Him and their stars

Chapter 1167 I am the natural disaster

Chapter 1167 I am the natural disaster
In the Spiral Cross Nebula, in an uncharted unknown galaxy, a girl in a white dress stands on the asteroid like a goddess, looking at the starry sky in the distance.

In her line of sight, the corpses of hundreds of space Yuan Neng Kuns that had lost their life responses were suspended in the vast sky like duckweed, as if they had become part of the asteroid belt.

"Huhu, it's been a long time! It's been so long that the entire universe seems to have forgotten, this time is what I should do! I walked through the sky, I passed through the universe, I am the master of the swarm! I brought A natural disaster, no..." She folded her hands and said to herself.Although she is in an airless cosmic space, and although no one can hear her words, she is still in a full state of complacency.

"No, I didn't bring the natural disasters... I! It's the natural disasters!" The master of the swarm stood on the spot, with one hand on his hips and the other pointing at the scorching sun in the distance, shouting loudly.

At this moment, she felt that she had owned the whole universe.

Then, after two seconds, she lowered her head again and gave a pooh, covered her face and murmured: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Woolen cloth?"

Immediately afterwards, a towering alien monster pulled its slender body in an anti-physical way, spread out its bone wings that were the same length as the body, and jumped up from behind the girl.It has a triangular head like a reptile-predator, and compound eyes like an insect, but sharp bony spurs grow from the joint between the jawbone and the body, forming a sharp steel ring along the neck.Its [-]-meter-long body is close to the shape of a snake, but it is very thick, covered with pitch-black scales.Bone spurs along its spine (if it had one at all) pierced its back and formed a thicket of razor-sharp thorns.

At this moment, if people from another timeline saw the scene in front of them, they would definitely recognize it as a dragon worm.However, in the final analysis, dragon worms are just aerial cannon fodder for swarms, and most of them are no bigger than special attack drones. Although they look hideous, they also look like soldiers.

As for the current one, regardless of the size and ferocious appearance, it can actually be seen that the treasure is somewhat solemn.

Needless to say, this is a dragon worm that combines the characteristics of the king worm, and it can be regarded as a hero unit in the special cannon fodder.

Xia Li flicked her dress and stepped on the head of the giant dragon bug.The latter spread out its huge wings that covered the sky and the sun, and flew towards the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​flames in the starry sky.Of course, we all know that wings are useless in the universe.Things that can fly can fly without wings, and those that can't fly, even if they grow a hundred wings that are larger than their torso, will not be able to do anything.

However, the sense of ritual is very important.After all, Xia Li was the eldest lady of the imperial princes with a long history hundreds of years ago, so she still pays attention to the sense of ceremony.

The huge dragon worm carried Xia Li on its back, and the speed quickly increased to the average speed of the space shuttle. It quickly passed over Yuan Nengkun's corpse mountain, as if it was a majestic predator patrolling the mountains and rivers under his control. .

This galaxy, which doesn't even have an official name on the standard charts, was once the lair of a space leviathan.

These magnificent behemoths have lived in the vast sky of the Spiral Cross Nebula in such a leisurely manner for hundreds of millions of years in the past.

The cosmic radiation constant in this vast nebula can keep their body functions in a balanced and healthy state for a long time.They wander in the starry sky, eat meteorites and asteroids by absorbing the particles in the universe, the energy gas that the gas giant planets are constantly burning, and eating meteorites and asteroids.

By absorbing a large amount of calcium, silicon, and various heavy metal elements, they can grow a shell comparable to the alloy armor of a battleship.In addition, when Yuan Nengkun grows to a certain size, he will naturally have the spiritual ability to manipulate the force field. He can build a shield for himself or his young companions, and can also manipulate the energy of the force field to strike hostile targets at a long distance.In addition, the food of this giant beast is obviously all kinds of stones, but inside its outer kidney biological armor, what grows are strong muscles and organs that form a carbon-based biological structure, as if there is a heavy weight in its stomach. Elemental fusion reactor-like.

This is literally eating sand and producing meat.

