Him and their stars

Chapter 1172 The Wolf of Dawn

Chapter 1172 The Wolf of Dawn
"...New Yumen Museum of Ancient History?" The Great Khan understood the Chinese characters on it, then turned his head stiffly like a robot that didn't get enough oil, and looked at the captain in confusion.

"Yes, the museum. When I went to Xinyumen to inquire about the news last time, I went to see it. Most of the relics have been developed. The entrance fee is only 20 yuan, and it is free for humans under the age of 12. There are three floors in the basement. Food stalls and drink shops have settled in, and the souvenir shop is still being repaired.”


"Besides, there are already quite a few tourists now, and there are also professional inspection teams from Gibraltar. I saw Professor Taimats from Imperial Shire Memorial University last time. He is an authority on the archaeological research of enlightened people." !” Captain Planck added.

Both of them felt that there must be something strange about this matter.Of course, no matter how self-conscious they are, they won't really feel that this matter will have anything to do with them.

"...I didn't know that the local government of Xinyumen had the right to turn such a large-scale relic of the Enlightened One into a museum."

"I don't know. However, Xinyumen is still under military control. It is said that the new mayor will not dare to take office for a while, and now he is still under military control. The person in charge is Lieutenant General Carter, the logistics director of the Commonwealth Expeditionary Army. Since It's the military control, maybe they can do it on their own?"

The Great Khan said that he had never heard of it: "Most of the generals on this side of the earth are not worth mentioning. Even General Connors, who is the commander, is nothing more than a vulgar bureaucrat."

Seeing the other party's surprised eyes, she added: "He was the admiral of the squadron in the Cantilever Fleet for a period of time, and I fought against him. As a commander, his actions are rigid but inflexible, and he lacks a few skills in command. Very decisive... Hehe, I, a defeated general who has wiped out the entire army, do I look like an ignorant and fearless lunatic when I evaluate the opponent's commander in this way?"

You are still a little self-aware.thought Captain Plank.

"But in fact, the earth's military is actually only Yang Xiyi and Yu Lian to be afraid of. Fortunately, one of them is far away in that fortress, and the other has already returned to the mainland of the galaxy. The Xinyumen should be safe."

The implication is that Lieutenant General Carter is just a good guy just by his name, so he shouldn't pose too much threat.

"However, Xinyumen's garrison has already consolidated the strength of more than a dozen divisions, and has also laid a large-scale orbital battery on the orbit of the planet."

"Uh, what about this... guard?" Queen Tomiteri showed a surprised expression.He was not surprised by the strength of the troops, but by the other party, who would specifically mention the garrison, a mob that maintains local law and order.

"The formation of these guards is the No.30 Eighth Division of the Commonwealth Marine Corps."

Although this newly created Marine Corps division didn't have much time to fight, it was also an elite who had repeatedly made military exploits. Of course, Queen Tomiteri had heard of this name.

"It turned out to be that army! Really, it is obviously a sturdy warrior composed of Shamin and Lumina people, but they are willing to be human lackeys, isn't it too spiritless?"

"...I don't know about the Lumina people, but those Lumina officers are more fierce than most human officers. As for the Sandman soldiers, they were actually the shepherds and gladiators of various chiefs and city-state kings in the past. Now they are all citizens of New Yumen, and the family is divided into pastures and livestock. Many people even have shares in the newly built factories." Captain Plank explained solemnly: "Tsk tsk tsk, open a warehouse to release grain, It is common to rob the rich and give to the poor, but I always feel that this time is different."

Tomiteli pondered for a moment: "Mr. Captain, do you want to tell me that if I had observed their administration in Xinyumen, maybe the end would have been different?"

Captain Plank shook his head and said: "Impossible. The governance methods of this wave of earthlings seem very simple. They are nothing more than opening warehouses to release food, but in fact there should be other, very important articles, which are not so easy. Copied. What matters is that fate didn't give you enough time."

"Yeah, fate has given us hope, but it insists on sending down my nemesis." Tomiteri had to agree, and immediately showed a sad expression with half smiling and half crying, and Captain Plank almost went to hell again. Going to smash the wine glass.

With this facial expression management ability, it is very promising to be an actor!thought Captain Plank.

"So, are you still going?"

"It's actually more interesting."

"Well, although the documents and portraits about your sea capture have been spread all over the world, even on an exploration planet with only a dozen people, if you are really willing to take the risk of being exposed, I can also accompany you for a while. This is the promise of the snake around the world, and we are also very particular about the spirit of the contract."

"Don't worry, I have a way to hide." Big Khan said with a smile: "The big deal is that I will pay for the museum ticket, 20 yuan per person, right?"

Captain Plank sighed with a smile on his face.In all fairness, Xinyumen is getting more and more lively now, but the security of the entire galaxy is also getting tighter.He really didn't want to go anywhere, especially with a most wanted criminal in the sky.

However, he thinks he is a decent person who keeps his promises, and it is impossible to break the contract, and it will be impossible in the next life, so he can only make more preparations in advance.

While he was still thinking about it, the door of the captain's room was pushed open, and it was Miss Fantine, the second in charge, who came in.As for the captain of the ship, Uncle Tom, the third head of the Black Snake Pirates, was still guarding the door.Of course, he didn't rush in with a group of bandits armed with live ammunition and just shoot, but looked at the Great Khan curiously.

