Him and their stars

Chapter 1169 I Still Have Life

"People who many people think are alive are actually dead. People who many people think are dead can always survive." The woman in a thick cloak pulled back her hood, looking at the people in front of her. In the middle, maroon skin and well-defined features are exposed, and the agate-colored eyes are full of fatigue, but they are still bright.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the queen of the Eero people, the Great Khan of the Marauder Empire, the chief culprit of the "Dawn Star Crusade", Queen Tomiteri?
Now, the sea arrest documents about her have been lost all over the universe.You must know that human beings are a bit face-blind to other races except themselves. If there is any alien whose face is sure to be remembered by ordinary human citizens, it must include the Great Khan Tomiteri.

"It is indeed her." Miss Fantine, the deputy head of the Black Snake Pirates, observed the opponent's face through the mask of the power suit, and sent a positive answer to Captain Plank.But even so, she still pointed the Vulcan cannon in her hand at the thin body of the Great Khan, and clasped the lightsaber in her right hand.

Dozens of tough pirates with guns and live ammunition behind her also assumed the same posture of combat readiness, holding their breath, as if they were facing an enemy.In fact, you can't blame them for putting on this appearance.After all, this is just an inconspicuous galaxy located on the branch line of the New Continent Highway. There are no livable planets, and the average number of ships passing here every year does not reach double digits.

The ship of the Black Snake Pirates was also here, and finally met the Great Khan Tomiteri.However, the final signal of the latter is actually on a dwarf planet that can't even bind the air.

The pirate ship finally saw a small aircraft on a ring somewhere in the northern hemisphere on this small planet. Most of its head was stuck in the gray surface of the planet, leaving only a half engine.

And the Great Khan of Eero, who has been the most vicious for centuries, is just wearing a cloak, exposed to the vacuum environment, like a ghost floating in the universe.

The pirates who roam the star sea spend much more time in the claustrophobic space of the spaceship than on the down-to-earth planet. They have heard many kinds of cosmic supernatural legends, and naturally they are more superstitious.This scene is actually very close to the horror stories they usually heard.If it weren't for Captain Planck and Miss Fantine's prestige among the pirates, this gang of gangsters wouldn't even get landed.

However, under the leadership of Miss Fantine, the first thug on the ship, the pirates landed fully armed and slowly surrounded each other.

The current time is Galactic Standard Time, May 833, 5, Commonwealth.The queen of the Eero people, the Great Khan Tomiteri of the Marauders, finally reappeared in front of everyone after losing contact for half a year.

In fact, as early as a month ago, the Black Snake Pirates, who had been hiding in secret, had already received a message from the other party through a secret channel.However, for the sake of safety, Captain Plank made full preparations, took all the capable old bandits, took the only "legal merchant ship" in the convoy, the Good Man Tommy, and carefully followed the New World. Road all the way.

They originally thought that it might be possible to find a spaceship that lost its energy and could only drift for help at the edge of a certain galaxy, but they never expected that such a scene would actually happen.

Looking at the pirates who were facing the enemy, the Eero who claimed to be the Great Khan didn't care at all, and said in a frank and sincere tone: "Don't worry, I'm not some space ghost. Although the future universe, I don't know Is there still room for our group to survive, but I am indeed still a living Elero."

I've never seen a living Elero standing directly in space and talking in a vacuum.Miss Fantine thought.

But at this moment, the figure of the Great Khan in front of her suddenly swayed, and then disappeared completely like a ghost.

Starting from Miss Fantine, the hairs of all the pirates stood on end—although many alien races have no hairs—and they were about to shoot.Then, the aircraft that was deeply buried in the soil in the distance suddenly shook, and the half-drawn engine that was exposed outside trembled, and then it completely collapsed on the spot like a building block toy.

When the half-exposed engine turned from a whole into a building block, and then from a building block into a "cell" that was difficult to identify with the naked eye for a while, the gray rock and soil burst open on the spot like a lake that had been smashed into stones. In this way, a vague figure came out from behind the rock.

The pirates became even more nervous, still holding the trigger of their weapons tightly.However, they can be regarded as the core old gangsters in the Black Snake Group, at least they can be regarded as a well-trained evaluation.Faced with such a treacherous scene, after all, they did not fire rashly before receiving the order.

Deputy Captain Fantine can see more.Her mech is actually a second-hand heraldry machine saved by the captain for herself, and an advanced high-frequency imaging reconnaissance device was also installed.Through the imaging of the window, she clearly saw the Great Khan Tomiteri in a gray robe walking out of the smoke.But in a short time, those mechanical cells that were invisible to the naked eye covered her body one by one, condensing into a power mech for space with elegant lines.

And this scene was also transmitted to Captain Planck in the sky through the deputy head's mech camera.

