Him and their stars

Chapter 1171 New Yumen History Museum

Chapter 1171 New Yumen History Museum
This is indeed very unexpected information!It took Captain Plank 30 seconds to digest the news.Suddenly, he really wanted to hurry up and share the news with those trustworthy and smart companions.Mademoiselle Fantine, for example, is not bad.In addition, my little "Sui Huo" is not bad, but unfortunately, that guy is a fighter and his brain is not very easy to use... Tsk, I don't know if this guy can survive the attack of the coalition forces.

But at this time, the Great Khan over there has already talked about the long past.

"The leader who led the free people of Eero who were finally unwilling to submit to human rule and hid in the center of the galaxy was the ancestor of the Masegtai family, Terenga. At that time, by chance, we got A star map of the ruins of the Enlightened One in the Milky Way. My ancestors tried to open the ruins, but the door was protected by a special phantom array. If you want to enter, you must use drugs to suppress the spiritual reaction in the body within a limited time. Bypass the phantom array and crack the organ."

Captain Plank was silent for a moment, and said, "Then why didn't you go with non-psychics in the first place?"

"Because after unlocking the mechanism, you still have to fight against the guarded virtual spirit in a narrow space. Ordinary people can't cope with this kind of battle."

"Uh, then why not use robots? Don't tell me that you will abide by the treaty of the Civilization Council." Captain Plank said: "Besides, I am not talking about the research on automated combat robots. Our organization's technical reserves are even in the alliance. future laboratory, and on top of the Iron Army complex."

"...There is signal interference there, I'm worried that the robot will be deprived of instructions." Big Khan showed a wild and dangerous smile, and suddenly moved his face closer: "Hey, Brother Planck, are you here?" Do you want to talk to me about cross talk?"

"Well, I'm just trying to ease the mood at the scene." Plank spread his hands with a sad face: "I have not been a bold person since I was a child, and I am most afraid of hearing the treasure-hunting stories of these enlightened people. Some enlightened people The relic agency is completely malicious, and even the real-life haunted house in Tianyu Paradise is just a children's amusement facility compared to this."

"Huanyu Paradise... My biggest dream when I was a child was to go to Tianyu Paradise legally and dignifiedly." The Great Khan sighed faintly, and then it seemed to change his face again and instantly switched to vicious, crazy, ferocious and even With a distorted smile: "Brother Captain, if you want to talk about cross talk, I can stay with you for another whole day."

"In short, that agency needs drugs to suppress spirituality?" Captain Plank quickly recovered a poker face full of emotion.

"That's right, and drugs are needed to overcome the strange poisonous gas in the phantom formation. My ancestors have top-level 'communion' and 'wisdom', and through the analysis of the toxins in the phantom formation, they reversed the release of neutralizing drugs Formula. Unfortunately, there are some raw materials that cannot be produced in our galactic core environment."

If it is a serious technology side, and can reverse the antidote through the composition of the poison, it must have the ability to produce antidote.It is a pity that in this idealistic world, there are many things that can be analyzed with mysticism, but they may not be manufactured.

Captain Planck himself knew that there are some chemicals that require high purity, and the environmental requirements for production are also extremely high.

"Without the help of the Earl of the Black Moon, the Relic of the Enlightened One would probably still be hidden in the shadow of Yinxin," said the Great Khan.

"Is it the medicine provided by Earl Black Moon?"

"To be precise, it is the important raw material of the antidote he provided, disguised as a special smuggled drug for treating type-[-] cosmic radiation sickness. Anyway, the ingredients of the two are very similar." The Great Khan is still very frank:

"With my capable subordinates, I opened the ruins myself. From that ruins, I found the activation code of the star field sky screen, and found the way to my home... Oh, it is called the dawn star field now, right? Yes, we found the passage leading to the Dawn Star Domain, and even obtained a certain control authority of the defensive fortress, so we also controlled some ancient robots left by the Enlightened Ones."

It turns out that those unmanned mining machines and those crystals have been "domesticated" in this way!Captain Plank suddenly realized, but the siren could not help but ring out in his heart.

He still didn't understand why the other party was so honest.Considering that the mental state of the Great Khan's elder sister is a bit unstable, it is difficult to rule out the possibility of silence after speaking, and she suddenly wants to smash the glass again.

