Him and their stars

Chapter 1165 Account Statement

The Commonwealth military assigned Fuxi as an auxiliary support ship, including a work ship, a medical ship, and four light cruisers.They are all cutting-edge warships that completed all tests last year and entered active service, and their personnel are also very capable.As for the working ship, it is a nano-repair ship imported from the Iron Army Consortium.this kind of boat

Although the number is small, they are all warships after all.The alliance would actually allow them to enter the country, and it was indeed quite open-minded.

However, before the warships of these communities arrived, the troops from the empire who came to participate in the joint operation arrived first.That was a fleet including two battlecruisers and two large motherships, enough to wipe out three or five small countries.

And this fleet, under the watchful eyes of the alliance border defenders, swaggered across the border and arrived at the Huoyuan galaxy.

Well, considering the relationship between the two countries, the alliance can no longer be regarded as open-minded, and it is a bit heartless.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, the fact that the empire's fleet can enter the territory of the alliance, even if it is only in the border galaxy, is enough to explain many problems.If this isn't a lasting symbol of peace, what is?

As for the colossus weapon code-named "Emperor's Rod", it would not enter the country, but it also ostentatiously parked in the Flame Wing star area on the border, escorted by an equally majestic imperial fleet.Now, the most powerful weapon in the history of this civilization is aiming its blade-like tail at the depths of the vast spiral cross star.

"So, what kind of existence is the snake around the world, to force the empire to use this weapon?" Brigadier General Tovey is just an ordinary soldier, and he doesn't know much about the development of the inner world, and he also doesn't know much about the world of psykers. There are so many, it is really hard to understand that the empire put on such a ostentation.

"You just treat it as an inconspicuous horror cult society. Well, the kind of ancestor of all cult societies?"

Brigadier General Tovey felt that he was too old to understand this metaphor, but since the decision had been made above, as a professional soldier, he only needed to do his job well.

"Fleet operations, just follow the normal long-range fire strike formation of Class A, that's fine, right?"

"After all, it is entering the alliance to transit, and our auxiliary ships are escorts. The only one that can carry out fire strikes is the Fuxi."

"That can save a lot of trouble for the lower officials." Brigadier General Tovey said with a smile: "However, since the empire has brought the colossus over, what about the alliance?"

According to the past practice, there is no reason for the Alliance to only let the Empire show off.

Yu Lian suddenly felt a little guilty, and could only shrug his shoulders and said, "Who knows? Maybe the alliance is holding back some big moves."

"Aren't you going to ask Ms. Berenkester?"

"...I always thought you were an upright and honest professional soldier." I never imagined that you are so old and unscrupulous even though you are already very old?
"Your officer never dares to take the moral high ground. When you took my driving class, whether you passed the driving class was really just a matter of thought." The old captain smiled.He and Yu Lian got along for a while, and finally he was able to joke around.

Yu Lian thought about it carefully, and found that "my" had really just passed the low score in the ship driving class back then.If you think about it carefully, even if you become a psyker, your talent in flying aircraft can only be regarded as mediocre.All the difficult movements at present are actually carried out by relying on Superman's dynamic vision and neural response.

There is no way, level crushing is really not a skill.

It's just that, in this way, when attacking the snake lair that looks like the Death Star, even if fighter jets are really needed to bomb the vents, I probably don't need to do it myself.

...Speaking of which, is there really a space station that dies after being bombarded with a heat vent?The design loopholes can be explained by the presence of ghosts, but the level of damage control is not as good as that of the age of sails, right?
However, in any case, although the members of the community have not yet arrived, the high-level officials of the empire have already arrived, and it is time to hold a meeting.

So, in the military meeting room of the Huoyuan Galaxy, Yu Lian met the personable and gentle King Weilunte again after two years.It must be admitted that after thousands of years of prenatal and postnatal care, the Chenxi Royal Family is indeed rich in handsome men and beautiful women.And if you want to talk about appearance alone, this contemporary King Wei, who is just 35 years old this year, should be ranked only below a certain orange cat among the current emperors in the general election.

There is one thing to say, for the sake of good looks, coupled with the aura bonus brought by status and knowledge, it is really very male and female.Just standing there without speaking gives people a spring breeze.

Then, with three points of friendliness, three points of enthusiasm, three points of elegance, and finally a sincere smile, he walked over to Yu Lian, and then took the initiative to extend his hand to the latter.