"It seems that you have experienced a lot since your last disappearance!" Captain Plank sighed: "In any case, Black Snake welcomes you. We will continue to fulfill our ally obligations."

He looks handsome, and his voice is warm and full of magnetism. He doesn't want to be an experienced pirate, but more like a well-trained aristocratic gold medal male publicist. In fact, he is very suitable for singing a bad face.

However, Miss Fantine could only sing red faces, so she looked at the big Khan standing in front of her, wrapped in a mecha, and said in a deep voice, "Is this a blow to power?"

Of course, this reaction is not completely tested.You know, Miss Fantine saw with her own eyes that the aircraft buried in the crater had also disappeared following the accident just now.Of course, it didn't disappear, but collapsed and reorganized, turning into the power armor on the Great Khan.

However, no matter how small the aircraft was, it should be more than [-] meters long, but now it has directly turned into a power armor with a height of no more than three meters.

Such a scene has already overturned her understanding of science and common sense.Although Miss Fantine is a promising psyker, she has always been the most knowledgeable and scientifically literate person in the entire fleet.

It’s all about reducing the size, how can the quality be reduced?Uh, space folding?Or some more powerful nano armor?
The Great Khan may have seen the other party's doubts, and immediately sent a very normal electromagnetic wave short-distance communication request through a normal communication terminal.

After Miss Fantine hesitated to connect, she received the following words: "Ma'am, this is actually a demonstration. I still have value."

"Your words really embarrass us." Miss Fantine said, "Please follow me. The captain has been waiting for a long time."

Twenty minutes later, the Khan, who had lost his territory and army, came to the bridge of the good old Tom Tom.She frankly took off her power armor transformed from a spaceship, and let the pirates send it to the warehouse for strict supervision, while she went to the captain's room as if she was unarmed and full of flaws. Get ready to have a laugh with Captain Plank.

But even so, the pirates were still very worried.

Miss Fantine, the second in charge, said to the captain privately: "You told me before that Tomiteri Khan is an explorer? The 'Pathfinder' of the fifth ring? That's not much better than me, right?"

In fact, it is two rings stronger than Miss Fantine, but the strength of the "exploration" star ring is exploration, observation and discovery, and it is really not good at frontal combat.

"However, now I can't feel the spirituality in her body at all, and I can't even smell her own breath. Now she is unfathomable!"

Of course, the deputy head of Fantine is just a "ranger" of the third ring after all.What she called "unfathomable" is nowhere near as deep.However, at least it shows that this Arrow woman is quite dangerous even if she is unarmed and alone to the big guys on the Papa Tom.

The third leader of the Black Snake, Tom Dent, the old captain of the Papa Tom, also suggested: "The old man will bring fifty gunners to guard the door? If the captain is alive, he only needs to throw the cup as a sign. So they rushed up and chopped him into meat with knives?"

"If she really becomes a saint, no, even if it's just the fifth ring, 500 more people may not be an opponent. And it will only destroy the ship first. The Honest Man is the only legal merchant ship in our convoy... Wait, you are a serious businessman, and you are still a member of the Standard Shipping Association? Where are you talking about messing around here every day?"

"It's because the old man has been a serious businessman all his life, so I wanted to say this line a long time ago."

"In short, don't be too nervous. She has no territory and no army, and she has no reason to be against us."

Captain Plank felt that he was also an upright hero, so he directly welcomed the dusty Khan into the house, and brought out the delicious wine and food that he had prepared long ago.Anyway, Eero can be regarded as a kind of sub-human for the time being, and their nutritional needs are very close to those of humans.If you really can't digest it after eating it, it's a big deal to take some medicine.

Big Khan was not too polite, drank three cups of sweet and greasy rock wine with sugar, ate some food, and the fatigue on his face eased a little, then he said with a smile: "I have nothing now. The country, The army, the people, and the dream. But, Captain Plank, I have life."

Captain Plank swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling that this really shouldn't be said with a smile on his face.However, just because the other party was smiling, he felt even more chills in his heart, and for a moment, he really wanted to smash his cup to the ground.

"Since I still have life left, I have to think about how to use it." She paused for a moment, with a gentle smile on her face: "Captain Planck, the nano armor I brought back, Can you see it?"

"I see, what a magical creation! I never thought that you have already mastered such a technology?" The captain sighed.

The Great Khan let out a hearty laugh, as if he was about to shed tears: "Stop saying such insincere flattery, Captain Plank. I will feel that you are mocking me. If I If you really master this technology, will you lose everything?"

Planck thought I said politely, and you should respond politely, wouldn't it be nice to have a happy ending?Is it interesting if you have to chat to death?If you really lost everything, it must be because of low EQ.

But at this time, Tomiteri Khan said again: "Then, Captain Plank, do you want this kind of armor?"

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