Him and their stars

Chapter 1170 Do You Have a Dream?

As soon as this remark was made, Captain Planck, who was still holding the wine glass, felt his wrist go limp, and the wine glass in his hand was suddenly out of control. Fortunately, he had quick eyesight and quick hands, and before the wine glass hit the ground, he quickly stretched out his foot to catch it firmly with the sole of his foot. After a while, he carefully returned the wine glass to the table.

He didn't know whether the third Tom was joking or serious.If that guy really rushed in with more than fifty gunmen and fired a burst of fire, wouldn't that be an embarrassing scene?
"Oh oh oh, wonderful acrobatics. Are you really relieving the atmosphere at the scene?" The Great Khan began to applaud.

Captain Plank was even more embarrassed, but as a well-trained aristocratic gold medal male publicist, his smile was even warmer than that of Queen Arrow on the opposite side. Stunt, just to make the lady who is in distress show a happy smile."

The Great Khan nodded: "You are a caring person, Captain Plank. I am really depressed now, but I do smile very heartily. The sadder I am, the more I need to laugh, otherwise there will be no more chances?"

Planck was terrified and wanted to smash his wine glass again.However, after such an episode, the atmosphere of mutual testing before could no longer be maintained.

"I know that you have also received many great gifts from the Enlightened Ones from the silver heart, and you have many relics in your hands. But, even if you don't have these, I will send you to a safe place." Captain Plank said: " This is our promise. The World-Round Serpent is not a good person, but he definitely pays more attention to the spirit of contract than the rulers of the Empire and Alliance!"

"I know. This is the promise of the snake around the world. But aren't they themselves in danger?"

Captain Plank was surprised: "You also got the news here?"

"That's why they really can't protect themselves!" Great Khan also looked shocked.


"Well, this is my guess." Tomiteri Khan twitched the corners of her mouth, as if to ease the embarrassment.However, Captain Plank always felt that the other party was a little gloating.

"I was able to make such a big battle this time, and your organization played a big part in it. The war has progressed to this point, and this can no longer be a secret." The Great Khan said.

Captain Plank nodded.This will not be a secret, at least to the top leaders of various countries.

"If my country can persist, if my country can grow, your organization's help will be greatly rewarded. In the history of the next era, what your organization has done will continue to be hidden in the big era In the transformation of the universe, it is still unknown, and it can still be hidden in a higher dimension, condescendingly observing and interfering with the changes of the universe."

Captain Plank said helplessly: "Your words are too intense for my subordinates. You shouldn't say it to me, an ordinary executor, but you should say it to the big bosses on the thirteen sides, and even the lords. Well."

The Great Khan immediately let out a mournful sigh: "However, my empire is still strangled in the cradle. I am really stupid. I just thought that with the astral sky, it would be difficult for human beings to discover that rich star field." , but I didn't expect that the sky was cracked in just half a year. I only thought that I could rely on the fortress left by the Enlightened One to hold on, but I didn't expect that a genius child who turned out to break through and complete the outflank. Hey ,it's all my fault!"

Perhaps she was really overwhelmed by grief, covered her face and lowered her head: "I really look forward to building a new country with racial equality in the New World, but is this something that the spirit of the universe will not allow?" ?"

Captain Plank nodded with a painful face, and even wiped away tears with the other party, and poured wine for the other party like a well-trained gold medal male publicist: "My mother told me that there is no end to the sky. As long as you're alive, everything will be fine."

"That's why I'm still very grateful to you." The Great Khan wiped his eyes, and instantly switched from lamentation to gloating vicious smile: "But, my empire is gone, will your snake around the world be far behind?"

Captain Plank was sure that the other party's mood was really unstable, and he wanted to smash his glass again.However, he felt that he had already drunk three rounds, and he would not pay attention to some things if he didn't say anything, so he said directly: "The empire, the alliance, oh, and a community has been found, and the powerful countries of mankind have formed a coalition. The attack on our headquarters is about to begin."

"...When?" Great Khan really didn't expect this time, and of course she was really gloating.

"I received the news last week. Although the combined fleet of the three countries is not as massive as the Dawn Expedition, it has concentrated elite battleships and even used colossi. They have all assembled on the channel of the Spiral Cross. The only way to do it is to attack our headquarters! You are right, after your empire is defeated, the next step will be our turn. You guessed it, there is no reason for the mentors and the thirteen-faced boss We couldn't guess it! But, they didn't evacuate in advance..." Planck showed a worried expression.

