Him and their stars

Chapter 1168 Form an alliance, master

This communication uses the hidden source wave channel, which is the arm of Dr. Warren.Although that excellent military engineer has become the "King of Worms" who no longer has his own will, his technical level is still with you, and even because of sharing the knowledge of the swarm, his ability has improved a lot.

He organically connected the high-performance terminal on the technology side with the neural network of the Leviathan biological battleship.In this way, if Xia Li still wants to communicate with the outside world, she doesn't need to use precious zero elements as consumables for mystical communication.She can even sit in Leviathan's stomach and pour water on the Internet, watch the news, even watch dramas and play games.

Of course, the source wave communication fee was paid by the other party, so Xia Li certainly didn't feel distressed, and was even willing to have a few more words with the other party.

She stared closely at him with scrutiny.It was indeed an ordinary face, except for the eyes with a sense of evil and coquettish profundity.This should show that the signal transmission is very smooth, and the effect of picture transmission is naturally the best.

Wo Bug King is a good bug helper.Charlie is very satisfied.She now hopes more and more to find a helper of the same level.

She squeezed out a smile to the other party: ""Of course I should thank you.After all, I am not the Dragon King of some empire, I know the good and the evil.However, isn't the gift of the Witch of Thorns marked with the price of fate from the very beginning? "

Behind the light curtain, the ordinary woman just shrugged her shoulders and showed a smoldering smile: "This is not a gift from me, but a gift from the nature of the universe. The Spiral Grand Cross Nebula is perhaps the most similar in the entire galaxy." The starry sky of the last civilization era. Little Master, I just want you to understand that the World-Round Serpent will place its lair here. The reason why your father became the World-Round Serpent's 'past' is actually because of Reason. Your father really thinks he has found a reliable comrade in arms, and as his former adventure partner, I really wish him the best of luck."

Xia Li was silent, as if she had once again fallen into a state of nostalgia.

The Witch of Thorns on the opposite side said: "However, just like what this organization has always advertised, they are just nihilists after all, and it is not too much to change at any time. Your father originally hoped that you could become A member of the Serpent, or a close ally."

"However, they treat me as a test object, or a weapon." Xia Li said coldly.

"It was your father who betrayed Snake first." The Thorn Witch smiled and said, "I have no intention of discussing the right and wrong of the two, I just tell you that Snake has been a fickle nihilistic psychopath since the day it was established, but your In fact, the father is also. This is the reason why he was successfully accepted as a member of the World-Round Snake."

"Nonsense! If he wasn't mentally ill, I would have become like this?" The little master didn't look offended at all.

"But, don't you enjoy the current state?" The Thorn Witch glanced over Xia Li, as if she wanted to pay attention to the background: "How is it? It feels like owning a fleet, okay?"

Miss Zhuzhu didn't answer directly, she clapped her hands and said, "It's even better than you imagined!"

"Tsk, old woman or something... This crazy attitude is very similar to your father. That's why he was almost killed by me. If he didn't run to the snake, he might have been killed by me long ago. The Witch of Thorns showed a cruel smile like a hunter on her ordinary face: "How do you feel about the new Leviathan?"

"It's almost perfect. Give me some more time. He should be able to grow up to be able to compete with Titan." Xia Li said.

"If you can't defeat the Titan, then your father's life's efforts are meaningless." The Thorn Witch said.

Miss Dominator had a poker face that lacked emotion, and said indifferently: "Then, what should I do next, so that my unscrupulous crazy father's hard work has a little meaning?"

"I can send you the location of the other two Leviathan communities. They are a group of crystal clusters with a scale of [-], and the Tiyangkai family with a scale of [-]. One of the Tiyangkai families has just entered the ancient period. The old guy, but has not yet become a real matriarch, especially suitable for you at present."

The little master was very happy in his heart, but there was still no specific expression on his face.

"Whether it's crystal clusters or mentioning Yang Kai, they are more difficult to deal with than Yuan Nengkun."

"Yes, so you are very likely to be killed, but you may also continue to grow. Then, you can choose to continue dormant. You know, with your current strength, you cannot directly confront the snake. You need time to continue Growing up." The Thorn Witch said: "However, you should also know that you and your existence are no longer a secret. Will this age that is about to boil give you room to develop? Although the Spiral Cross Nebula is vast, you can still be here How long have you been hiding?"