However, he still bit the bullet and responded: "So, did you use the secret treasure in the ruins in exchange for cooperation with the humble organization?"

"There are really not many things that can move your heart. Of course, your organization also hopes that I can really establish a country here that can threaten the hegemony of mankind. According to them, this can stir up a pool of stagnant water Ordinary era. Hahahaha, what a grand narrative this is, it clearly treats the universe as a chessboard!" The Great Khan did not hide the irony in his smile:
"I personally don't feel offended, though. It's our choice after all."

Captain Plank nodded: "The triangle is the most stable posture. I agree with Miss Great Prophet's judgment on this point. Maybe the Earl of the Black Moon thinks the same way."

"Or, he just wants me to mess up the empire and the alliance? The immortal devil, the number one grand rogue in the universe, is an earthling after all."

"You don't have much contact with him?" Planck suddenly caught me.

"I only contacted him once. Those medicines were also transported by him on a smuggling ship. My father and grandparents had more contacts, and it is said that they had the experience of not being acquainted." She sighed: "As expected Immortal devil! Captain, do you think he is really immortal? Or some kind of inheritance? Don’t tell me that the World-Round Serpent knows nothing about him.”

Captain Plank twitched his smile: "...According to some information we have learned from special channels, we can already confirm that when the sky was broken, the Earl of the Black Moon did it."

"Really? I thought I was pushed to this point by the god-chosen champion of the earth and the 'Wolf of Dawn' Yeager Sobek of the Empire." It was the first time the Great Khan heard about it. Speaking of this news, he immediately sighed regretfully, and seemed quite sad.

However, she just sighed: "Well, I can understand, and I can only understand. Anyway, I can't go to the undead demon Xingshi now. All my allies and I are using each other No one has the right to betray each other."

We, the Serpent of the World, have not betrayed you, at least not yet.thought Captain Plank.

Speaking of this, the great Khan, who had been wearing a crazy smile all this time, finally suppressed his smile, and said in a serious voice: "But, even if I got to this point, I still failed in the end! I'm so stupid, really. After the sky collapsed, I thought I could hold on to that fortress for a long time. But in fact, after the sky was destroyed, I should have taken all the clansmen to retreat from the direction of the devil's eye. As long as most people can be taken away , Nuo Da’s new continent, can’t we really find a place to live? Anyway, we have all degenerated into nomads.”

Planck also accompanied the other party showing a sad expression.However, he knew that the other party couldn't do it.

The Great Khan was able to promise everyone a stable and prosperous homeland, and persuade the marauder warlords to follow him to launch a 200 million light-year expedition.When they really passed through the sky and reached the Dawn Star Domain, Queen Tomiteri's prestige also reached its peak.But at the same time, the suffocated breath of the predators just disappeared.

When they really start to build settlements on those planets, cultivate farms, and even start to build kindergartens, primary schools, and gardens, it will be impossible to abandon these bottles and jars and embark on an unknown expedition again.

"Then, what happened to the Miracle Ring?"

"Oh, that's how you describe it now? Hahahaha, it's a sacred object left by the Enlightened Ones. You can understand it as a construction connection platform for a super-large space city."

"...But even so, the scale of this thing is beyond everyone's imagination, right?"

"Yeah, I was frightened when I saw the information. Just the modules that are currently available are enough for hundreds of billions of people to live affluently. The ring world is covered by a small canopy, and the opened mechanism It’s in my hands. Hahahaha, I originally thought of using it as the private land of the Errow clan, so I didn’t tell the warlords and the chapter leaders under me.”

What about building a new empire of multi-racial equality?Sure enough, it was "what happened in the Six Dynasties, it was only a private scheme of the family"!In fact, the highly educated Captain Planck thought of an ancient poem of the League, but the wise observers only need to grasp the spirit.

In short, he did feel a little sad.

You know, at the beginning, he was still thinking that if the new empire could stabilize, he would join an official privateer, and even enjoy the title of title.

"However, since my empire has already perished, why let this secret be annihilated in the universe? I closed the sky, and I made a little contribution to the galaxy at that time. After all, the galaxy is also mine Hometown." Great Khan showed a sacred smile full of mission.