"I've seen this younger sister before." San Dangjia said.

"Oh, have you seen it?" Queen Tomiteri suddenly became interested.

"Well, I didn't rely on the Maritime Academy back then. I worked as a sailor on a smuggling ship for two years, and I met a lady from Eero, who is very similar to you."

To be honest, this kind of old-fashioned approach to strike up a conversation is quite disgusting. In normal times, the head of the third family might be knocked off by the queen.But now, as a crazy critic, the latter still asked with interest: "Then do you still remember her name?"

"Who knows, memories and names have already been buried in smoke and dust."

Miss Fantine sighed, nodded to the Great Khan as a salute, then lowered her voice and said: "There is a signal from the gravity well, and an imperial fleet has entered this galaxy. Looking at the outline, it includes heavy cruisers and aircraft carriers. "

The corner of Queen Tomiteri's forehead trembled, her expression didn't change too much, but Captain Plank's expression looked a little ugly.

"Keep the signal silent. Move the ship behind the asteroid, turn off the engines and anti-gravity systems. Also, put everyone on the ship with anti-g suits and compressed oxygen bags."

"This, I've already ordered it. It's just..." The Erdangjia showed a troubled look.

San Dangjia directly added: "Our Honest Man is still a legal armed merchant ship, and it is registered with the Shipping Association. The armed merchant ships of the Standard Shipping Association, unless they encounter special circumstances, should turn on the active signal source." .”

"So, so what?"

"So the signal source of Candide is always on." Miss Fantine pressed her forehead.

"The Imperial Fleet has already sent an active signal. Commander, you gentleman is magnanimous!" The third master grinned, showing his uneven teeth.

These measures are actually for shipping safety.In this way, legal ships passing by at the wrong peak will not suspect or suspect a firefight due to misunderstanding, and if something happens, they can issue a distress signal in advance.In addition, when passing through customs, it can also remind relevant departments to prepare in advance to improve work efficiency.

But they are pirates!Although the Candide Uncle Tom is still a "legal" merchant ship, why is it so obedient?

Captain Plank was about to get mad, but the other party reminded: "This is your order."

Well, this is indeed an order from Captain Plank himself, in order to allow Candide to have a spotless and perfect cruising history-after all, legal merchant ships will be inspected every three to five years.If it is found in the logbook that there is an act of actively shutting down the electromagnetic wave signal outside of an emergency, it is possible to deduct points and fines.

But they never expected that the imperial fleet would appear at this time.You must know that although this galaxy is located on the New World Highway, it is a barren galaxy with no earth-like planets, no colonies, and not even rich mineral resources.And because it is on a branch road, it is not even considered a traffic hub.

Captain Plank was only going to hang around here for a few hours before picking up the Great Khan and leaving.

However, who thought that the imperial fleet would appear here?
However, no matter how hard it is to understand, the other party's signal has already been sent, so we can't continue to pretend to be stupid.Captain Plank and the second leader arranged for the old bandits on board to hide, while the third leader who had no criminal record returned to his loyal bridge and connected to the communication signal sent by the other party.

Immediately afterwards, a young general dressed in the exquisite and majestic uniform of an imperial senior officer appeared on the light curtain. He was of medium build, with an ordinary appearance (according to the standards of imperial nobles), and a gentle temperament.

... Well, not quite like an imperial general, but more like a low-level civil servant in a technical post.

Then, the imperial officer said: "I am Major General Yeager Soback, leading the fleet to conduct daily patrols. Please don't be nervous."

"Yeah... Lord Sobaek?" Captain Tom was startled: "Is that Lord Sobaek?"

"You're welcome. I should be that Sobaek. Dare I ask you, is there..."

"Is that the wise and courageous Dawn Wolf? The 'Dawn Wolf', also known as the 'Dawn Dragon'?" Captain Tom was even more surprised.

How is this mediocre?It is clearly the demeanor of a calm and restrained wise man!How could this be just a gentle temperament?It is clearly the demeanor of a Confucian general who is neither arrogant nor impetuous!

"What the hell is this nickname? Who is the Dragon of Dawn?" Sobaek couldn't help but shouted.

"What the hell, I'm just an ordinary pirate, why did you dispatch the Wolf of Dawn to suppress me?" Captain Plank, who also listened to the entire conversation, couldn't help scratching his hair.

"This, this is unscientific! The Wolf of Dawn is at least the commander of the empire's squadron, right? Why did he come to this kind of routine culture in person?" Miss Fantine frowned and said, "There must be something strange about this matter. !"

Queen Tomiteri also began to pretend to think: "So, did he find something and want to observe it for himself? For a smart person, it is completely possible to learn from the micro-expression, tone and words of the other party through dialogue." A lot of information has been captured. I'm not sure if Major General Sobaek is this type, but since he is an elite general with both civil and military skills, Yu Lian also admits that he is his old enemy..."

"You must not take it lightly!" Fantine gritted her teeth: "Papa Tom's tone is very strict, but he may not be the opponent of the Wolf of Dawn!"

(End of this chapter)

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