"Yu Lianqing, the last time I saw you was during the glorious mission exercise?" He laughed.

"Yes, it was at Luyuan Star when you tested the Colossus weapon." Yu Lian nodded with a smile.

"It's been such a long time!" He showed a sentimental expression: "Among the convicts that day, I was doing some logistical work in the Unity Fortress, and you were invincible at the front line, with a heroic ambition and an aura that pierced the mountains and rivers. I thought I would have a chance to sit on the head of a troll, drink with the skull of a bearded demon, and get drunk with such heroes, but unfortunately I never found the opportunity. However, after traveling 200 million light years After a long journey, we can still meet here, isn’t this also a gift from the spirit of the universe?”

The Dragon Kings of the Galactic Empire, no matter they are the winners or the losers of ascending to the throne, anyway, they have always set up Corporal Lixian very firmly.King Valente showed his respect and love for the young hero here, which can only be regarded as the basic operation of the Dawn royal family.

However, this sentence is still very contagious even if it is basic practice.If Yu Lian hadn't learned from Brunhilt that this guy was actually a double, maybe he would have been touched a little.

Speaking of this, Yu Lian's eyes flashed quickly over his arm, but he didn't see any violation at all.From this point of view, the empire's biomedical technology is indeed the most well-deserved number one in the galaxy.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian's sense of guilt for chopping off the master's arm last time disappeared, and he just smiled and said, "I am also very surprised. I don't know Just a bunch of shady terrorists, and His Highness wants to go out in person."

"Hahaha, I originally thought that Yu Lianqing was such a hero that he was not good at flattery on diplomatic occasions, but it seems that I must be wrong. If you are flattering the king, then I am grateful. But, You must not underestimate the snake around the world. After all, they are a secret association organization with a long history and a strong foundation. They can create such appalling horrors in Tianyu, and they can even seriously injure this king. You can imagine it." King Wei Lunte smiled again: "However, your bravery is the bravery of a famous general, and the bravery of Fei Piff is not to underestimate the enemy. I should be worrying too much."

Yu Lian didn't know if he was really good at clichés in diplomatic situations, but he was sure that King Valente should be very good at this.From this perspective, he really doesn't look like a traditional Tirilo military aristocrat, but more like a top bureaucrat with high EQ and IQ.Although he treats people like a spring breeze, but when he thinks about it carefully, he seems to be suspicious of his accent. It's no wonder that Brunhilt, who is like a hero, doesn't like him very much.

From the historical point of view of another timeline, after King Valente failed in the competition for the throne, he still did very well in the promising position of the Privy Council Seal Keeper.

... Tsk, it's obvious that the two are boring, but they can cooperate sincerely. I have to say, this can be regarded as some kind of awkward combination of "Mingjun Xianxiang".

However, also from another timeline, it seems that King Weilunte is not good at military strategy, nor is he a particularly powerful psychic.The reason why he came to participate in this snake killing operation should be because he still has some ideas about the throne, right?After all, Tiriello, a military aristocrat and martial citizen with abundant martial virtues, still trusts a leader who can lead everyone to kill people the most!

Then, at the beginning of the high-level meeting of the three parties, King Weilund said again: "My trip this time is actually more of a diplomatic etiquette. To put it bluntly, it is a mascot. Of course, if Need to use the 'emperor's staff, but also provide some technical advice.'”

Why is the nature of "diplomatic etiquette" necessary for a general election emperor to act in person?Yu Lian always felt that the other party was connoting Yani as the "Princess Rainbow Rose". However, this time the other party did not say "The Berenkester family is not a princess", but just used impeccable diplomatic words. Ha ha.

"This time our command is under the command of the Knight Commander of the Star Knights, Earl Taddier." He solemnly introduced another national officer present to everyone present.However, there are many marquises in the empire, but there are only a few grand knight commanders, so there is no need to introduce them.

This Earl of Taddier is a man about 50 years older than him. He is tall and strong, his face is full of statue-like firmness and three-dimensionality, he has silver-gray hair as if it has just cooled steel, and a pair of The deep and majestic dark green eyes are a very typical image of a warrior.

Everyone has naturally heard of this name. He is one of the eight active knight commanders of the Astral Knights. The official information is the "Spirit Controlling Sacred Guard" who "guards" the seventh ring of the star ring.