"My father's memory tells me that the more boiling the era, the more room for manipulation." Xia Li said: "If he hadn't chosen a stable generation, maybe he wouldn't have failed."

"Wrong, your father thought he could turn the times into a boil. However, he overestimated his own strength, but underestimated his opponent." A trace of sadness flashed across the face of the Thorn Witch: "I advise over him, but geniuses are always stubborn."

"Fortunately, I'm not a genius." Xia Li said.

"Fortunately, you are not a genius." The witch said.

The two fell into a brief silence like this.

After a while, Xia Li suddenly said: "Old woman, we don't have so many family affairs to talk about, right? Let's stop here for the memories. Then, let's open the skylight and speak honestly! The two advantages you just mentioned I will try to conquer the Vitan community. But why do I always feel that some powerful snake head reserved it for me."

The Thorn Witch didn't object directly, nor did she answer right away.

"...Oh, by the way, I have already forgotten that the snake around the world is already in danger." Xia Li clapped her little hands gloatingly: "I can read the news now, and I can even board pirates and gangsters." (Meow) What about the secret information station that Dao can go to. Now, the combined fleet of the three countries has arrived at the cross channel. In this eventful autumn, the snake around the world would actually be willing to accept your new companion with a suspicious origin?"

"As I said, they are believers in nihilism. They have their own upside-down code of conduct, but it is indeed a code of conduct." The Thorn Witch showed a neurotic and exaggerated smile: "The arrival of the public in the past is naturally Full of doubts. Now the lady keeps silent, but the future man, who has never met, gives a positive motto, as if all this is the choice of fate."

"So, do you think the coalition forces can really destroy the Snake Lair?"

"It's hard to say, didn't they even dispatch the Colossus? Now, the entire Spiral Cross Nebula is in chaos, and those domineering pirate kings and gang leaders all seem to be facing the end of the world. I heard that, That old guy Gong Ao is thinking about bringing people to surrender. His troops are naturally not worth mentioning in the empire and the alliance, but the community should value them very much. He also said that he is going to take out his collection and share with him The masters of the coalition army tasted it together, tsk tsk tsk, and he is also known as the number one pirate king in the universe." The Thorn Witch sneered.

Suddenly, Xia Li thought of something, and her hairs almost stood on end, although she no longer had any hairs.

"I just saw the news that the person in charge of the Earth side is that Major General Yu Lian?"

"It's that Major General Yu Lian." The Thorn Witch was slightly taken aback, and then she showed a playful expression: "That's a handsome young man. It's a pity, his love life is too rich. Maybe I will change it A youthful and beautiful container, get along with him for decades, get some genetics or something."

Xia Li didn't intend to joke, but just sighed: "As expected..."


Is there something I know, but you don't?Xia Li glanced at the other party, feeling a sudden sense of superiority for the first time.

You probably don't know that the most anticipated young hero of this generation in the galaxy is actually a snake head, right?Hehehe, in the long past, there was indeed a snake head who had been lurking for a lifetime without being exposed, and even went down in history as a great and wise politician.It's just that it seems to be the first time that this kind of heroism is taken, at least I haven't heard my father mention it.

So, a snake head led an army to attack the snake lair, what kind of development is this?
"On the other side of the earth, not everyone likes this prolific child genius. However, since he is facing the Serpent Around the World, he is indeed the best candidate." The Thorn Witch exclaimed: "So far, The "Great Dramatist", "Hunter" and "Prophet" in the thirteen pages were all included in his hands. Tsk tsk tsk, this brilliant record always reminds me of those great names in the past. "

Charlie hesitated for a moment.If it is really a snake head, will it really attack his colleagues?
It's really sad, after all, there is no trustworthy helper around me who can discuss things!The Master looked at the Witch of Thorns, hesitated for a moment, and then decided that even if he let the little bear girl with little brains be his successor, he would never trust this old woman who pretended to be tender.

Being able to use each other is already the limit.

So, her hesitation suddenly turned into firmness.She firmly believes that her judgment is not wrong, the most famous genius boy in this generation must be Snakehead!

Yes, only in this way can it be explained.

