared with the above benefits, the snake around the world may have black materials in the hands of high-ranking officials and rich Jia, and it needs to be silenced, which is already the lowest appeal.

In short, any faction in the court has the same appeal on this matter.

"In the past few years, you alone have caused more damage to the World-Round Serpent than the empire and the alliance combined. Major General Yu Lian, in fact, this honor that belongs to the entire community was created by you. All Earth politicians who are complacent about this matter should thank you."

"...Everyone, you're going to be promoted again?" Yu Lian showed a look of anticipation.

"After all, you already have two general stars. Even if you continue to rise, you have to pay attention to a basic personnel ethics." Father Paris said helplessly: "I know, with your current strength, theoretically it should be another To get a general star, but it should have to wait until next year."

Yu Lian let out an "oh" in disappointment, thinking that Uncle Wang is the Sixth Ring and I am also the Sixth Ring. Why was he a lieutenant general in the first place?
"So, you will get the Double Swords Crown Medal and the Azure Guardian Medal. Haha, you already have three of the former. As for the latter, only 100 people have received the latter since the founding of the Commonwealth. Even I am The Marshal got it."

Well, another medal.Yu Lian expressed his emotional stability.I didn't even get the high-level Medal of Honor from the Empire and the Alliance. There are so many of these things that I can paste them on the wall.If you really want to be more serious, maybe the old man Xunzong can hide his face and run away in shame.

Having said that, as a mature adult, of course, I can only salute to show my gratitude.

"You are still holding the position of deputy commander of the Azure Guard, and you have such a relationship with Princess Rainbow Rose of the alliance. It is reasonable for you to preside over this operation."

So what kind of relationship is it?Is it a recognizable alliance?
"The auxiliary supporting ships supporting the Fuxi have already received the alliance's entry application. As the commander of the entire fleet, you will participate in this joint anti-snake operation."

Yu Lian felt a little surprised, but not completely surprised.

If the earth really wants to participate, I am indeed the most suitable and the only candidate.However, among the princes in the court, there must be many people who are a little bit depressed.Letting them hold their noses and give them military power is more unbearable than letting them leave their wives and a group of young men in a small dark room for three days.

However, they eventually gave, albeit only temporarily.

"After the snake suppression operation is completed, you will take the fleet to the alliance, meet with the other three main god ships, and return to the country from the direction of Nantianmen. Then, you will serve as the third director of the general staff's operations, and the commander's office Head of the chamberlain."

As the leader of the 830th class, Yu Lian has been running around for more than two years.Reasonably, they should all be transferred back to the headquarters.The position given by the National Defense Committee is also very sincere.It is also the combat department of the high-ranking staff department, and it is also the attendant room where the president and cabinet ministers often get along day and night. No matter how you look at it, this is the only way to become the No. 1 uniform team.Even if it is replaced by those fleet admirals or military district superintendents who hold military and political power outside, this is an absolute promotion.

However, Marshal Paris squeezed out an unprofessional kind expression, and said in an even less proficient comforting tone: "Commander Nishita feels that being away for a long time is not good for your development. The old man personally thinks this It is a meaningless consideration, but we are soldiers and should obey the order of the National Defense Commission."

"I understand what you mean... No, co-authoring is according to the meaning of some masters, as if I might disobey the transfer order. The officer is also a professional soldier who was born in a professional class, and he understands his vocation." Yu Lian said.

"Is there really no emotion?"

"Absolutely no emotions... It's also impossible. But even if you have emotions, it's human nature, so how can you violate military regulations and discipline? Your Excellency, after all, I'm not a warlord, and neither are my companions. "

Marshal Paris took a meaningful look at Yu Lian: "The old man doesn't care what you think. However, there are too many chores in the military command headquarters that need to be dealt with with gentlemen in uniforms. I really need a reliable one. Helper. Moreover, if the situation really develops to the most dangerous situation, you may be able to maximize your strength in the most macroscopic position."

Yu Lian felt that at least [-]% to [-]% of what the old marshal said was sincere.With the character of the other party, being able to discuss with himself in such a negotiating tone is already very considerate of his emotions, which makes him somewhat grateful.

Of course, he personally didn't really agree with Papa Paris's words.

"I understand. Your Excellency, I will bring the dreadnoughts back home safely on time. As for this snake suppression operation, our army is not the main force, but we will definitely produce corresponding results. We will never let you, and Your Excellency the President is disappointed."

"You have never let us down. I have never doubted this." The old marshal showed a gratified smile, and then said: "The commander of the imperial side participating in the joint operation is His Royal Highness King Weilund. "

Yu Lian's heart couldn't help but jump: "This guy was still in the New World at the beginning of the year, right? It's like returning to Tianyu from the New World, and he rushed here without stopping? I always thought that King Wei Lunte was an excellent armament manager. writers and scientists, but have such action power?”

"After all, he is choosing the emperor. If he wants to be recognized by the nobles of Tirilo, he always needs military merits." The marshal said: "Also, we have confirmed that the colossus has also arrived in the Flame Wing star area of ​​the empire. Maybe he will also participate in the operation. King Wei Lunte presided over the construction of the colossus, since it is the first time to conduct actual combat, he should be present."

Yu Lian only felt that things should not be so simple.

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