Of course, this behemoth that roams the starry sky itself is a kind of proud and powerful space Leviathan after all, it is almost impossible to be raised in captivity, and it is rare to get close to galaxies on the prosperous channel. It is still in a state where the water does not violate the river water.Whether it's the great pirate kings who are on the wrong side, or the military warships passing by occasionally, they will not be willing to provoke these space beasts who don't know how many billions of years they have evolved.

These mighty herds of space beasts, the big ones are hundreds of kilometers long, and the small ones are thousands of meters long, all of them look more majestic than the interstellar warships built by those carbon-based monkeys.When a herd of hundreds of Yuan Neng Kuns formed, it did have the ability to threaten main battleships and even space fortresses.

But now, they have all turned into corpses floating in the starry sky.

At this time, countless dense dragon worms, led by a few clumsy lord worms, drilled into their bodies through the gaps in the shells of giant beasts, cut and transported the biological tissues in their bodies, and transported them to the asteroid belt On a barren dwarf planet out there.

Just as there are always metaphysical principles of mutual generation and mutual restraint in nature.A human dead fat house can easily hunt and kill tigers and elephants as long as it has the guts to fire a shotgun, but it is often helpless against tiny parasites and germs.

For these giant space kuns, dragon worms may really be just parasites.Relying on their (relatively) small body and mobility, they can often easily penetrate into Yuan Neng Kun's carapace through the gaps, and directly attack the deadliest nervous system and internal organs.

As a result, Xia Li only paid the price of less than 189 dragon worms, and this space Leviathan colony including [-] Yuan Nengkuns had all fallen.Their corpses are about to turn into food for the insect swarm.

How could Miss Master of the Swarm not be complacent?Ever since she woke up, she either ran away or was beaten, or always suffered from unreasonable disasters from the sky. She has never fought such a battle against the swarm.

It wasn't until now that she finally had a sense of reality as the master of the swarm.

The lord dragon worm carried her across the "production base" that used giant beast carcasses as raw materials, and soon came to the orbit of a barren planet.

Xia Li knew that many years ago, this humble planet was actually a modified habitable planet.Standing on this track, what she can see is the blue ocean and the green land.And hidden in the atmosphere, the looming man-made circular orbit is like a necklace worn by the gods on the sky of this planet.

But now, pouring into my field of vision, behind the air, everything is barren and dry dark brown.

Xia Li still looked down at the planet like a god.After a while, she stretched out her hand and opened her mouth lightly: "Come out, my warrior!"

A black shadow suddenly surged from the atmosphere of the barren planet, and immediately appeared like a giant whale jumping out of the water.The churning air turned into white smoke, forming ripples.The waves that continuously spread to the surroundings vaguely carried a strange sense of rhythm, like a series of pulsating spiritual runes.

Immediately afterwards, embers of light flickered from behind the scattered white mist, and when the huge black shadow completely got out of the shackles of the atmosphere, it had already turned into a burning lava.
The scalding air flow seemed to be affected by this giant, and it was taken away from the shackles of the planet, shining brilliantly, and then dissipated into the universe.Then, the demon-like monster appeared in the center of the stage like a star, as if passing through all kinds of colorful lights and gauze on the stage.

It was a huge, behemoth that could not be summed up in words.

Whether it is those well-informed space travelers, or those local snakes who have been operating in the spiral cross nebula all their lives, they have never seen such a space behemoth.

This is a Leviathan from the swarm in a normal state. It accompanied Xia Li through the star gate and traveled in the vast sky of the New World and the Milky Way.However, compared to the previous pure chrysalis state, the body of this giant has grown a lot, and it has exceeded [-] meters.Even compared with those natural Leviathans that can only grow up through hundreds of millions of years, it is still the standard of the magnificent ancient species.

And its appearance also changed from a ferocious chrysalis full of tentacles and horns to a chrysalis about to open.

Its top has been fully expanded, so the overall shape is no longer a spindle, but a huge petal shape.However, what is exposed from the expanded top is not the head of the adult insect, but hundreds of sharp horns.Among the horns, Cai Zhongxing held a deep purple sphere, the light was dark and deep, as if it was a star that was about to enter a dormant period wrapped in a thin membrane.

However, just when you thought it was about to disappear in the jungle of horns, there was a sudden rhythm, and then it was as bright as a miniature sun.