"You are a great man. Both the empire and the community will thank you." Planck said sincerely.

"The Alliance will do it too." Great Khan grinned.But then, her smile collapsed again, and she said in a voice almost choked up: "But, this is obviously the home prepared for my fellow Eleros? It is the first time I have found a stable territory, and the first time I have found a homeland." The foundation of the emperor. My new empire can be established, and the royal power of the Massagetai family will be indestructible. The combination of these two happy things will bring me more happiness. What I got, should have been It's a dreamlike time! But why did it become like this?"

Captain Plank moved his chair tactically.I don't know why, but now he really wants to kill the opponent, but he knows that he will not be able to beat him, so he can only endure it.

Queen Tomiteri said again: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomy .I just sent the most powerful subordinates to bury these hidden dangers in advance, but I didn't expect to remind the empire and the people of the earth. Wuwuwu, it's all my fault, why did I do so much?"

Plank quickly took the wine glass in his hand, and subconsciously looked outside the door.He is also a psychic. Although he is not strong, he should be able to sense whether there are subordinates outside the door.But facing this crazy woman, he couldn't help but slow down his breathing a few beats, let alone extend his spiritual sense.

Forget it, I pretended to be X, even if I was kneeling and punching, I still had to work hard to persevere.Captain Plank said this to himself, so he once again showed the professionalism of a gold medal male publicist, and said with a pleasant face: "Actually, you have also said that you still have life. Then, the universe is actually big enough for you Those who live through the years to come safely. I think that only those who persist in being happy are called ideals. Those who persist only in pain are obsessions."

"Your words remind me of my best friend. It is the first time in my life that someone can make me feel like an equal friend. She is a person with deep obsession! I have persuaded her many times But it still can't be resolved, and we can only part ways in the end." The Great Khan said.

Planck thought to himself, indeed, the most difficult thing for a human being is self-knowledge!

"Hey hey, then, Captain Plank, do you think I'm an obsessive person?

Planck thought to himself, don't you know?But if such words are said, will this crazy critic beat him to death on the spot?Fortunately, Queen Tomiteri didn't wait for him to hesitate for too long, so she chuckled, turned her wrist, and a key-like object appeared in her hand.

"I got two pieces of nano-armor from the ruins of the Enlightened One. It can be transformed from a power armor, a close-fitting armor, and a small flying shuttle that can jump. The power bonus for psykers exceeds most The mainstream heraldry machine. I have a total of three pieces, one for my own use, one for your mentor, Ms. Now, and the last one, I will give it to you."

Captain Plank was very moved, but there was a smile on his face: "Then, Your Majesty, what is the price?"

"Take me to Xinyumen. Didn't you agree to cooperate with me? If you go to Xinyumen, no matter what the result is, I will never pester you and the snake around the world." Tomiteri The Queen said kindly.

"...Well, do you want to go to the ruins of the Enlightened One? The ruins where the clues of the sky are buried?" Captain Plank said.

Queen Tomiteri smiled and nodded.

"The ruin where the great dramatist died because of it?"

"If he is interested, he can talk about it earlier? As long as we cooperate, maybe we can eliminate the hidden danger of the sky, and he can also get the inheritance of other enlightened people inside. Really, why didn't you say it earlier? It is absolutely possible You said it. If you don't say it earlier, there will be no problems?" Big Khan began to read like a nagging aunt.

"...Then, there are some small problems here. Your Majesty, it's really not that I don't want to." The captain scratched his head, opened his terminal directly, and pulled out a projection.

"This is the news footage recorded last month, er, 12 days ago, when we went to Xinyumen for purchases. It was recorded by the local TV station of the Planetary Government."

But on that screen, there are two robot dolls with simple and majestic appearance, standing like gods on the wasteland of Xinyumen.Well-informed people in the industry can tell at a glance that the mechanical doll, which is more than [-] meters high, is a typical Enlightenment style, full of vicissitudes of history and a heavy feeling.It should be made by imitating the ancient statues or "abandoned" robots in the ruins.

It should be fake.It can't be true, can it?

Then, I saw these two majestic metal statues, one on the left and one on the right, pulling up a huge banner, which read "New Yumen Museum of Ancient History".

(End of this chapter)

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