According to the Witch of Thorns, the future man has not shown his face for many years. To put it bluntly, there must be a question mark as to whether there is a real "future man" in this world.

The "past" and "now" are actually different.The former hoped to make himself a weapon completely manipulated by the organization, and after he escaped, he still sent people to chase and kill him all over the universe.The latter, however, had some cooperation with himself through the Great Khan Tomiteri.

The snake around the world has never had only one will.

However, the "Hunter" was a man of the "Past Duke", but he died in the hands of Yu Lian. When the latter attacked me, he seemed to have some kind of deep hatred, not like the attitude of a "Ms. Now"!
No, no, who said that Yu Lian must be a "Ms. Now" person?Such a genius, such a person who dared to jump left and right between Princess Hongqiangwei and the young female dragon king, how could he be the Niu (meow) man cultivated by the time masters, he could only be the future time master!

I understand, this is not an extermination snake lair at all!It is clear that the snakeheads are using the power of the officials to fight internally!Is an ambitious successor who can't wait to get ready to take the throne.

No... perhaps, the "future" does not exist.Only when the contemporary "present" and "past" are devoured can the real "future" return to its place!

Xia Li felt that she had comprehended some kind of mysterious philosophical thinking, so she no longer doubted her own judgment.

Yes, how could a behind-the-scenes terrorist organization like the Snake of the World be driven to a desperate situation?For them, that snake lair, that space fortress built with the legacy of the Enlightened Ones and exhausted the minds of countless contemporary scientists and mystics, may be nothing more than a snake slough that can be discarded at any time.

Only in this way can it conform to the style that "Snake of the World" should have!
Xia Li looked at the Thorn Witch, and felt that it was a pity that she couldn't share this judgment with the other party, and couldn't scare the other party.At this time, she suddenly missed the Great Khan Tomiteri, who was dead or alive, and Sonia, the little bear girl who was supposed to be herding cattle now.

...Wait, why the hell am I thinking about that bear?She ate my spirit worm, but also helped me solve my father's final riddle.I taught her how to use psychic powers, and she gave me cakes to eat. From then on, the rivers and lakes were far away, and they went their separate ways.

In short, thinking about no one is the point.

The key point is, what can I gain from this matter?
"What are you planning to gain from this matter?" Xia Li asked suddenly.

"My disciples need protection. They have enshrined me for a long time, and I have the responsibility to give them a future. This is the basic morality of psykers."

"So that's how it is... Will Yi Nanping affect top psykers to go further? Then, is it true for all psykers, or is it only for your star ring?"

"Sometimes you are quite smart, but it's not the right time to always be smart." The Thorn Witch shrugged: "More importantly, once the Dragon of Dawn and Rainbow Rose join hands, nothing can't be torn apart. I Need to get something from the World-Ring Serpent."

She pondered for a while, and then said: "The destruction of the World-Round Serpent this time will not represent the stability of the universe, but will definitely be the beginning of turmoil. At that time, what your father said, the boiling fiery generation will be Come, the flame of the age that can burn the Dragon King will really be ignited. Only then can you get the space to continue to grow. At that time, continue to form alliances. Little master, just right, I also have a score to settle with the empire."

"Do you just have a debt to settle with the empire?" Xia Li sneered.However, before the latter reacted, he said: "...my father left a star map back then. This is the ten years he lived in Snake Lair, and the city was locked in the spiral cross nebula heart cruise orbit map."

The Thorn Witch finally restrained her smile.

"You should be here for it, right? To be honest, you really don't need to talk to me about the daily life. Even if it's just as your information fee, I'm willing to give it to you."

"You really aren't cute at all, you really deserve to be Salvin's daughter." The Thorn Witch sneered, "I will give this to the coalition forces, and I will also give it to all the pirates in the Spiral Cross Nebula. Little girl, you need to pay attention avoid."

"I'll hide until it's time for me to appear. If all goes well, and we don't tear ourselves apart for the loot, let's form an alliance." Charlie said.

The Thorn Witch left a half-smile and a half-smile, and cut off the communication.

Hmm... If everything goes well, for the sake of Tomiteri Khan in the Kingdom of Heaven, if the "Ms. Now" can be saved, that would be great.Charlie thought.

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