Xia Li sighed contentedly, and approached the other party, stroking the horns that were in front of her.These horns protruding from the worm's body are all sharp and hard like horns tens of thousands of meters long, but in fact they are extremely flexible and flexible.

"I've wronged you... But, you don't need to worry! This is not your ultimate form." She jumped off the dragon worm lord's head and sank into Leviathan's horned jungle.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen shadows with similar outlines emerged from the atmosphere of the planet—these Leviathans were still in the state of "chrysalis", and their size was of course only comparable to the one used by Xia Li to escape. .However, more than ten [-]-meter-long chrysalis, surrounded by stars and the moon, surrounded by a huge petal monster, a domineering, mighty and ferocious alternative "fleet", was born in front of him.

"I have a fleet. I finally have a fleet. I have hundreds of millions of troops, and I am the heart of the swarm. I can take them to travel into space alone. The universe is so big, where is not my place to fight ? Father, did you see it?"

Xia Li chose the most comfortable place in the belly of the giant Leviathan and laid out a blanket.Then I took out a refrigerator that was still in operation for some reason from the space bag, and took out orange juice, ice honey wine, and some from my boudoir... er, from my believer, a certain little bear girl. Come for dim sum.

Like a little girl, she pried open the ice honey wine with her mouth, took a few big mouthfuls, and then picked up a biscuit with too much sugar to drink, while letting her consciousness extend out, feeling what she was riding on. All the functions of this biological warfare ship.She had to assure the Universal Spirit that whether it was firepower, carrying, protection, special spiritual-like abilities, or the most important stealth and speed, they had all evolved to perfection.

"As expected of me!"

However, she also knew that even with her current strength, she would still be powerless to avenge the snake.Let alone an empire.

"So, do you want to hide here again? Try hunting a few more space Leviathans? Yuan Nengkun provides the force field ability and the ability to transform matter, but when it comes to space folding and gravity well perception, it really needs to be improved." Yang Kai's genes. Of course, if you are lucky enough to catch one or two cubs of Qiong Whale or Xinglong, that would be the best." She thought so.

"However, if you continue to hide like this, it seems difficult to explain to the other side?"

As soon as Xia Li thought about this level in her mind, there was a report from the king worm's consciousness, which was a communication from the outside world, asking if it was connected.

Miss Master knows that this is actually the body of "Dr. Warren", and now he has a name that is very suitable for the lord of the swarm, "King of Worms".

This tyrant among the predators was the first powerful helper Xia Li controlled with the puppet worm.When Xia Li was lurking on the planet Lotak pretending to be an evil god looking for treasure, Dr. Warren... the king of Worms presided over the construction of the bug swarm's insignificant development in the spiral cross nebula.

However, we need to know that the lifespan of a puppet is limited, and the duration of its existence is also related to the host's physical fitness, mental strength, willpower, and even mystic attainments.As the puppet worm slowly dies and merges into the blood and spirit of the host, he will either die, or will completely merge into a part of the will of the swarm, becoming one of the extra-conscious cells of the master.

Dr. Warren is naturally the latter.

If it was in the past, he would even be able to ask and answer each other with the little master of the swarm, and even make a few cold jokes about the man of science and engineering according to his personality when he was still a human.

But now, their consciousness exchange is already barrier-free.And the personality, emotions, and individuality belonging to Dr. Warren have long been annihilated in the will of the group, leaving only the coldest knowledge, which has become the nutrient of the entire swarm network.

Even his body has been completely wormed.Has now turned into a promising king of eyeworms.

Xia Li was even a little sad for a moment, thinking that she should find a few more talents that the swarm needed.Last time I caught the technical director of the predators, now I should catch some adventurers and navigators who are good at exploration. If there are strategists and strategists, of course it is the best.

She didn't even realize it to herself, she never seemed to think of giving a puppet to that little bear girl who mistakenly swallowed her mimetic spirit worm.

As soon as Xia Li thought about it, she connected to the communication.Thus, the projection of an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman appeared in her sight.

"This gift, are you satisfied? My little queen."

Miss Dominator just snorted coldly: "The gift of the Thorn Witch, but the price has already been marked in secret?"

(End of this chapter)

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