As we all know, Yani's gou...uh, the "Guardian" star ring where brother Claire Belmont is located, is taking the line of defense with thick flesh and blood, and the "innate" psionic skills opened by opening the blind box are also Most of them use the protective skills of increasing blood and shielding.Moreover, because of the strengthening direction, he is also better at fighting and resisting monsters.

However, after reaching the realm of the "Spirit Controlling Saint Guard" in the seventh ring, he can begin to master many large-scale attack methods, and he can transform himself into a humanoid combat platform that integrates offense and defense.

In short, Krell's future is still very good. Don't regard him as a pure MT. One day he will become an output MT.

Speaking of which, after the fall of Count Seriola, Count Taddier became one of the most powerful candidates for the next Grand Master of the Knights Order.However, if he wanted to get rid of the "one" in the back, he couldn't give up this battle against the snake head.

Count Taddier also showed a trained diplomatic smile and nodded slightly to everyone.However, Yu Lian always felt that during the brief eye contact with the other party, there seemed to be a trace of inexplicable complex emotions in those dark green eyes.

Although it was only for a short moment, Yu Lian was sure that it was not an illusion.He was also sure that there was a trace of scrutiny and doubt in the other party's eyes, but there was no malicious intent.

Yu Lian felt that his reputation among the younger generation of the Knights was about to become that "mysterious man" who "can't even mention his name".As one of my quasi-team leaders, it is reasonable to take a closer look.

But why do I always feel that something is wrong?
Fortunately, Earl Taddier looked like a typical warrior, and his style was very neat. He quickly signaled his entourage to open a star map of the Spiral Cross Nebula.

In fact, the scale of this nebula is even larger than that of the Abyss Nebula and the Far Shore Nebula. It is located between the first arm and the second arm of the Milky Way. This is the most extensive three-dimensional star field in the entire universe.However, compared to the overly complicated and harsh astrological conditions of the Abyss Nebula and the Far Shore Nebula, the overall state of the Spiral Cross Nebula is relatively normal, and it also constitutes a smooth and smooth space channel.

The reason why the two overlords and other powerful countries did not include this nebula in their territory, on the one hand, may be because there are too many surrounding countries, and the geographical location is very important, which constitutes a strategic balance of power.On the other hand, this star field may also be the most "barren" starry sky in the Milky Way, lacking natural habitable planets, and the cost of colonization is too high.As long as there are no settlements, a natural country cannot be formed, and naturally it is impossible to demarcate the country according to the agreed common names since the era of great interstellar navigation.

Over time, this spiral cross nebula has formed the largest "high sea" in the entire galaxy and one of the most prosperous trade routes.

However, although the "solid lines" on the star map are stable, there are as many "dotted lines" as in spider webs.In the depths of the nebula, there is even a huge colony of space Leviathans.

With well-developed prosperous waterways in all directions and a large number of vast starry skies that have not yet been officially explored, one can imagine what will happen here.More than half of the most famous big pirates in the universe regard this place as their hunting ground.The so-called pirates, if they couldn't gain fame from the Spiral Cross Nebula, they wouldn't even be worthy of calling themselves the Pirate King.

However, for the combined fleet of the three countries, this is not important.All the pirates want is money. No matter how tough and unrestrained the pirate king is, when he sees the dreadnought, he will just run away.

At this time, Earl Taddier reached out and clicked on a galaxy marked "Black Lagoon 312" on the star map: "According to the information provided by you, the final purpose of those special ship materials smuggled from you The land is here. Is that so?"

An A-level guerrilla from the Guerrilla Association, Mr. Lanster, who had met Yu Lian once, nodded: "On the DG-788 dwarf planet here, there is a cosmic black market that has been operating for a long time. We have Intelligence personnel are stationed here, and it can be determined that the ship materials have disembarked from here. We have lost contact since then."

The count nodded slightly: "Our lurking personnel also sent the latest information. During the cruising process, the Snake Cave was affected by some kind of mystical power, and the surrounding starry sky was confused. However, two months ago, that is, It was March 833, 3, Galactic Standard Time. The Snake Lair stayed in a certain galaxy deep in the Spiral Cross Nebula for at least 4 hours. There was a secret omnibus factory under the command of the World-Round Serpent. It can be determined that at the time The assassin in the Holy Tree Palace came out from here!"

Why does this scene look so much like a bill?

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