"However, as a loyal reserve cadre of the organization, I can't do anything. In the New World, even news can only be received through one line."

"Have you really been to the headquarters of your organization? It seems that it is still very highly valued."

"I've been there once. It's really a magical and spectacular venue, like a palace of the gods." Plank showed a lingering expression: "However, I only know that at the spiral cross, as for how to get in and how to get out, it's already I have completely forgotten about it, so it is natural to use a secret method that I cannot understand. I hope that the coalition forces will not be able to decipher it, and after wandering in the spiral cross for a long time, they will only return in vain..."

"Considering what happened to me in the New World, you really shouldn't have such expectations." Khan laughed loudly.

"...You are really the most elegant (crazy) batch (high) (sick) (proud) leader I have ever seen." Captain Plank sighed.He suppressed the helplessness on his face, and said in a firm tone: "But, the organization will survive."

"Will it exist? Even if it is suppressed by the army?"

"Even if the Spiral Cross Nebula turns into a sea of ​​flames." Captain Planck spread his hands and said with a grin, "We existed before the Galactic Civilization Council was established, or even before the era of great interstellar voyages came. 1000 years ago , the headquarters of the organization is only two cities away from the palace of the Eero Empire."

However, the Eero Empire is gone, and the home planet where it originated has been burned to glass, and the territory expanded in the era of great interstellar exploration has turned into the Fermo Star District, which is full of wars.The World-Round Serpent still exists vigorously.

If it was another Elero, he might feel that the other party was mocking and provoking him. At this time, he was already gearing up to cut people.However, Queen Tomiteli, who had already fully understood, nodded her head with sympathy: "No wonder you regard snakes as the totems of the organization!"

The organization does not actually have a totem, and the name also comes from the founder's bad taste.Planck did not continue this question: "No matter what happens in the future, I will strictly implement the orders of the 'Ms. Now'. As long as you are still alive, the Black Snake Pirates and I are obliged to cooperate with your actions. I can Find a way to send you back to the mainland of the galaxy and hand it over to my companion. He must also have a way to send you back to Yinxin. I remember that you also have a nephew who took over after you left. Leader of the remainder of Arrow's fleet."

"He is only 12 years old. However, if the child is a smart member of the Massagetai family, I should use my head to appease people's hearts." The Great Khan still laughed exaggeratedly, as if he was talking about a clown joke.

Captain Plank said: "Then, I can only listen to your next plan. As the executive officer and the leader of the Black Snake, I have the autonomy to choose whether to continue to cooperate with your actions."

The queen of the Eero people, the Great Khan of the Marauders, took a deep look at the pirate captain, covering the lower half of her face with her hands, so that she could stare at Planck's eyes, It became brighter and brighter.

"Captain Planck, do you have a dream?" she asked suddenly.

No, fuck off!Planck is tempted to say that your mental problems are already serious.Planck rolled his eyes in his heart, but said on his mouth: "What a grand narrative a dream is. I dare not think too far. I just hope to do a good job in the promising job of pirates."

"Haha, in fact, I am also like this. As long as you can be a qualified leader of the predators and fight against the predators, your prestige will be able to maintain your life." The Great Khan said: "If you don't get a big Chance, fate will not gift me, and it is impossible for me to have such a magnificent experience! But, now that I think about it, did the spirit of the universe give me a dream, or is it playing with my fate?"

Captain Plank actually didn’t really want to hear a crazy woman put it here to reminisce about the past, but his reason told you that there must be a lot of important information in the other party’s words, so he listened patiently, and he still had a gold medal man. The skills of public relations poured another glass of wine for others.

"On the other side of the earth, there is a famous thief named Earl Black Moon? Do you know?"

"Of course, the immortal demon, the guardian of the black moon of the earthlings, the man that Emperor Elanthel couldn't ask for. The seniors who once organized tried to recruit him, but they couldn't even find anyone. In this way How could I not have heard of the legendary master?" Plank nodded, and then said with a smile: "Personally, I am very fascinated by this kind of thieves, if I don't have a family business to inherit, maybe I will become a thieves too. Yes. However, there are quite a few colleagues in the organization who doubt even his existence."

"He does exist, and he was also my original collaborator." The Great Khan said.

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